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GTA Liberty City Secrets


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Yeah I've got zmodeler its ok for a while but then it says it want to close sad.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone just to let you know this mod still isn't dead lol I recently got my self 3ds max and have been playing around with it, I've sort of made a start on the Greenwood police car..........


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Yes its a long way off looking like this pic... lol but hey its a start biggrin.gif



I want to get it so the light is standing on some supports ect... but I got the texture from the pic what K9 underdog posted, I know the model may look a little crappy but its took me all week to figure out how 3ds max works lol, I'm hoping this will be my first successful 3ds max project smile.gif


and yes I'm going to shape the light a bit better (and re sized ect) and re-texture the whole car smile.gif




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A little update on the Greenwood police car.............


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I didn't realise texturing was such a pain in the back side but I seem to have done it I copied the door and cut out the parts I needed and added the texure then attached it to the door, I'm going to change the colour so the front is black, the middle is white and the rear end is black, if you notice I have also re-shaped the roof light to make it look more like the car in the pic............................ sorry its taking me ages, but I'm new to max and modeling lol



Let me know what you think.




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Actually you are doing great!! colgate.gif and the rooflight is perfect. Yah, texturing IS a paying in the backside, I never even bothered to learn how to do it (I don't know about 3D Max, my only experience was in Zmodeler, just converting cars from GTA to Midtown Madness sigh.gif ) It's gonna look awesome, black and white Dodge Diplomat cop cars are beautiful.

Edited by k9underdogg
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Great stuff icon14.gif btw the body would look good with 2-tone paintwork like the real thing has.

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Thanks guys smile.gif


Mr Myriad: I want to make a release soon, but I don't want it to be rushed lol but it shouldn't be too long, would be nice to hear feedback on it smile.gif



Frank.S: I'm still trying to figure out how to change the carcols map so the colours are in the correct place: black front and back and white middle, like the original LCPD cars.... thanks for the comments, any advise on modeling is welcome smile.gif as I'm a bit of a 'noob' to it tounge.gif

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I'm still trying to figure out how to change the carcols map so the colours are in the correct place: black front and back and white middle, like the original LCPD cars.... thanks for the comments, any advise on modeling is welcome smile.gif as I'm a bit of a 'noob' to it tounge.gif

It's explaned here, at the bottom:


GTAMODDING wikia Carcols


But it only works with Zmodeler whatsthat.gif

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On 3ds/gmax, Kams scripts adds a material for carcols however i haven't used that material before so i can't help any further.

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Thanks for the link mate, I'm looking through a 3ds tutorial on that at the moment, but I may used ZM thanks again icon14.gif

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On 3ds/gmax, Kams scripts adds a material for carcols however i haven't used that material before so i can't help any further.

Sorry Frank.S didn't see your post, I'll go have a look smile.gif



Thanks again icon14.gif




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I thought I'd just try it to see if it works in game, but it crashes?


I've looked around for exporting tutorials, but all I can find is SA ones sad.gif

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sad.gif well, I don't know, I guess you can give the model to a modeler that you trust and ask them to try to fix it, or maybe post in the III Modelling section and show screens of your model in 3Ds Max (maybe it's some part of the model with a wrong name or something like that).


Your mod is set in the 80s, right? You know that in Vice City at a three star wanted level, those two cops came driving a Ferrari and they were a parody of Miami Vice. I think in the Liberty City mod they were replaced by generic cops. Well I think it would be cool if you turned them into cops from the game N.A.R.C. cool.gif You know, those two guys that drove a red Porsche and looked like power rangers

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The game was quite popular in the 80s. Maybe you can replace the "vicechee" car with a red Comet (maybe add some useless machine guns to the car with 3Ds Max) and replace the vice cops with the narc guys tounge2.gif The files for those cops are vice01.dff and txd, vice02.dff, vice03.dff, etc. I don't know, it's just a silly suggestion since it's the 80s turn.gif

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Thanks mate,


I'm sure I've made a really silly mistake that sits there laughing at me lol Frank.S said he'll have a look to see what is causing it so I've sent him the files smile.gif


I knew there would be "teething problems" no big deal smile.gif


Meanwhile I'm adding some more map objects smile.gif about the vicechee thing I have something in mind for that biggrin.gif




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about the vicechee thing I have something in mind for that  biggrin.gif


Cool! biggrin.gificon14.gif good luck with the car, and keep listening to 80s music to stay in the mood wink.gif

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Will do mate.......... that was the decade I was born in anyways smile.gif

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  • 1 month later...

wow everything is awesome but is this dead or?

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Nah its not dead, just moving slowly, I've been busy of late, but every now and again it speeds up lol


Thanks for asking smile.gif




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  • 1 month later...
Yellow Jacket

Guess he's working in secret tounge.gif (or maybe it's dead like everything else here, but I hope not) GTA Vice City had the most fun to play engine in my opinion, so this mod would rock hard!

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Calm ur pants. Were working on it.

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  • 7 months later...

Hello everyone,


Just letting you know this isn't dead and neither am I lol, infact I've been learning 3dsmax and have been spending rather a lot of time working on an interior (just for practise) however, its mostly textured, just needs scaling ect.. I'll post some screen shots later on for those who are interested, If I should suddenly dissapear again, don't be disappointed, because the chances are I'm working on the mod smile.gif




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Nice, looking foward to seeing that.

Also, take a look at other TC first posts, they are formatted and arranged neatly with the latest pictures + news + updates. Your main first post has info + pictures but the arrangement could do with improvement. wink.gif

Edited by Frank.s
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Glad you are still alive, dawg biggrin.gif

Take your time, modding is just for fun and to clear your mind.

Edited by The.Stranger
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Here we have it an admiral xs this will be the triad gang car


Model By Suction Testicle Man


Thank you for the contributions


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I have made an ad texture you can't see it because the tree is the way

but is says "DENGERATRON2"


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I have changed the text in american.gxt


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I Figured This Would Be a Nice Adittion To The Mod

(FBI Admiral)


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I have re mapped the area of easy credit autos, so it is now a junk yard, I have also added different coloured junk cars and a few exploding barrels, the path around the ferry port is sort of fixed, cars now drive around it ect..



Map Update:

In 1987 the Callahan bridge didn't exist, it was built around 1997-'98.

Portland side has been removed, working on the Staunton Island side atm.


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Map Update:

Ray gets a safehouse in Staunton Island, the ground floor has a room with an elevator to get to Rays apartment.

The basic ground floor is done, more generic objects will be added after the apartment's made.


Screens of the progress:

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This mods version of GTALC had a few bugs with the 'Dynamic Objects' like smashable glass, all streetlights and St Mark's Bistro outside benches but they are all fixed now.


Signature Image:


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This what I've done to the area where Frank removed the bridge (ignore the billboards I'll fix 'em later LOL!)



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And a recent one by me - the apartment interior, where you will save your game on Staunton, a special thanks to Frank.S

for filling the hole where the bridge was and creating a ground floor entrance to the apartment, fixing a few bugs and coding, thanks to jojo for the younger Ray texture and Cubanwhip for writing the storyline


Just a simple bit of text in sig size, the code is the picture as a link to this topic.

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