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//:_Official Army Of Two Discussion_:\\

Napalm Jason

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TEoS has invented a new psyops strategy - the "Air Guitar Rape" maneuver. It's particularly effective in confined spaces such as elevators.



Voodoo tries to flee but cannot escape the fist pound.

Damn you to hell!!



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Should i get this? Is it like Co-Op online? Like 2 players can go online?

Pretty sure you can, but I think online is region restricted (Americans can only play Americans, Australians can only play Australians, etc).


I've been interested in this game, is it anywhere near as good as Gears of War? If so I might Rent/Buy it.

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I didn't even touch the single player and went to the multiplayer straight away with my mates and oh man what a lag fest it was, at times we had a decent game but the majority of the time it was impossible to play.


Still a pretty good game through i'm about to start the campaign now smile.gif.

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I'm getting this game tomorrow and I'm looking for a companion for a Co-op play, so is anyone interested?

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This games looks amazing.


Kind of like Lost Planet, if you think about it.

How is it like Lost Planet? I've thought about it and I'd still like to know.

Sorry I'm late, but it does have the same basics.

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This games looks amazing.


Kind of like Lost Planet, if you think about it.

How is it like Lost Planet? I've thought about it and I'd still like to know.

Sorry I'm late, but it does have the same basics.

Thanks for clearing that up..

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Sorry I'm late, but it does have the same basics.

What both games have bad guys and guns?. Army of Two is nothing like Lost Planet.


Anyway just completed the first 4 levels on co-op and the last part of the 4th mission was awesome. Looking forward to finishing the last 2 missions. Just been going around collecting all of those secret suitcase things, i've found all of them for the first 4 missions so far.


At first the aiming seemed very loose but i've grown to control it now and it's not as bad.


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Don't really care either way. Both are good games.

Thank goodness. I was worried.



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Someone with Professional unlocked want to do a run through with me? The partner AI is making it kind of difficult. I'm on China now, but I'd be willing to start over.


GT is Malfy, by the way.

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I've finally beaten the campaign in single player, split screen co-op and online co-op and online co-op is by far the best option to play the game. Split screen is hard to do as it gets confusing at times.


I don't think there's been a game out lately that's made me play the campaign three times in very quick concession, it's a quality game and lots of fun playing with your mates.

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Finally finished this bitch on professional and I've got to say that parts of it were absolutely brutal. I don't remember the last time I was so glad to be done with a game. Dang.


"This time we gotta play it close, bro." - meta


'Nuff said.



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I've found it quite easy so far on Professional. confused.gif


Unless Miami is impossible.

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Napalm Jason
I've found it quite easy so far on Professional. confused.gif


Unless Miami is impossible.

Are you doing human player coop or AI?

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I'm about to complete it for the fourth time but this time on professional.


I'm about to enter the SSC building, so i'm not that far away from completing it. To be honest i've found the game quite easy on professional, i' sometimes struggle on the hard difficulty of games but not this time.


The SSC building was a bitch at times to do on contractor so doing it on professional will take a bit of patience. Oh and i've been using the AI as my buddy.


Edit: Finally finished the game on professional difficulty.

Edited by Seddo
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I've found it quite easy so far on Professional. confused.gif


Unless Miami is impossible.

Are you doing human player coop or AI?

AI. Still not played it coop. Gutted. confused.gif

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  • 1 year later...

hey guys im looking for players with headsets so we can do co-op


add Jackal1337

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