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The Chain Story


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Runs outta there and looks for a good vantage point. He finishes off all them with Sniper Rifle but after looking inside the place there's no sign of Denise.


1. He calls the police to go after Denise and take her to jail.

2. He calls Denise and tells her that she's a "f*ckin' slut deserving to die."

3. He plans to kill Denise if he finds her.

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He plans to kill Denise if he finds her. The next day he goes to Las Venturas. He decides to take Millie out on a date. When CJ's dropping her off home, there's a Hustler following them. "Uh, Carl," says Millie. "I think someone's stalking us!" CJ looks behind to see Denise in the car. He goes up to her car and...


1. Pulls her out of the car. He's about to kill her when Millie stops him. Then, Denise runs away.

2. Asks Denise nicely to go away and never return. But, Denise says that she wasn't even following them, it was just a coincident.

3. Shoots through the windshield. The bullets from his uzi hits Denise's head. She gets out of the car and falls to the ground, headless.

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Shoots through the windshield. Denise is headless...


1. Denise is history now!

2. Denise can get a new head put for the headless spot but she'll become handicap.

3. Denise is history and Millie jumps on her corpse.

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Denise can get a new head put for the headless spot but she'll become handicap.

As Carl begins to walk away, the headless body gets up and attacks him with a shovel! He then...

1. Places a remote explosive where Denise's head should be, runs away and KABOOM.

2. Pushes the body into a mud puddle, then shoots it once with a Desert Eagle. It dosen't move again.

3. Decides to at least bring her to the hospital, then kill her.

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Places a remote explosive where Denise's head should be, runs away and KABOOM. Now Denise injuried body is almost in flames. Carl...


1. Puts the body up in full flames with a flame thrower. The body will almost freezes and the clothes are messed up, so only her skeleton shows. There's no way it can recover.

2. Takes the body into the back of his car and buries it with concrete and sand in Las Brujas.

3. Denise is gone and there's no way she can recover from these injuries.

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WTF!?! Are you guys high or something lol? j/k tounge.gif


Carl takes the body into the back of his car and buries it with concrete and sand in Las Brujas. Millie honks the horn because she is becoming impatient. CJ gets ready to leave when a bloody arm comes out of the ground and grabs his ankle. "Ahhhhh!" Yells CJ. "Its alive!" Millie screams and drives away, leaving CJ for dead. What the f*ck happened?


1. Denise's body is still not dead. She wants CJ's blood.

2. Eddie Pulaski's body was resurrected and he wants to have his revenge.

3. It was Maccer and Kent Paul, playing a trick on CJ.

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It was Maccer and Kent, tricking CJ. So he looks after Denise body


1. She dead 4 life and they live.

2. It's only sand there left.

3. It's dead and Carl wants to draw it.

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She is dead, and the rest of them live. "Alright, how 'bout we move on this now?" CJ says, and everyone agrees, so CJ returns to Grove Street to concentrate on business there.


• He finds the Ballas have raided Grove Street.

• He finds the Vagos have raided Grove Street.

• He finds the Rifas have raided Grove Street.

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He finds Rifa have raided Grove Street. So Carl goes back calling some Varrios and Triads to come and kick ass.


1. Rifa have been too strong and carry shotguns.

2. Only Carl and some Triads are left, the rest are killed.

3. T-Bone is within the Rifa's and he wants to take revenge for the fact CJ killed him.

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Only Carl and some triads are left, the rest are killed. CJ looks around to see dead bodies everywhere! Not just Rifa, but his own men, too. Suddenly, Triads drop dead, without heads. CJ looks up to see snipers on the roofs. He hides behind a car and phones up Cesar. "Homie, its me Carl!" Yells CJ. "I need more men!" By the time Cesar arrives...


1. CJ's body is on the floor in a puddle of blood. He's headless.

2. CJ is standing there covered with blood. He said he already killed the snipers.

3. Woozie has arrived with Triad back-up.

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Woozie's back up have arrived.


1. The Rifas are suddenly trying to escape.

2. Their M4/AK/Sniper ammo's finished and now the Rifa only carry pistols.

3. Cesar's men arrive and Grove's reclaim Ganton.

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The Rifas are suddenly trying to escape. The Triads stop them and they surrender, but CJ kills them saying "Idiots! All of them!" " CJ, it's advised to calm down." Woozie says. What does CJ do next?


1. Walk away.


2. Responds to Woozie.


3. Nothing, they all split up.

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Responds to Woozie. Carl


1. Points a gun at him

2. Tells Cesar that Woozie is a great man..

3. He responds positively.

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Carl responds positively. He says "Alright, Wu Zi Mu! Let's be all Mr. Calm!" Woozie sniffs sarcasm, and he

1. Shoots CJ's arm

2. Shoves a lit cocktail in CJ's mouth

3. Takes a grenade, and throws it in CJ's shirt pocket.

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Shoots CJ's arm.. Carl says

1. What are you doing, dude?

2. I'm gonna shot your f*cking teeth out.

3. Ohhhhhhhh "ahhhh"..

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Carl says, "What are you doing, dude? Get me to a hospital!" Woozie walksaway and Cesar tends to CJ's wounds. "It'll be okay, CJ," says Cesar. "You just need some rest." After a long nap, CJ tries to call Woozie. He doesn't want to stay angry at him. They had a good friendship, and he doesn't want to lose it. Woozie...


1. Doesn't answer CJ's calls. He doesn't want to talk to him.

2. Answers the phone and says he apologizes for putting CJ's life in risk.

3. Shoots the phone with his gun and starts having a temper tantrum.

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Answers the phone and apologizes. Woozie then..


1. Goes back to his home at Chinatown

2. Tries to spread the Triads at LV

3. Wants to give up the casino.

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Woozie then goes back to his home at Chinatown. He calls CJ and asks if he'd like to do some work for him. In a few days, CJ and Woozie do business together. It turns out that the Da Nang Boys are having a shoot-out with the Red Gecko Tong. CJ and Woozie must help! They...


1. Go to the location of the shoot-out with Triad back-up.

2. Go in a helicopter piloted by Guppy. They're gonna use the chain gun to destroy the Da Nang.

3. Take Su Xi Mu with them and get into position with sniper rifles.

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Go to the location of the shoot-out with Triad back-up.


But no-one's there, just CJ, Wu Zi Mu, and a load of Triads. It's a trap, laid by Woozie to kill CJ.


- Carl makes a run for.

- Carl is gunned down mercilessly.

- CJ tries to fight back, but he's came unarmed - Woozie was supposed to hand him an AK.

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Carl makes a run for it. "After him!" Yells Woozie. The Triad goons go after him. Eventually, CJ stops at a dead end. He looks around to see the Triads surrounding him. Out of nowhere, Woozie appears. "Carl," says Woozie. "Nice try. But, I'm afraid we have to kill you." All guns point to CJ and...


1. Out of the blue, a PCJ-600 jumps from one of the roofs. Its Cesar! He's come to rescue CJ.

2. The Triads open fire. CJ is gunned down mercilessly on the streets of San Fierro.

3. A helicopter arrives, being flown by the Da Nang Boys. It turns out that the Da Nang still want to kill the Triads!

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Out of the blue, a PCJ-600 jumps from one of the roofs. Its Cesar! He's come to rescue CJ. As Ceaser lands on the ground, he yells ''Get in, homie!'' CJ jumps on the bike, and they drive out of the alley. Carl takes out his uzi, and shoots at following Triad cars. He soon sees that Woozie is in one. He shoots that one about 15 times when

1. It ignotes. It seems as thogh no one is alive in the car.

2. Woozie knocks CJ off the bike with a Desert Eagle bullet.

3. The bike crashes into an ice cream truck.

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Woozie knocks CJ off the bike with a Desert Eagle bullet. CJ falls to the ground, while Cesar runs for his life. However, CJ is not dead, yet. But, he lost a lot of life! Woozie's car drives over him. He's badly wounded and the Triads think that he's dead. So, they continue to chase Cesar. CJ gets up and...


1. Yells for help. Soon, an ambulance arrives and takes CJ to the hospital.

2. Fires at Woozie's car's tires with his uzi. The tires pop and Woozie's car crashes.

3. Decides to give up. He points his uzi at his head and blows his own brains out.

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Yells for help. Soon, an ambulance arrives and takes CJ to the hospital. Once there, CJ gets patches up and Cesar calls "CJ! Woozie is after me! I need backup, go to the National Depot and quickly, i hear them coming!" CJ rushes out the Hopsital doors and gets in his car, he heads over to the depot to find...


1. Cesar badly injured.


2. Wu Zi Mu about to shoot Cesar.


3. Cesar perfectly fine.

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Cesar badly injured. He's on the floor, in a puddle of blood. CJ quickly puts him in his car and drives back to the hospital. CJ takes him to the emergency room and the doctors take over from there. As Cesar passes by, he mutters, "CJ, I'm sorry." While CJ is waiting for Cesar to get patched up...


1. He goes outside to find Katie on break. He decides to take her out on a date.

2. He goes to the local Burger Shot because he hasn't eaten for a while, and his health is going down slowly.

3. He goes to gangbang on the Da Nang Boys, who are pretty close by.

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He goes to the local Burger Shot because he hasn't eaten for a while, and his health is going down slowly. CJ ate quickly, then returned to the Hosptial to find out that Cesar...


1. Was kidnapped.


2. Knocked out of his bed.


3. Ran out of the Hopstial, screaming "Where's CJ?!"



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Ran out of the hospital, screaming, "Where's CJ!?!" "Homie," says Carl. "I'm right here." "You fool!" Screams Cesar. "I waited forever for you." They have a little argument, and Cesar decides to take a taxi to a nearby apartment in Doherty. CJ feels ashamed and goes to check on his garage at Doherty. He sees some Rifa hanging out there and...


1. Decides to kill them. They don't deserve to be on his property.

2. Leaves them alone. He just wants a nice car to drive around San Fierro.

3. Runs them over with his car. They all die and a nearby cop saw everything. Now, CJ has a wanted level.

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Leaves them alone. He just wants a nice car to drive around San Fierro. CJ grabs an Jester and drifts around San Fierro's docking area. Some Da Nang's saw CJ and they...


1. Just watched CJ drift.


2. Shoot at CJ and CJ dies, respawns at SF hospital.


3. Shoot at CJ, but CJ responds quickly and kills them.

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Shoot at CJ, but CJ responds quickly and kills them. He runs into them and they die. He tries to leave the docking area really quickly. Then, he decides to see Cesar. But, he doesn't want anything to do with CJ. So, CJ leaves. He goes to visit Woozie, when suddenly...


1. The Triads attack him. CJ forgot that him and the Triads are enemies now!

2. A random plane crashes in San Fierro, causing major mayhem. CJ makes it out of the way, just in time.

3. A streetcar smashes into CJ's car. It goes flying and lands upside down. CJ crawls out, as it catches fire.

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A random plane crashes in San Fierro, causing major mayhem. CJ makes it out of the way, just in time. People were screaming, The SFPD, arrived with SWAT protection, shooting at the pilots who have guns, CJ hijacks a car and drives to see his airport in the desert...


1. At the airport, the C.I.A. return to kill CJ.


2. At the airport, The Truth appears.


3. At the airport, Mike Toreno appears.

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At the airport, The Truth appears. CJ looks up to the sky to see an aged hippie flying a jetpack. "Hey, Carl!" Says The Truth, as he lands. "Want some green goo?" "Nah, man," replies CJ. "I'm not really into the drugs thing." "What drugs, man?" Answers The Truth. "This is not a drug." All of a sudden...


1. Mike Toreno appears, out of nowhere. He has a job for CJ.

2. A random airplane lands on the airstrip. CJ and The Truth hide, as some government agents file out of the plane.

3. The Truth gets bored and flies away, with his jetpack. CJ is lonely, now.

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