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The Orange Box/ Half Life Topic


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Yo, just got Orange Box from my friend, me and him are sharing a steam account. I'm gonna be on TF2 alot, so if anyone wants to have some fun, drop me a PM or post here.


My handle = pyrokittens

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I just got the Orange Box last week. I already had HL2 and Episode 1, so I was really getting it for Portal, TF2 and Episode 2. I don't know why I put off buying Episode 2 for so long as I really enjoyed the previous two.


I must say, the best bit in the game was the bit where you have to fend off all those ant lions. Right at the end where the ant lions are coming from all directions, and that music played... amazing..

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GMod stands for Garry's Mod anyway, but damn, the original Half Life 2 is one of the best story wise IMO. The episodes added to it, but I found that the new content was better than the additional continuation of the story. IMO anyway.

I really need to finish HL2, I only just got passed the Route Canal.

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I got The Orange Box today and I'm going to play HL2 first, as soon as it downloads.


Had a go at Peggle Extreme already because it downloaded quickly, it seems a fun game but a low resolution though.

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i got a steam account. problem is, i have no money and thus can only get the TF2 3 day demo sad.gif Gifts appreciated.

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I was wondering, where do you need to go in episode 1 after you came out of the zombie infected subway. There is a path there, but It's blocked with some metal sheets, which I can't move with my gravity gun.


btw, Portal is the best game ever ! icon14.gificon14.gifbiggrin.gif

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I was wondering, where do you need to go in episode 1 after you came out of the zombie infected subway. There is a path there, but It's blocked with some metal sheets, which I can't move with my gravity gun.


btw, Portal is the best game ever ! icon14.gificon14.gifbiggrin.gif

Isn't that the part where you have to cover the anthlions nests with cars just like in the parking lot?

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I was wondering, where do you need to go in episode 1 after you came out of the zombie infected subway. There is a path there, but It's blocked with some metal sheets, which I can't move with my gravity gun.


btw, Portal is the best game ever ! icon14.gif  icon14.gif  biggrin.gif

Isn't that the part where you have to cover the anthlions nests with cars just like in the parking lot?

Yes, you have to cover the nests with cars and then go into an elevator one storage up, to find that the main gates are closed. Then you need to find that "wheel type thing" to stick it into the gates and turn it, so they will open

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