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The Orange Box/ Half Life Topic


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You had any slow down yet? Apparently Valve are going to patch the PS3 version themselves. I wish they would bring Left 4 Dead to the PS3. With EA publishing it hopefully they will step up and offer to bring that over also.

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I got HL2 back in the Summer, played it through slowly, savouring the pleasure of "The Best PC Game Of All Time" Boy was it! Great game, brought my PC alot of joy and myself even more. Never had so much fun playing a PC game before!


My HL2 came with HL Source also, I am still working my way through it now - I know, I don't play for like, 5 hours without a break, I normally play games in 1 hours bursts. Great game, no where near as graphically amazing as HL2 but still a great game to play, the story is ace, some parts have me shouting in fear, others shouting with joy or getting past that bloody hard bit.


Episode 1 was awesome, I loved how Alxys is with you for pretty much the entire game. Sad thing was, just as you really get to love the game, it ends. Great ending though.


Portal, Wow. Such a great game, so different to other point and click games that the PC is so custom to, you have to think things through, get your timing just right and sometimes rely of pure chance.


Episode 2 I am also playing through right now, great so far. The Hunters are damn hard to kill though. Can't comment much about it because I havn't finished it yet.

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Apparently Valve are going to patch the PS3 version themselves.

Anybody have a link to anything official? First I heard rumors that they were going to release some new portal boards, and some boards/weapon unlocks/achievements for TF2. Then I heard it was most likely going to be just for PC, not consoles. Then I heard it might go to the PS3 and 360 also. Is this more than rumor yet?


I love the idea of some new portal boards, and I like TF2. With Tf2 I'm not sure how I feel, on the one hand I'd be glad they haven't stopped bothering with it, on the other I worry they might screw it up.

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I got HL2 back in the Summer, played it through slowly, savouring the pleasure of "The Best PC Game Of All Time" Boy was it! Great game, brought my PC alot of joy and myself even more. Never had so much fun playing a PC game before!


My HL2 came with HL Source also, I am still working my way through it now - I know, I don't play for like, 5 hours without a break, I normally play games in 1 hours bursts. Great game, no where near as graphically amazing as HL2 but still a great game to play, the story is ace, some parts have me shouting in fear, others shouting with joy or getting past that bloody hard bit.


Episode 1 was awesome, I loved how Alxys is with you for pretty much the entire game. Sad thing was, just as you really get to love the game, it ends. Great ending though.


Portal, Wow. Such a great game, so different to other point and click games that the PC is so custom to, you have to think things through, get your timing just right and sometimes rely of pure chance.


Episode 2 I am also playing through right now, great so far. The Hunters are damn hard to kill though. Can't comment much about it because I havn't finished it yet.

If you liked the EP1 ending, you're gonna be amazed by the end of EP2. Dammit, that caught me so off guard... and to think things were starting to get better. Even the final battle was an exciting experience.

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Sweets, here you go: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/show...ad.php?t=639482


It is a thread by Valve asking for suggestions for patching the game. It really isn't 100% confirmation, but why else would they ask? I assume they will include it with the downloadable maps they are working on for Team Fortress 2. People who have contacted EA about the patch have said that only Valve know what is happening and Valve (for the time being) are redirecting to a thread about connecting to servers. So I assume it means they are working on it but don't want to confirm since they don't have date yet, knowing Valve it would only get delayed anyways. A 360 patch is supposedly coming also, I don't know what the issues with that are it might just be the changes to Team Fortress.


I agree with Saget about the ending to Ep. 2, it is one of the best game endings I have ever played.

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I have had a couple of framerate issues but they are nowhere near as bad as people say. I have TOB on PC too but my computer can't handle it until I get a new card.





I hate how Eli died. He was such an awesome character!

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Potato Boggle

Episode one was awesome the ending was sweet.

Episode 2 wasn't as good because I hated how you had to go in the mines forever and just kill bugs after Alyx got hurtand the ending was so sad.

And Just half life 2 is pretty scary in that one place.I'm still working on beating this one.


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New Game released on Steam, Audiosurf. I downloaded the demo and definitely will be purchasing it. Its $10, and judging by how fun and extremely trippy it is, I will be getting it.

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  • 5 months later...

Ok, i just got this game myself on the PS3, and i'm wondering does the 1.10 patch actually fix some major glitches if there are such, since it is 128 MB, and do i really need to update the game , or not ?


I'm prerrt impressed by the game itself, only been playing it for a few hours. HL and episodes are a clasique, Portla is just awesome, you need to think and have fast hands to do it, and it's all done it some sort of a mirrorish enviroment. I've yet to try team Fortress 2 but i'm sure that is fun as well. icon14.gif



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I have the Orange Box for PC, dang shame my PC isnt high enough to play HL2:EP2, Portal or TF:2. I'm also going to buy it for the PS3 soon so theres isnt any slow gameplay or stutters, still, it's the best game i have ever played, along with GTAIII.

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When I moved into my apartment about two weeks ago, I unpacked some random box and found my copy of The Orange Box for the 360. Totally forgot I bought that game when it came out and beat the sh*t out of it. Time to kick portal back into action. That game is fun as hell.


Also, I know this is a commonly asked question, but whats the deal with Episode 3 or HL3 or whatever they are planning next?

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Episode 3 I believe will be the end of the current Half-Life story arc, although not necessarily the last HL game. It'll more than likely come out next year. icon14.gif


I love Half-Life, love it to bits, the only thing I even slightly dislike about it is how lonely it is, and that's addressed in Episode 1 onwards; I have great expectations for E3. However if they kill Alyx I'm just gonna go and burn something. sad.gif

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Mike Tequeli
I've been playing Gmod a lot lately, Zombie Survival is just epic.

Indeed, the most fun I've had with Steam online I think. I think I'm gonna play it now.



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If you liked the EP1 ending, you're gonna be amazed by the end of EP2. Dammit, that caught me so off guard... and to think things were starting to get better. Even the final battle was an exciting experience.

i WOULD have liked it, if magnusson would make better silos.


if i ever get HL1, i'll enjoy every second of ruining his F-ing casserole.

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Having played through the series a second time, did anyone hate the f*cking bridge that was a bit demolished section and how


!Warning Massive Spoiler!!

Eli died?


End of massive spoiler.

Plus going through the mines avoiding that err what was it's name?Antilion Lord?

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What was the deal with Magnusson in E2 anyway? He just sprung up out of nowhere and everyone acted like he'd always been there and that I should know him. mercie_blink.gif An few mentions in the previous games would've been better than "Oh yeah, there's this guy who we all know about but neglected to tell you about and he's pretty important but a total douche."


Speaking of E2, I think the final chapter was probably the hardest ending in any game I've ever played, it must have taken me at least 5 tries to get it right, doesn't sound like a lot I know, but it's a fairly long end level.


I have Gmod but I've never really played it that much, I probably should.

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End of massive spoiler.

Plus going through the mines avoiding that err what was it's name?Antilion Lord?

You had to go to the mines to get an extract to save Alyx´s life, but you encounter the Antlion Guardian along the way.


I f*cking love Half-Life, I´ve been following it closely ever since Half-Life 1. HL1 was an awesome game and really can´t wait for Black Mesa Source. That should keep me entertained until E3 comes out, or vice versa depending on which one comes first.


Also: Click and click. inlove.gif

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is the gmod made by valve? and if i get it do i need to have half life 2 or does that sort of come with it?

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is the gmod made by valve? and if i get it do i need to have half life 2 or does that sort of come with it?

It's not made by VALVe, you need Half Life 2, and it's recommended that you also have EP1+2 for the best multi/single player experience.

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I think you also need CS:S.

You don't need all games, you need at least one game that has the Source Engine. Then, if you have others made by Valve, you can import the models. In Gmod10, wich is paid, there is native support to all Half Life games, TF2, Portal, CSS, DODS models, maps and I think weapons. It's awesome.

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sounds very good then, ive seen vids on youtube about it, looks funny

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  • 2 weeks later...

So now that i have beaten Portal, and went to play HL2&episodes, i occasionally play TF 2 as well, now that i've updated to 1.10


So i'm wondering, how much points do you need to get a ranking, division, etc.


I have a total of 9532 respect points now, and the 50th guy in the division 1( as the leaderboards say) has 19000, and division 1. So um,how does all this work ?

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is the gmod made by valve? and if i get it do i need to have half life 2 or does that sort of come with it?

Gmod was made by Garry Newman (Team Garry). Hence the G in Gmod.

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GMod stands for Garry's Mod anyway, but damn, the original Half Life 2 is one of the best story wise IMO. The episodes added to it, but I found that the new content was better than the additional continuation of the story. IMO anyway.

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i honestly wouldn't like half life 2 that much at all without the storyline, the claustrophobic parts are a drag but i want to keep playing to find out what happens next


im half way through episode 1 now turn.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
GMod stands for Garry's Mod anyway, but damn, the original Half Life 2 is one of the best story wise IMO. The episodes added to it, but I found that the new content was better than the additional continuation of the story. IMO anyway.



I've recently restarted HL2 and I just love the story to death. This is my favorite game/series. smile.gif

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