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universal last year icon14.gif

Those are awesome. How close can you get to the sets?

they drive us through the sets in the tram ride~


elbowed my way to the edge of the tram biggrin.gif


the magilla himself tounge.gif


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really really huge, unlike the boat (which was a scale model as long as my arm as I remember)

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Picolini: Thanks!


XN22: That is my site, yes tounge.gif


PSXtreme: Samsung Digimax A7, Samsung Digimax D103, Canon Eos 400d. That one was taken with the A7.


Candarelli: Heh, thanks. rampage_ani.gif




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XN22: That is my site, yes tounge.gif

In that case, I like the one on page 2, bottom center.


Irloading: I think I remember something similar at Disneyland. f*ck, that must have been a while ago, at least 7-8 years ago. Either way, I remember it as being pretty lame with only a few sets.

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Nightclub photography is a bitch. Especially since I start getting drunk and forget the manual operation of the essentials, set it to auto-mode, and start taking pictures like a drunken sorority girl.


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Going back over the photos, there is tons of stuff I could've easily done to get sharper focus shots of the dancers while blurring the background full of idiots, but I liked these shots enough.

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Lunar eclipse tonight! It'll begin this tomorrow evening for us on the North and South American continent, while those in Africa and Europe will have to wake up early to catch it. It's the first of two this year (second one is only a partial eclipse), and the last until 2010.


Here's some times and info...



Did some reading up on shooting lunar eclipses (http://www.mreclipse.com/LEphoto/LEphoto.html), and I'm hoping it isn't too hard. The worst part is that it's about 10F here, well below the recommended temp for my camera and lens (I'm assuming), so I can't stay out too long between shoots.


Just did some test shots of the moon for the first time with my 75-300mm... and damn did it come out small even with that! About 5% of the picture, lol.


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edited for date correction, it's tomorrow, not tonightblush.gif


@Zak, I'm liking that shot icon14.gif

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Heres a lunar one I just took. It could be better but its a photo.


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Some from a few months ago:


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Gah, I would of loved to see this eclipse. The sky has been so clear the past few nights, and now, cloudy as hell, cant see anything. sad.gif

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Heres a few more for you Ryan!


(thanks to Ja750 for the edit)

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Well, what do you guys think. Should I add a black border?

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just another thug

I took a picture of the lunar eclipse with my weak ass stock lens.


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Eclipse you say? They suck I know, but it's the best I could do. confused.gif


I believe most, if not all four of them were 15 second exposures. One or two might have been 10 or 8. Click for big obviously.


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I think my favorite one is #4.


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that link for how to shoot a lunar eclipse doesnt work for me. Anyone have any tips of capturing stars and stuff? I take a few astronomy classes and bring my camera to the labs all the time. Would love to start getting some good captures.


Here are a few shots I took last night...


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(to big to post)


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that bright "star" down and to the left, thats the planet Saturn.. incase anyone was wondering haha


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Anyone see the satilite get shot down? I think thats what it was, but a bunch of people at the observatory I was at saw this bright blue thing fall through the sky quickly. it was to large to be a falling star, even the astronomy professors were unsure exactly what it was..

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I took a picture of this in the... south-south-eastern direction I believe. I'm near Chicago, would that be the direction it was in?

It was the brightest star in the sky, by far (as you can see by the stars around it), and had a very blue-ish tint to it.


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For those that didn't see yet, I posted my pictures of the eclipse in my photo thread wink.gif

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Cheers Ottae, the picture of the pigeon is at Mansfield bus station, and was took on the day I thought I saw you, at that very spot, lol.

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Cheers Ottae, the picture of the pigeon is at Mansfield bus station, and was took on the day I thought I saw you, at that very spot, lol.

Ah yes, I recognise it now.

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Damn dude, if you're gonna post a sh*tload a of photos, why not make your own thread? Gets them mor attention, plus it helps reduce clutter in this thread. Just a suggestion. smile.gif


@Widow, nice shot, but the center building being chopped off takes away from the photo. Plus the bevel is just ugly.

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