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Nice BlackScout.


I visited some tall trees too this weekend.


Sequoia Gigantiam ~ Giant Redwoods.








Water Lilly







On The Beach





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Summer Sunset: The view from my house right now...




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Some recent shots from the Cannon 550D (Which have been edited up in Photoshop to make them more funky and stand out more)







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  • 2 weeks later...
Mister Pink




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Some shots using my DSLR


Octagon Tower, Studley






Fountains Abbey





Bamborourgh Castle





Valle Crucis Abbey










York Minster





The hill behind my house :pp










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Mister Pink

Testing out the new lens today. Very happy with it! It's a 24mm-70mm Sigma.





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I like your city-scape Mister Pink.


The swing bridge is similar to a smaller one in Media City in Salford, Manchester UK.


This was taken with my Pixel:



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Mister Pink

Thanks a million. Well-spotted. Yes, I got to see it in operation once. A local authority was seemingly giving a demo of it to some Germans by the the sounds of it. They were just showing how quickly it opens all the way (there was no boat passing through) and I was being nosey and listening in their conversation. Great bridges. And nice photo you got there. The reflections of the clouds/sky on the buildings looks great.

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Love the pics! Im not that good at picking up my camera these days.

I have these from my phone tho, even if they have their imperfections, I do like them alot:




All taken in the area around my house or from my house.

Edited by ~Tiger~
Big pictures; spoilered for page load.
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Mister Pink

Wow, nice pics man. They're very atmospheric. You live in a lovely place!


Sorry to keep posting pics but I just finished processing this one I took today.




Just took this about 30mins ago. An attempt at astrophotography.. too much light pollution here in the city and the moon is nearly full. I was just happy that I managed to photograph more stars than I could see with the naked eye. I'll try get out on a clear night, somewhere more isolated. My first attempt..




GTAF, last night drunk, lol...



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A walk in the summer sunshine.


Dunham Massey. Cheshire.



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Ancient & Modern


Tatton Hall and a random Lambourgini...



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No colour edits, a panorama of the sea in Albufeira, Portugal.



Mountain views in Serra da Estrela, near our 2nd highest peak.


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Been taking a lot of photos this summer. I've owned a DSLR for two years but haven't been using it that actively until recently. If you use Instagram, check out my profile for more.









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All taken with an iPod Touch 6. I think they're a bit too large so I spoilered them






Morning in my backyard :)









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More Google Pixel pics....

Travels in Wales:



Rhuddlan Castle.


A Head For Heights: Great Orme


Mr Jellyfish


Menai Yachts


Menai Bridge




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More from the S7.









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Mister Pink

Where in Wales are they taken? Looks like a really nice town and castle.

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Where in Wales are they taken? Looks like a really nice town and castle.

It was, they where taken at Conwy. However the first castle was Beaumaris Castle, Anglesey.

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Where in Wales are they taken?

Rhuddlan, Great Orme near Llandudno, Mr Jellyfish was at Benllech, The Menai Straits between the Isle of Anglesey and the Welsh mainland and finally Conwy Castle and harbour front.


All in North Wales.

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Gnocchi Flip Flops

I never updated this thread my progress with photography since before I got Lightroom back in February. I'm pretty happy now though I'm still learning:




I want to start street/landscape photography because well why not. The 50mm is such a usable lens for everything from car spotting to vacations. I don't think I need any other lens for a while. I'll be saving up slowly for a very expensive zoom lens with even wider aperture in the future though.

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Mister Pink

Yeah the 50mm's are sweet. I've been using a 40mm pancake lens and they're quite versatile and very sharp! You also have that extra 10mm wider view which makes all the difference.


In future, I would recommend a 24-70mm 2.8. It's so versatile. It's got a wide angle and if you need a little zoom, it's got that too.

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I've never really understood the concept of landscape photography with the nifty fifty. Those two things just don't fit in the same sentence for me. It's great for portraits and stuff, though, but I've been thinking about changing mine to a 35mm so I don't have to take my photos ten meters from my subject. Thoughts?

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It's not quite what you'd normally choose, but sometimes every focal length can work. They're versatile lenses.

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Mister Pink

I've never really understood the concept of landscape photography with the nifty fifty. Those two things just don't fit in the same sentence for me. It's great for portraits and stuff, though, but I've been thinking about changing mine to a 35mm so I don't have to take my photos ten meters from my subject. Thoughts?


Yeah the 50mm lenses are just so great when it comes to bang for buck. They're so cheap and can be very sharp and give nice results for the price. For low light, portraits and shallow DOF, they are fantastic but for landscapes, I wouldn't even consider a 50mm. I would use it, if that's all I had and I have been in that situation where it's all I had and I'm guessing that's why most people would use them for landscape: necessity/no choice.


Up until recently I've been using a 40mm pancake as my main lens. It's priced slightly more than the 50 but it's very sharp and you can get wonderful results. It gives you all the fun benefits of a 50mm but the extra 10mm is so worth the 40 or 50 bucks extra. Using it exclusively as my main lens, it forced me to make the best of it in all situations and I can say it's versatile. To give you context, I mostly used it in low-light, nightclub stuff but for street photography and portraits, I would rated it highly. I also used it for a little bit of video. However, for video, it's much more work as you would expect.


Here's a recent example of it I may have posted these before, so apologies in advance. (on a Canon 6D)









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