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Are you left or right handed?

Don GTA81

Left handed or right handed?  

190 members have voted

  1. 1. Left handed or right handed?

    • Right handed
    • Left handed
    • Mixed
    • Who needs hands? I use my feet.
    • My species have grown beyond the need for hands and feet.

Recommended Posts

Writing: Right

Guitar: Right

Drumming: Left and right

Masturbation: Left and right

Eating: Any limb available

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I'm right handed. I use my left hand for wiping my ass.

Same here. But that's only because when I was kid, the toilet was very close to the wall or sink so there just wasn't enough room to wipe right. So now it comes natural to me.

Edited by lurchseesu420
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I'm right handed. I use my left hand for wiping my ass.

Same here.

I don't care which hand I use, so long as it's clean and ready to scare old people with.

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The Phantom Menace

Left handed, left footed and can only wink properly with my left eye. A total leftie.


Yet for some reason I can only play cricket and softball right-handed. Left handed I can't play for sh*t.





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My species,Gorticons,from the planet Gorlok,have no need for your primitive limbs,we have Wireless LAN installed into our cortexes.



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Oh, yes... I'm leftie when playing ice hockey, though, I am normally righty like I said... Wierd?

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I'm left handed. Apparently were meant to be more creative, honestly, I think I missed out on that part haha. I got taught how to use my knife and fork the right handed way in school, because there were only like 4 left handers. But now thankfully I use them the left handed way with the fork on the left.

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Now that the poll touched the "feet" subject, I voted on it. I have this extreme facility to grab things with my toes. However, writing is still impossible since I can't comfortably hold a pen/pencil with my toes.

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Not like these people that paint with their feet, it's amazing. My gran had a calendar one year and the pictures had paintings done with the feet. Some months showed the artists actually painting one, and some featured the finished works. Mind boggling stuff.


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Natural leftie, but nuture has taught me to eat right handed, oh and I fire weapons right handed, even thought my left eye is slightly more dominant..just drilled into me I guess. Means I can fire weapons both ways.

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Not like these people that paint with their feet, it's amazing. My gran had a calendar one year and the pictures had paintings done with the feet. Some months showed the artists actually painting one, and some featured the finished works. Mind boggling stuff.



I once saw on the television a woman with no arms, and she had two kids. One was a baby, and she changed his/her (can't remember) diapers with her feet. She did everything with her feet and legs, from giving food to hugging them. It's impressive to see how people manage to adapt to these situations.

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Im left handed, cant you tell by my writing.

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@Saget: Aye, Alison Lapper. Us mad Brits made a statue for her and put it in Trafalgar Square tounge.gif


user posted image


No not pron, it was visible for the entire world to see, just like mens dangly bits on statues like...everywhere.

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Vincent Alfano

I primary use my right hand for doing tasks such as writing, using computer mice, and etcetera. It makes a considerable difference in muscle density between my two arms. I would very much like to be ambidextrous, as my right hand gets very tired after extended periods of writing.

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I once saw on the television a woman with no arms, and she had two kids. One was a baby, and she changed his/her (can't remember) diapers with her feet. She did everything with her feet and legs, from giving food to hugging them. It's impressive to see how people manage to adapt to these situations.

Yeah, I've seen that too, she had skills, those impressed me colgate.gif

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I once saw on the television a woman with no arms, and she had two kids. One was a baby, and she changed his/her (can't remember) diapers with her feet. She did everything with her feet and legs, from giving food to hugging them. It's impressive to see how people manage to adapt to these situations.

Yeah, I've seen that too, she had skills, those impressed me colgate.gif

I actually remember that because I saw her preparing dinner with her feet. All credit to her: what she does is amazing, but I have a full-on fear of feet. I cringe at the sight of them and couldn't eat food prepared with them.


I saw it on... it was something like Maury Povich.

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I know a girl who only has one arm and it made me really appreciate having 2. her life is perfectly normal and all, and I have so much respect for her because of it. Its just made me realise that im lucky to have all my limbs and i shouldnt take them for granted.

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I'm right handed.


In my head i can write with my left hand easily it seems so simple than i have a go and i fail miserably. tounge.gif

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Vincent Alfano
I'm right handed.


In my head i can write with my left hand easily it seems so simple than i have a go and i fail miserably. tounge.gif

Ah, of course, psychoambidexterity. lol.gif


I feel the same way. "It can't be that hard... oh, maybe it is."

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I'm left handed...seems like that's the minority of the population.


And I have to say this: It's ambidextrous, not mixed-handed.

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my left hand is just about useless, apart from typing on the keyboard.


I write with my right, all I can do with the left is scribbles. I can't even hold the pencil with the left hand.


while eating I'm always switching between the two. I hold my knife in the left hand, or just leave it on the table, and eat with my right. To cut food, I switch the fork to the left hand, and cut the right, put down the knife, and switch the fork again. It's really embarassing sometimes, especially when in a restaurant blush.gif

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And I have to say this: It's ambidextrous, not mixed-handed.

Damn straight.


My hands have never been mixed.

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I'm right-handed. To add more to this useless post, most NHL hockey players are left-handed.

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