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Who Will Buy Rockstar games


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Publishers ARE NOT GAME DESIGNERS!!!!!!!! So i dont see what the fuss is about, EA or Sony, or MS, it doesnt really change the actuall game.

Bioshock was going to have just one ending, but in an interview, the lead designer said that "somebody up the food chain" told him that the game needed two or more endings.


If EA buys R*, most likely they'll be telling them what to put in and what not, they will own the damn thing!

It does have 2 endings.


It depends on if you resuce all the little sisters,or kill them.

UUUUhhhh, that's what i said, BioShock has two ending, actually three, the thing is that the game WAS going to have one ending, but like the Lead Designer said, someone above told him that they had to put multiple endings.

Oh sorry,since you put it that way,i didn't say anything. tounge.gif


I didn't know that by the way.

Thanks. smile.gif

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EA and activision both suck... and rockstar agrees with me... so not very likely..

Ubisoft is good, they're making money and are very succesfull on x360. They also made it their policy to NOT make licensed games and instead work with original IP's and develop their own technologies... <---- that is what going to make publishers/developers succesful in the future.

EA will just continue to cash in on existing licenses and buy out developers in financial trouble.


In the end only T2 and Ubisoft have the means and philosophy to support GTA.

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