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Australian version already rated

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Nice find, buddy! I would imagine they are only able to give an official rating to a complete, final build. Especially after what happened with Hot Coffee and the content that is often banned from Australian versions of GTA. Note that this rating was added just 2 days ago. This is all very promising.


MA15+ is the highest level of rating for games in Australia. There is no R18+ rating as there is with movies.

Edited by steakncheese
15 though? Hope it's not too timid! biggrin.gif

Every GTA game (except the gameboy one) released in Australia has been rated MA15+. It's the highest rating a game can get. Usually, the ability to "use" hookers is removed as the government feels that it promotes sexual violence, as you can kill the hooker after the deed and steal the money back.


Don't expect GTA4 to be any different, rating wise.

15 though? Hope it's not too timid!  biggrin.gif

Every GTA game (except the gameboy one) released in Australia has been rated MA15+. It's the highest rating a game can get. Usually, the ability to "use" hookers is removed as the government feels that it promotes sexual violence, as you can kill the hooker after the deed and steal the money back.


Don't expect GTA4 to be any different, rating wise.

Yeah just saw your edit. All's good then.

Ever have those days when you think you're invisible? tounge.gif



Rockstar can still work on the game; iron bugs, glitches etc as long as they don't add any new content. Maybe they submitted it early with the intention of adding new content later (and re-review) just to get an idea of what the rating is going to be. If there was content in the game that they weren't sure the OFLC would allow then it would be best for them to find out now rather than a few weeks before release.

It wouldn't make sense to me to rate a game that isn't complete, especially with the provocative nature of the content and the history of rating issues this particular game has.


That said, they may have completed the core parts of the game such as the story, gameplay, missions, dialogue, coding etc. and had this rated. Once they have it rated, they probably polish the look and performance of the game, which is one of the last stages of development.


EDIT: Oh, similar post above.

Interesting find to say the least wow.gif I just looked on the official BBFC website (the United Kingdom's rating board for videogames and movies) and there is no rating registered as yet for Grand Theft Auto IV


The game will obviously be given an (18) rating though just like all the other previous games.


user posted image

user posted image


I am right that Grand Theft Auto IV will be released last in Australia? I mean the United States will get the game first then the United Kingdom and Europe a few days after then I thought It was Australia. So how come the game would already be officially rated the for Australia release, when it hasn't been given a rating in the U.S. and UK first mercie_blink.gif

Edited by MysteryGamer

Last year, Vice City Stories started receiving its ratings a month and a half before its release.


Last year, Vice City Stories started receiving its ratings a month and a half before its release.

So do you think the February or March release is looking a like a strong possibility now?


I know we still have no actual proof of the game being ready yet but this little bit of information sounds promising regardless.

I am right that Grand Theft Auto IV will be released last in Australia? I mean the United States will get the game first then the United Kingdom and Europe a few days after then I thought It was Australia. So how come the game would already be officially rated the for Australia release, when it hasn't been given a rating in the U.S. and UK first mercie_blink.gif

I remember San Andreas came out a day or 2 after the US.


I am right that Grand Theft Auto IV will be released last in Australia? I mean the United States will get the game first then the United Kingdom and Europe a few days after then I thought It was Australia. So how come the game would already be officially rated the for Australia release, when it hasn't been given a rating in the U.S. and UK first


Maybe R* submitted all versions at the same time but the OFLC reviewed it quicker?


Both the ESRB and the BBFC have been under fire recently (mostly because of Manhunt), it wouldn't surprise me if they want to be extra thorough with this game as it's going to be insanely controversial.

I am right that Grand Theft Auto IV will be released last in Australia? I mean the United States will get the game first then the United Kingdom and Europe a few days after then I thought It was Australia. So how come the game would already be officially rated the for Australia release, when it hasn't been given a rating in the U.S. and UK first mercie_blink.gif

This isn't always the case. For example, we always get the FIFA games before other nations IIRC.


However, Nintendo are absolute sh*t c*nts when it comes to releasing things in Australia. Lucky they don't have GTA. wink.gif


I am right that Grand Theft Auto IV will be released last in Australia? I mean the United States will get the game first then the United Kingdom and Europe a few days after then I thought It was Australia. So how come the game would already be officially rated the for Australia release, when it hasn't been given a rating in the U.S. and UK first


Maybe R* submitted all versions at the same time but the OFLC reviewed it quicker?


Both the ESRB and the BBFC have been under fire recently (mostly because of Manhunt), it wouldn't surprise me if they want to be extra thorough with this game as it's going to be insanely controversial.

While I agree with what you said I don't think Grand Theft Auto IV will be as much trouble for Rockstar as Manhunt 2. I mean yes the game is violent and it may be more graphic this time around, but the Grand Theft Auto games have never been like Manhunt, Manhunt is on a whole other level, where you mainly kill people in the most brutal and sadistic way possible. I can see why the Manhunt games have been considered so controversial and all but seriously movies that are just as violent if not more go through the BBFC rating board without a single cut so the ban for Manhunt 2 was stupid.

MA15+ is still a harsh rating. Considering that the next rating is R18+.

This means, no one under 15 can buy it, and if you do, you have to have a parent with you.


P.S. They havn't cut anything out: 'VERSION: Origional'

Original* wink.gif


Thats awesome though...no Edits in this game.. Wooo!

So, what the hell does this mean exactly?


Does anybody know or have any idea if they indeed rated a simple 'core' version, or a more complete/unpolished version?


Edit: Meh, it matters not. We'll get it when we get it! colgate.gif

Edited by Supreme.
So, what the hell does this mean exactly?


Does anybody know or have any idea if they indeed rated a simple 'core' version, or a more complete/unpolished version?

I was always under the impression it had to be the same version that was to be released.

Yeah, hopefully they don't tone it down like GTA3 and VC where they took hookers out and all the other lil extras. I think us Aussies got the same San An version as the other countries regardless of its MA15+ rating, because I could f*ck and kill hookers, plus the language was pretty hardcore (for a game).


I'm thinking of getting a US or overseas version so nothing is left out and I get the whole experience. Does anyone know if PS3's or 360's play games regardless of regional code?

Yeah, hopefully they don't tone it down like GTA3 and VC where they took hookers out and all the other lil extras. I think us Aussies got the same San An version as the other countries regardless of its MA15+ rating, because I could f*ck and kill hookers, plus the language was pretty hardcore (for a game).


I'm thinking of getting a US or overseas version so nothing is left out and I get the whole experience. Does anyone know if PS3's or 360's play games regardless of regional code?

They are region free but some developers put regional locks on their games (usually for marketing purposes). Because R* are looking for a near simultaneous release there's little reason to lock the game but you can't be sure until it's released.

MA15+ is still a harsh rating. Considering that the next rating is R18+.

This means, no one under 15 can buy it, and if you do, you have to have a parent with you.


P.S. They havn't cut anything out: 'VERSION: Origional'

Original* wink.gif


Thats awesome though...no Edits in this game.. Wooo!

And how do you know they didn't cut anything? Do you know that some games have different contents depending on the area they are being released in?


Yeah, hopefully they don't tone it down like GTA3 and VC where they took hookers out and all the other lil extras.  I think us Aussies got the same San An version as the other countries regardless of its MA15+ rating, because I could f*ck and kill hookers, plus the language was pretty hardcore (for a game).


I'm thinking of getting a US or overseas version so nothing is left out and I get the whole experience.  Does anyone know if PS3's or 360's play games regardless of regional code?

Jack Thompson wants YOU!!! lol.gif


That sucks for Aussies though; if history repeats itself that is... I guess... bored.gif



Yeah, hopefully they don't tone it down like GTA3 and VC where they took hookers out and all the other lil extras.  I think us Aussies got the same San An version as the other countries regardless of its MA15+ rating, because I could f*ck and kill hookers, plus the language was pretty hardcore (for a game).


I'm thinking of getting a US or overseas version so nothing is left out and I get the whole experience.  Does anyone know if PS3's or 360's play games regardless of regional code?

Jack Thompson wants YOU!!! lol.gif


That sucks for Aussies though; if history repeats itself that is... I guess... bored.gif

It won't though. The version we get will be the same as the U.S., guaranteed.

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