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Wow, i'll look for it. And sainraja, and ddealer, excpect to

get friend invites from me.smile.gifcool.gif

I'll try to add you tonight.


anyone up for a one on one match?

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Hello new friends! cool.gif



I think the DLC is avilable this thursday!


sainraja, I'm going to hunt you down with that dropship.

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Hello new friends! cool.gif



I think the DLC is avilable this thursday!


sainraja, I'm going to hunt you down with that dropship.

hahaha.....we'll see about that! I can't wait to try it out though......capture the flag will get a lot more interesting now I think......can't wait till thursday!

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Hello new friends! cool.gif



I think the DLC is avilable this thursday!


sainraja, I'm going to hunt you down with that dropship.

hahaha.....we'll see about that! I can't wait to try it out though......capture the flag will get a lot more interesting now I think......can't wait till thursday!

me neither.


I'll probaly get back on warhawk later this week.

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I'm getting a new internet plan soon which will allow me to actually play multi player games on the net, so I thought I'd ask a few questions.


1) Is it possible to set up a match just against bots? I ask mainly because I'm not sure when I'm actually starting the new plan, but it'll be in the new year. I'm just curious if I should buy this a week earlier and get some practice in against some bots. tounge.gif


2) How much would, say, an hour playing this take out of my uploads/downloads?


Thanks in advance.

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The Warhawk patch v1.2 is available now guys and SO IS THE BOOSTER PACK!!!!!!! You have to buy it through the game store as of right now......at least I did, I couldn't find it through the PSN.

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The Warhawk patch v1.2 is available now guys and SO IS THE BOOSTER PACK!!!!!!! You have to buy it through the game store as of right now......at least I did, I couldn't find it through the PSN.

So is it just a vehicle they have added?

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The Warhawk patch v1.2 is available now guys and SO IS THE BOOSTER PACK!!!!!!! You have to buy it through the game store as of right now......at least I did, I couldn't find it through the PSN.

cool, i'll buy it later tonight.


btw guys, i hope you all like swiss cheese tounge.gif


edit:funky, they added a map too.


how do i buy through the game itself?

Edited by deathdealer
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The Warhawk patch v1.2 is available now guys and SO IS THE BOOSTER PACK!!!!!!! You have to buy it through the game store as of right now......at least I did, I couldn't find it through the PSN.

cool, i'll buy it later tonight.


btw guys, i hope you all like swiss cheese tounge.gif


edit:funky, they added a map too.


how do i buy through the game itself?

You should see it under the downloads tab after downloading the patch. It should show up there.

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I won't be able to download it tonight, maybe tomorrow though.

I saw you in game last night.......I had to leave to make a non-ranked game so my friends could play......but the new map is now my second favorite. I like Attriution..........my favorite one before was Eucadia....the one that is called Battle of.....something, for some reason I can't remember what it ends with.

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I won't be able to download it tonight, maybe tomorrow though.

I saw you in game last night.......I had to leave to make a non-ranked game so my friends could play......but the new map is now my second favorite. I like Attriution..........my favorite one before was Eucadia....the one that is called Battle of.....something, for some reason I can't remember what it ends with.

yeah, I was able to download it last night.


I need to get used to the drop ship.

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Whats the drop ship like, can people who haven't got

it use it on other peolples games?

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Whats the drop ship like, can people who haven't got

it use it on other peolples games?

Nope, you can't join those games, it will take you to the Warhawk store to purchase it so you can join the game after it's downloaded and installed.


As for the dropship, it's pretty damn cool. I was playing with two of my friends, we were playing Capture the Flag. One of them was flying the dropship and the other had the flag. I was in a Warhawk. We had 2 captures and the other team also had 2 captures. Everything happened the last 20 seconds of the game, the other team took our flag....and we had their flag near our base......I was in a Warhawk so I went after the flag guy and killed him, we had about 10 seconds left now....I went down to save it.....and boy was it a close win. I save the flag at exactlyl 3 seconds. My friend who had the flag captures it the LAST second for the win. Oh my god that was an awesome win. I wish it was ranked!

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  • 1 month later...

I just had the best Warhawk game yesterday (considering the time I am posting it). I was in a game where I mainly stayed in the Warhawk but did go on ground time to time but by the end of the game I had 24 kills and 3 deaths. It's not amazing or anything but it's my best game. I have scored higher in other games but my kill to death ratio hasn't been this good.


I am Sargent Major now.....=D


Sorry for the bump but I had to search all the way to page 5 for this topic....so I decided to bump it up instead of editing the above post....

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