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Someone is poaching my messages

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Cross-posted from [Rel][Official][MI-SA]Team Test installer 0.69b:



Again, my message has been deleted. Deleted! All I did was ask an honest question! How can the staff member(s) who are actively poaching my messages be allowed to keep their privileges? When MISA contributors react to feedback in such a hostile fashion and are supported by staff who are abusing their powers, it's no wonder the mod is unattractive to new contributors.


Not sure if everyone has this already, but I'm still hosting JasonB's Port Orchid pack from yonks ago. He still has access to upload new versions there. But given the current outrageous behaviour of MISA contributors, I doubt he or anyone else would bother.

Before this, at least one of my messages was deleted from the [Official] PPT3 topic in that area.


Please name the staff who have been abusing their powers by doing this. Please remove their staff privileges so this sick and predatory behaviour will stop. It's getting old.

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Even if Cerbera has done wrong in the past, I think that since he got a second chance, you should truly let him have his second chance. Stop poachin' him, let him contribute to the GTA modding community and such. You guys gave Demarest chances after he messed up, but he came back so he could help the scene. He messed up, and he left. Anuj, for once, I think your iron ban fist is just doing some fisting rather than annihilating scum. No need to abuse your powers. I may not have much weight to this forum, however, I realize when I see some abuse of powers. Sometimes the little guy has to stand up to the wicked awesome 7-11 moderator with the metal coated fist and stand up for the village flasher and modder. Keep the personal grudge, personal.

Even if Cerbera has done wrong in the past, I think that since he got a second chance, you should truly let him have his second chance. Stop poachin' him, let him contribute to the GTA modding community and such. You guys gave Demarest chances after he messed up, but he came back so he could help the scene. He messed up, and he left. Anuj, for once, I think your iron ban fist is just doing some fisting rather than annihilating scum. No need to abuse your powers. I may not have much weight to this forum, however, I realize when I see some abuse of powers. Sometimes the little guy has to stand up to the wicked awesome 7-11 moderator with the metal coated fist and stand up for the village flasher and modder. Keep the personal grudge, personal.

Are you naturally dense, or did you have to work at it?


I was being sarcastic. Keep playing that David and Goliath bullsh*t though, I'm sure you will be part of the revolution against 7-Eleven moderators everywhere.

I'm not excusing the actions of the staff member(s), but your recent posts around the Myriad forum have been anything but helpful. You worked as part of the team, you know its not a perfectly running machine and deadlines are not always met. Its an online community project, people do this in their free-time. I don't think you appreciate the effort those members have put into the project to get the latest package released.


If you would have posted an individual topic with the same content as your last few posts, then I would have locked or binned it. Why? Because whining isn't a form of constructive criticism, and its not helpful in the slightest. As it stands they probably should have left your individual posts and ignored them, despite the fact they weren't helpful to anyone. The problem should be resolved and you will not have any further posts removed by the staff member(s), but I do think you should consider what you post in the future.

Even if Cerbera has done wrong in the past, I think that since he got a second chance, you should truly let him have his second chance. Stop poachin' him, let him contribute to the GTA modding community and such. You guys gave Demarest chances after he messed up, but he came back so he could help the scene. He messed up, and he left. Anuj, for once, I think your iron ban fist is just doing some fisting rather than annihilating scum. No need to abuse your powers. I may not have much weight to this forum, however, I realize when I see some abuse of powers. Sometimes the little guy has to stand up to the wicked awesome 7-11 moderator with the metal coated fist and stand up for the village flasher and modder. Keep the personal grudge, personal.

Are you naturally dense, or did you have to work at it?


I was being sarcastic. Keep playing that David and Goliath bullsh*t though, I'm sure you will be part of the revolution against 7-Eleven moderators everywhere.

Viva la Revolucion!

Even if Cerbera has done wrong in the past, I think that since he got a second chance, you should truly let him have his second chance. Stop poachin' him, let him contribute to the GTA modding community and such. You guys gave Demarest chances after he messed up, but he came back so he could help the scene. He messed up, and he left. Anuj, for once, I think your iron ban fist is just doing some fisting rather than annihilating scum. No need to abuse your powers. I may not have much weight to this forum, however, I realize when I see some abuse of powers. Sometimes the little guy has to stand up to the wicked awesome 7-11 moderator with the metal coated fist and stand up for the village flasher and modder. Keep the personal grudge, personal.

Are you naturally dense, or did you have to work at it?


I was being sarcastic. Keep playing that David and Goliath bullsh*t though, I'm sure you will be part of the revolution against 7-Eleven moderators everywhere.

My sarcasm plug in doesn't work for firefox.


I'm not excusing the actions of the staff member(s), but your recent posts around the Myriad forum have been anything but helpful.
I suppose posting cerbie headshots is helpful? You really think messages like "Lmao! Shoot him in the Cerbwang" are going to fix invisible COL bugs and prelight GTI? Please, if you're gonna try bullsh*tting your way out of this, at least make an effort. Glad to hear my messages won't be deleted any more, though. Cheers for that.


I've got a hunch you were one of the staff who was doing the deleting. I noticed a lot of sneaky unpinning of my topics and re-pinning of your topics even though they were years out of date whilst I was part of MISA. As well as hints of behind-the-scenes sh*tstirring from you when the MISA Council was updated, despite the changes being agreed by several active participants and a global moderator. Your involvement with JarJar getting banned has always been suspicious, too.


Of course, if it wasn't you then let's have the names of who it was. As you agree, their actions were inexcusable. The members deserve to know who dunnit so they can watch out for these rogue staffers. I deserve to know who was f*cking with my sh*t.


As it happens, my messages were helpful. At least, it was certainly my intent to help. Even though I no longer work on MISA, I'd still like to see it do well! If my messages hadn't been deleted, I would be able to quote them here and explain exactly how it would have helped to pay attention to them.


The message I've quoted as the first message in this thread was fairly typical of them. When working on a mod, you pour your heart and soul into getting things right. You might sacrifice other things you want to do, like watching TV or downloading porn. But if you get so protective of your work that you greet any critique with hostility, it's gonna stop new contributors wanting to join in. And you might miss some really good ideas because all people see is a cliché of grumpy geeks when it should be an open and enthusiastic community project. That was illspirit's vision for it, IIRC.

Edited by Cerbera

You're wrong on all accounts actually. The staff member who deleted your posts was actually one of the members you campaigned for to be a Myriad led-by. Secondly, I actually unpinned my own topics; the Myriad Directory was supposed to cut down on pinned topics, members could go there and find a topic easily without the clutter of pinned topics. When you and others started pinning topics I removed my topic because it had become unnecessary. I had another topic which was pinned, I unpinned and locked it and again it was re-pinned. Afaik both were re-pinned by GTAuron.


sh*t-stirring with the Myriad council? No, I was being cautious and other staff members agreed. Your campaigning has actually turned around and shot you in the foot, perhaps there was a reason to be cautious? However I will say it was probably the fault of the moderators/admins for not explaining to the new staff that we only delete posts in extreme circumstances, this will be addressed in future staff updates.


jarjar? He was actually banned by illspirit when I was on vacation. I didn't have any say in his banning, I didn't request for him to be banned etc. but you like one or two others assume I did. Sorry you let you down on my lack of involvement there.


Lastly, I agree there are certain aspects of the project which could have been done differently. However posting in a constructive manor is more beneficial than moaning, everyone who I have spoke to on the subject feel you were doing the latter.


Since you want to make this personal and take it away from the subject, I'll just leave it at that.


The staff member who deleted your posts was actually one of the members you campaigned for to be a Myriad led-by.
So it was GForce? That's quite sad, partly because it means my guesswork was wrong, but mostly because I thought he would keep the area productive. Shame he's seemingly turned into an arsehole...but I guess someone had to fill my shoes! tounge.gif


So MISA contributors really think my honest questions, constructive suggests and offers to help are just "moaning"? If that's how they view outside assistance these days then it's no wonder the project barely has a pulse.


(EDIT) Myriad "forum leaders" are listed in The moderating team as Forum Moderators. Evidently they are staff in the technical sense, even if you don't consider them staff in an organisational sense. IIRC, changing the Myriad Council group had to go through a lengthy and unprecedented procedure invented on the spot by global staff, so they are hardly autonomous either.


Btw, nice redesign ill.

Edited by Cerbera

Why do you think it was GForce? Grudge much? tounge.gif


And, yea, forum leaders are listed on the moderating team thingy, but that's just a software technicality. While they must abide by some rules here and there, generally speaking, the staff has no control over a hosted mod forum. Well, aside from a couple of members of the staff involved in mods.

Most forum moderators can be considered staff members, but it's obviously different for the led-bys of 'Hosted Mods'.

As the description implies, GTANet has barely anything to do with how the things are run there, they're merely providing a forum to share thoughts and work on. And since the MI forum isn't used by the devs at all apart from actual releases it's safe to say that they are not 'staff'.



EDIT: Bah, illspirit beat me!

FYI Cerbie it can't be Gforce, he's always asking me to sort out stuff in the MI forum via IRC. He, at the time (may have changed I'm not too clued up anymore) had no powers, even if he wished to do such a thing.


On that note, those repinnings were his request, which I had no issue with doing.


The staff member who deleted your posts was actually one of the members you campaigned for to be a Myriad led-by.
So it was GForce? That's quite sad, partly because it means my guesswork was wrong, but mostly because I thought he would keep the area productive. Shame he's seemingly turned into an arsehole...but I guess someone had to fill my shoes! tounge.gif



Hmmmm interesting point of view numbskull, i have no led by powers so i couldn't delete your post even if i wanted too.


as for my posting pic's of an MI ped being shot, that was merely a continuation of my previous post showing off our new MI peds and any other meaning you may have had in your head was purely coincidental tounge2.gif


PS: it's going to be a long time before anyone could possibly fill your shoes lol.gif


PPS: i've always been an arsehole, it's only now you've bothered to notice sarcasm.gif

Edited by Gforce

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