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Method For V2 Users To Complete V1 SnPs

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Method For V2 Users To Do V1 SnP's

So V2 users can Do V1 SnP requests



The purpose of this is for V2 players to be able to do Snp's for V1 users, or to be able to play V1 save files. (Ex. A V1 Snp request,A V1 Chain game) It really annoyed me that I couldn't play V1 so that’s why I tried to figure this out, and so other people on GTAF could play V1 also.



Instructions On How To Do It.


To do this there are 3 pretty basic steps.


Step 1


For step one, what you need to do is follow this.

My Computer>Local Disk C Or D>Program Files>Rockstar Games>GTA San Andreas>Data


Once you are here you need to make 2 new folders. One you will call V1 and the other you will call V2. Go back to the Data Folder. There you should see a folder called script. Go into that. In that folder there will be 2 files. One called Main.scm and another called Script.img. Make a copy of each and put them on your desktop or someplace were they are easy to get to.


Go back and copy them again. Since you are playing V2 you will take these and put them into the V2 folder you just made. Step 1 Done



Step 2


Next go to this link to download the V1 files.


These are in RAR file format so you will need WinRAR to open them. Once you get them opened. Take them and put them in the V1 folder you made earlier. Once they are there copy them and put them with the V2 ones you copied earlier.


The reason for this is in case you mess something up that way your not completely screwed over.


So by now you should have 2 files in each folder. Once called main.scm and another called script.img. Inside the script folder there should still be the V2 files. You are now going to remove them from there so the folder is empty. I don’t care how just get rid of them from there. Step 2 Complete



Step 3


For step 3 this involves downloading the SA Downgrader. Go to the link provided Once It is downloaded it should be in the San Andreas User Files. If not, check to see where you downloaded and go from there.

My Documents>San Andreas User Files

GTA SA Downgrader Patch 10mb

Follow the instructions with it. Once you have this installed you are all most done. The reason for this is that the SA Downgrader changes things in all that programming stuff. I makes it think that it is V1 and that it can run V1 save files. But if you just download it with out this other stuff it wont do anything.Step 3 Complete



Changing Scripts


To Change scripts there are thrree ways to do this. You can take the V1 scripts and copy and paste them into the script folder if you are playing a V1 game. The same for V2.


The second way is easyer, if you are going to play a V1 save file, rename the folder with the V1 scripts, "Script". If you then want to play a V2 save File after that just rename the V1 foler, V1 again and replace the V2 with Script.


The third way invovles using rubregg's script switcher. I am not very familiar with it, but I does work with my way. You can find rubregg's script switcher here.






Q: Will this work with game that have mods installed?

A: Yes, It will.


Q: I just downloaded a V1 Save file and when I try to play SA the game crash's, why?

A: You most likley dont have the V1 scripts in.


Q: I just downloaded a V2 Save file and when I try to play SA the game crash's, why?

A: You most likey dont have the V2 scripts in.


Q: Why do I need the SA Downgrader Patch?

A: The Downgrader patch makes the game think it is V1. The Patch fools the game into thinking that V1 save files have the same ID as a V2 save file.


Q: Is there a way for V1 users to play V2?

A: Yes, check out pdescobar's guide here.


Q: I cant get this to work, can someone help me?

A: Make a post in this topic or send me (ryan92) a PM


Related Topics


-Completing V2 SNP Requests Using V1 By pdescobar

-Easy Script Switcher By rubregg

-Details About Save File ID's By Samutz




JAJ:For testing it to make sure it works, and for the V1 Script.img and Main.scm

pdescobar:For testing it to make sure it works

To Everybody:for the feedback and tips



!! Disclaimer !!



Hope This Helps all you V2 users out there smile.gif


Edited by Unlimited
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Step 4


This is the last step. This step you will always need to do. When you are doing a V1 Snp, all you need to do is copy the 2 files out of the V1 folder. Copy them. Then go into the Script Folder. Paste them here. Close out the window and start the game. It works the same way with V2. Just copy and paste.


On thing I advise you to do. You made back up copies of both versions scripts. Make a folder in San Andreas user Files and put them in different folders in there. That way if you some how lose or delete one of the others that you should use, you have a back-up. Step 4 Complete

Instead of copying the files to the script folder, you can simply rename the required folder as 'script'. For eg., while doing a v1 request, simply rename the v1 folder as script.


Rest of the things are all in place except for a few silly spelling mistakes... tounge.gif

Instead of copying the files to the script folder, you can simply rename the required folder as 'script'. For eg., while doing a v1 request, simply rename the v1 folder as script.


Rest of the things are all in place except for a few silly spelling mistakes... tounge.gif

Ya I guess renaming the folder would work. I'll give it a try, and if it work i'll put it down.


I should have copyed and pasted it into Microsoft word first and spell check it before I did that.

Thanks for the feedback.

Instead of manually copying scripts, you can use batch files to do that job. It is error free and quite handy.


All that you need to do is create two folders in 'GTA San Andreas' folder. Name one folder as v1 and name another as v2. Copy v1 scripts in folder v1 and v2 scripts in folder v2.

Then create two text files in 'GTA San Andreas'. Rename one of them as v1.bat and another as v2.bat.


Now you will have to edit these files.


Copy the following code in file v1.bat and save


xcopy /y v1\main.scm data\scriptxcopy /y v1\script.img data\scriptstart gta_sa.exe



Copy the following code in file v2.bat and save


xcopy /y v2\main.scm data\scriptxcopy /y v2\script.img data\scriptstart gta_sa.exe



And you're done!


If you want to play v1 game just click on v1.bat. This will copy necessary files and launch the game. Click on v2.bat if you want to play v2 game.

Code is self explanatory and you can modify it according to your convenience.e.g. If you are using no splash screen mod, you can replace 'gta_sa.exe' by 'NoSplash.exe' in both files.

Nice job, ryan.


Like hmvartak said, step 4 can be a bit easier though - this is exactly what my scriptchanger does, to save the hassle of manual file copying or renaming.


It looks as if the only difference between changing scripts in a v1 and in a v2 seems to be that the v2 player has to have the downgrader installed, and that's it. Right?


Out of interest:

- So am I right, with a downgraded v2 you can play either v1 savegames (provided you run the v1 scripts) or v2 savegames (provided you run the v2 scripts)?


- Are the v1 scripts you posted the original ones or did they have to be altered to make them compatible with v2+downgrader?

Edited by rubregg
It looks as if the only difference between changing scripts in a v1 and in a v2 seems to be that the v2 player has to have the downgrader installed, and that's it. Right?

As I understand it, that is exactly what you need to do. At least, that is how i help a few v2 users on a Dutch forum to play v1 saves.

I am curious as to why exactly the downgrade is necessary. As long as you avoid going on dates, the v2 executable should run fine with the v1 scripts installed. What problems did you see in that setup which the downgrade fixes?

I don't know how or why it needs the downgrader, but it is needed. I haven't tested anything myselfs since i only have a v1 version, but when you haven't downgraded but only use the v1 script and main file I believe the savegame doesn't load.


ps. I hate the name downgrade, because it makes people think they have v1...


I don't know how or why it needs the downgrader, but it is needed. I haven't tested anything myselfs since i only have a v1 version, but when you haven't downgraded but only use the v1 script and main file I believe the savegame doesn't load.


ps. I hate the name downgrade, because it makes people think they have v1...

Well if you are using the v2 executable you would still have to patch the ID to v2 to load the game using either my program or the GTASnP auto-changer.


So, to ryan or anyone else with a true v2: if you take a v1 save, patch the save version ID, and load with an un-downgraded v2 exe using the v1 scripts, does the save consistently fail to load?

Ok I'll try to answer/figure out what you guys are saying.


The reason for the SA dawongrader is; well I dont really know. With out the downgrader I Can download V1 games witht he V1 script in. But when the V1 user goes back to Load it, it does work for them, it doesn't like the file and the game crashs on them. So I just downloaded it for the heck of it to try it to see if it works. And with the SA Downgrader it must change the ID on the file or something because then the V1 user can upload the save file and it does work for them.



So, to ryan or anyone else with a true v2: if you take a v1 save, patch the save version ID, and load with an un-downgraded v2 exe using the v1 scripts, does the save consistently fail to load?


So take a normal/pure V2 and try it with V1 scripts? I dont know. I'll give it a try and report back.


So I just tryed it and It crashed on me.




Instead of manually copying scripts, you can use batch files to do that job. It is error free and quite handy.


All that you need to do is create two folders in 'GTA San Andreas' folder. Name one folder as v1 and name another as v2. Copy v1 scripts in folder v1 and v2 scripts in folder v2.

Then create two text files in 'GTA San Andreas'. Rename one of them as v1.bat and another as v2.bat.


Now you will have to edit these files.


Copy the following code in file v1.bat and save


xcopy /y v1\main.scm data\script

xcopy /y v1\script.img data\script

start gta_sa.exe



Copy the following code in file v2.bat and save


xcopy /y v2\main.scm data\script

xcopy /y v2\script.img data\script

start gta_sa.exe



And you're done!


If you want to play v1 game just click on v1.bat. This will copy necessary files and launch the game. Click on v2.bat if you want to play v2 game.

Code is self explanatory and you can modify it according to your convenience.e.g. If you are using no splash screen mod, you can replace 'gta_sa.exe' by 'NoSplash.exe' in both files. 


Ok I dont quite understand what you are saying. dontgetit.gif

Edited by ryan92

So I did alittle reasearch. I found out that the SA downgrader gets rid of the limits set by Rockstar in V2, with some exceptions, Hot Coffie... So with the downgrader it must do something with the save file ID, that is the only thing i can think of.

There must be something that R* might have taken care of to ensure that a v2 game loads only v2 savefiles. So, even with v1 scripts in place, a v2 game cannot load a v1 savefile coz the game version is still v2. The downgrader should force the game to behave like v1 (which doesn't care about the savefile ID) and hence, any savefile (either v1 or v2) loads perfectly with their respective scripts.


What I want to know is if the v1 requester can load back the file normally without any conversion?


There must be something that R* might have taken care of to ensure that a v2 game loads only v2 savefiles. So, even with v1 scripts in place, a v2 game cannot load a v1 savefile coz the game version is still v2. The downgrader should force the game to behave like v1 (which doesn't care about the savefile ID) and hence, any savefile (either v1 or v2) loads perfectly with their respective scripts.

Yes, a v2 executable only loads saves with a v2 ID, but that ID is in a known location and can be easily changed. And v2 users can play all manner of script mods so there is no intrinsic blocking to playing a game on the v1 scripts; the only issues should be related to removed coffee-related content and those should be limited to dating.



What I want to know is if the v1 requester can load back the file normally without any conversion?

Yes. If a game was played under the v1 executable (courtesy of the downgrader) on the v1 scripts, it will load without problem in a true v1 installation.


@Ryan: If you have a chance to do some other tests on this, send me a PM. I have two things I'd like you to try.


Instead of manually copying scripts, you can use batch files to do that job. It is error free and quite handy.


All that you need to do is create two folders in 'GTA San Andreas' folder. Name one folder as v1 and name another as v2. Copy v1 scripts in folder v1 and v2 scripts in folder v2.

Then create two text files in 'GTA San Andreas'. Rename one of them as v1.bat and another as v2.bat.


Now you will have to edit these files.


Copy the following code in file v1.bat and save


xcopy /y v1\main.scm data\script

xcopy /y v1\script.img data\script

start gta_sa.exe



Copy the following code in file v2.bat and save


xcopy /y v2\main.scm data\script

xcopy /y v2\script.img data\script

start gta_sa.exe



And you're done!


If you want to play v1 game just click on v1.bat. This will copy necessary files and launch the game. Click on v2.bat if you want to play v2 game.

Code is self explanatory and you can modify it according to your convenience.e.g. If you are using no splash screen mod, you can replace 'gta_sa.exe' by 'NoSplash.exe' in both files. 


Ok I dont quite understand what you are saying. dontgetit.gif

It is just a simple script to avoid hassle in manually copying script files. When you click on v1.bat file, DOS commands in file gets executed, copies v1 script files in data\script folder and starts the game.


Similarly with v2.bat, but the only difference is, it copies v2 scripts and starts the game.


So, if you want to play game with v1 script, double click on v1.bat. And if you want to play game with v2 script, double click on v2.bat.


This double click is your step 4.


But I think renaming would be the better choice instead of coying files everytime.


Use this code in v1.bat


ren data\script v2ren data\v1 scriptstart gta_sa.exe



Use this one in v2.bat


ren data\script v1ren data\v2 scriptstart gta_sa.exe



Save these batch files in 'GTA San Andreas' folder. First save v1 scripts in script folder. Create a new folder and name it as v2. Save version 2 scripts in v2 folder.


That's all!


Now your game is in v1 mode. If you want to play v2 game double click on v2.bat. This will rename script folder as v1 and rename v2 folder as script. So your game will be in v2 mode.


If you want to play v1 game, double click on v1.bat. This will rename script folder as v2 and v1 as script and starts the game.

Instead of manually copying scripts, you can use batch files to do that job. It is error free and quite handy.


All that you need to do is create two folders in 'GTA San Andreas' folder. Name one folder as v1 and name another as v2. Copy v1 scripts in folder v1 and v2 scripts in folder v2.

Then create two text files in 'GTA San Andreas'. Rename one of them as v1.bat and another as v2.bat.


Now you will have to edit these files.


Copy the following code in file v1.bat and save


xcopy /y v1\main.scm data\script

xcopy /y v1\script.img data\script

start gta_sa.exe



Copy the following code in file v2.bat and save


xcopy /y v2\main.scm data\script

xcopy /y v2\script.img data\script

start gta_sa.exe



And you're done!


If you want to play v1 game just click on v1.bat. This will copy necessary files and launch the game. Click on v2.bat if you want to play v2 game.

Code is self explanatory and you can modify it according to your convenience.e.g. If you are using no splash screen mod, you can replace 'gta_sa.exe' by 'NoSplash.exe' in both files. 


Ok I dont quite understand what you are saying. dontgetit.gif

It is just a simple script to avoid hassle in manually copying script files. When you click on v1.bat file, DOS commands in file gets executed, copies v1 script files in data\script folder and starts the game.


Similarly with v2.bat, but the only difference is, it copies v2 scripts and starts the game.


So, if you want to play game with v1 script, double click on v1.bat. And if you want to play game with v2 script, double click on v2.bat.


This double click is your step 4.


But I think renaming would be the better choice instead of coying files everytime.


Use this code in v1.bat


ren data\script v2ren data\v1 scriptstart gta_sa.exe



Use this one in v2.bat


ren data\script v1ren data\v2 scriptstart gta_sa.exe



Save these batch files in 'GTA San Andreas' folder. First save v1 scripts in script folder. Create a new folder and name it as v2. Save version 2 scripts in v2 folder.


That's all!


Now your game is in v1 mode. If you want to play v2 game double click on v2.bat. This will rename script folder as v1 and rename v2 folder as script. So your game will be in v2 mode.


If you want to play v1 game, double click on v1.bat. This will rename script folder as v2 and v1 as script and starts the game.

OK I think I understand it alittle better now.


@pdescobar: Pm sent your way

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

@Carlthejunkie: Do you work for R*? I think not. So, it ain't upto you to decide what's legal and what's not.

Besides, v2 users have no option but to downgrade in order to play multiplayer or make the game moddable. The only concern is that R* doesn't take responsibility if any external patches harm your game or your PC.

Another thing, downgraders do not fall under the category of warez. It's just a minor modification.

By your logic, all mods should be illegal. But are they?


So, my advise to you is to stop posting 'Downgrading is illegal' sh*t in any topic for that matter. You're doing nothing more but spamming. We know the forum rules better than you.


Next time onwards, try to make your posts productive instead of playing the blame game. And it's never a good idea to quote long posts.

@Carlthejunkie: Do you work for R*? I think not. So, it ain't upto you to decide what's legal and what's not.

Besides, v2 users have no option but to downgrade in order to play multiplayer or make the game moddable. The only concern is that R* doesn't take responsibility if any external patches harm your game or your PC.

Another thing, downgraders do not fall under the category of warez. It's just a minor modification.

By your logic, all mods should be illegal. But are they?


So, my advise to you is to stop posting 'Downgrading is illegal' sh*t in any topic for that matter. You're doing nothing more but spamming. We know the forum rules better than you.


Next time onwards, try to make your posts productive instead of playing the blame game. And it's never a good idea to quote long posts.

Actually, read the EULA, It can be found on your San Andreas Disk, maybe you should take a look at that, so, before you speak up, look at the facts. Also, V2 Players have the option to request a v1 disk from Rockstar. smile.gif

Actually, read the EULA, It can be found on your San Andreas Disk, maybe you should take a look at that, so, before you speak up, look at the facts. Also, V2 Players have the option to request a v1 disk from Rockstar. smile.gif

You haven't understood what I'm trying to say.

By your logic, every single mod on this forum is illegal. Do you mean to say that R* should sue GTAF then for endorsing mods through dedicated modding forums? NO.


Enough of this. Please don't ruin this topic further. If you have any queries regarding what is illegal and what is not, please take up this matter with the admins. If they say you're right, we'll stop discussing downgraders.


Please don't post in this topic anymore. Let's leave it at that.

@Carlthejunkie: Please only quote the relevant portion of the posts you're replying to.


@girishb: Calm the hell down.


On-topic: We are aware that the downgrader violates the EULA and, normally, all GTAF members looking for the patch are instructed to search on Google/Yahoo!/whateverelsehaveyou. An exception was made for this topic, but everything can be reviewed.


You should've understood that the issue here isn't about downgrading; it's something to do with the operation of this forum and letting people know that they have a choice is nothing bad. Anyway, thanks for everyone's opinion, but keep the off-topic to a minimum. smile.gif


You'll Never Walk Alone

  • 4 months later...

Yes very good work

I just recently bought GTA SA for PC

because I saw some videos of mods

so I bought it

Well im good at this game

and I love doing SnP's but you kno you cant do them

on a V2 unless you change the script

Well I found it and did what I was suppose to do

and now ive completed like 10 SnP's in one day

Great job icon14.gif

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