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Please use this topic to advertise your multiplayer server.






  • You may design your advertisement however you please - but we insist on one thing; do not advertise your websites. Any links to websites or forums and/or asking people to sign up, will not be tolerated. Advertising/referral links are against the GTAForums Rules and Policies. Please note that you're here to advertise servers, not websites.
  • Server IP must be present in your advert (as text). After all, your ad will be pointless without it. tounge.gif

PM GTArv your advertisement and it'll be posted here. Any ads not following the aforementioned rules will be ignored.

Thank you, have fun!

Edited by GTArv
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HostName: [AU] AboveUltimate.com


Players: 57 / 60

Ping: 129

Mode: Hydra Blast! 3

Map: San Andreas


If you are a pilot come on over here for stunts!


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We also include many mini-games such as:



Flight Missions (Hydra and Civilian)





Deathmatch Arena

and more!!!


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Hope to see you there!



NOTE: Do not ask to join play on the server til the admins get to know you then you will be invited!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have created a new server, it is a DM for Los Santos.

Real Life Is a DeathMatch


IP Address:


It has nine teams:







Justice(Army, FBI, Assassin, and Spy)




The teams can:

Farmers and Mafia, Mafia tries to catch the farmers money truck, if they win they get a large amount of money (depending on how long it takes)


Spies and Assassins can type "/stealth" to disappear from radar and there name is erased from the screen.



There are 84 gang zones, all working.




There are a few businesses you can buy, if you own one you earn a certain amount of money ever so often.


By typing "/cb"you can create a bomb that blows up in 8 seconds.


You get experience for kills and gang zone wins.

With a certain amount of exp points you can buy a higher level, which will give you new commands.


Speedometer for when in vehicles


Time like the single player.


Weather fixes


and 70 different vehicles (The max allowed)


Over 300 vehicle spawns.


Every ped in every class has different weapons for every Team.


Auto login.


Bank system for everyone and one for every gang.



Features for next version:

Buy able houses so people can spawn away form fighting zones, or spawn right in the middle of enemy gang territories for instant action. (This will be done by the 26th of this month.)



There are many other features you need to see in this server, but you will need to play it.

I have just made it and put it online. I need help with getting the word out.

I would love the help of getting this sever known, if you help contribute to this you can become an admin if you like, I need those too.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, problems, or wanna help and become an Admin, post here or PM me.








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Bomb Create (/cb)

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Another Pic

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I'm in the [sSs] clan on SA:MP 0.2.2. The server's name is

[sSs]SAMPSERV, It has an andromada spawn point and you para out nto area 51 and do this 'silobomb' mission. In the andromada there a RC vehicles you can get into, though sometimes you can't get in the baron. In area 51 there is a tunnel leading into a bowl. You can type /nrg or /car and stunt around it. The bowl is also a deathmatch area. If you want to see me there, you'll have to see a player called '[sSs]Alex' (thats me smile.gif ) heres the info:

SA:MP Version: 0.2.2


Players: 0/32

Ping: (changes, may as well leave it blank)


Map: San Andreas



  • 5 weeks later...

Your welcome on Drive+Fly+Stunt+ponyfarm [0.2.2 The Fake]


url: tsurf.no-ip.com:7777


cheatprogram = ban


Enjoy the server



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new DM zone on "the fake"

first try of epsilon wink.gif shooting video




hope you like it. welcome to play it on "the fake"



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Edited by tse

Hi all, here is a new server who is a simple carrier war. Each time has 2 carriers and have to bomb the enemys carrier. You can defuse the bomb etc... This is very funny to bomb a carrier and to see it falling down !


Infos about the server:


HostName: [FR] Carrier War - SA:MP 0.2.2


Places: 40

Mode: Carrier War v0.4

Map: Los Santos South Sea


Here are screens :


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This is a trailer of the gamemod Download trailer (120mo)



Have fun biggrin.gif

I found this cool Film Server - Frag-em.com

IP -


It has a bunch of commands and spawns and such, and every vehicle from the game is near the beginning spawn. It doesn't have any edits to the map, and is almost always empty. Very useful for projects. colgate.gif

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Roleplaying on GTA? You've got to be kidding me. Why would I want to roleplay?


1) There are jobs.

2) You have to think of good excuses to kill people. For example: A friend of mine that I play with are Arms Dealers, so we kill any independent Arms Dealers we run across. We also kill anyone that smarts off to us, or anyone that has a car we really want. Basically if you can justify whatever kind of character you're playing doing it, then you can do it. This isn't hard since most people are thug gangstahs . If you just run around and DeathMatch people, you will get killed a lot, lose your money, lose your guns, and probably get arrested and have to spend time sitting in jail. Also, no one will sell you guns when they realize you're deathmatching.

3) CO-OPERATE WITH THE COPS. If one is trying to pull you over, do exactly what you'd do in real life. Pull-over, kiss the cops butt, and 9/10 times he'll let you go on your way. Unlike in real life though, he'll let you go with your AK-47 and bag of meth. If you don't do what he wants, he's going to arrest you or kill you. The cops have stronger cars, easier access to guns, and body armor. They can take down about 3 players without too much of a problem.

4) You retain your money, guns and armour when you log off, and the accumulation of cash is the primary goal of the server.

5) No gun spawns or free guns. You have to buy guns from Arms Dealers, so this keeps some of the DeathMatching in check.



Why should I play here?


* Greatly improved cops from the basic Godfather script, including a /tazer timer to prevent /tazer spam.

* Gang implementations (read: clans) with your own headquarters, vehicle spawns, and things of that assortment.

* Public gangs (/join aztecas or /join ballas) to make it easy to get into the game and start doing fun stuff, as well as to let you meet new people so you can join up and make other gangs.

* Purchasable houses.

* Businesses.

* RP Factors such as levels and cash.

* Controllable materials points so that gangs have something to fight over. This is what you all wanted, so enjoy it.

* Advanced cheat detection for the most stable SA:MP economy around.

* A bleeding feature. SA:MP doesn't give you control of weapon damages, and this was the most effective way to make getting shot more dangerous.

* DAILY updates from multiple coders. (Gilok is a God among coders)

* A lot of problems with default Godfather SA:MP have been fixed, such as Running Man and various bugs that allowed overloading of health/armor.

* Arms-Dealers have access to more guns than in default Godfather, and are levelled so they make better weapons the higher their skill level.

* Admins that keep their noses out of the game. If you see an admin doing things in game other than admining let us know and they'll be fired SO FAST.

* Six DISTINCT and USEFUL jobs. Pilot, armsdealer, drugsdealer, wheelman, mercenary, and lawyer. Check our our wiki (linked below) to see what each class offers.

* A features list that grows daily!




How do I get on this?


1. Install the Full Version of GTA SA on your hard drive. (If you're afraid that you've lost the key to your game, don't worry you won't need it.)

2. Download the multiplayer modification from http://www.sa-mp.com Go to the downloads section and download the Client. Once it has finished downloading run the install program and follow the instructions. Keep that website handy as they have continuously releaesed updated server and client versions.

3. If you bought your disc after the hot coffee ordeal, your version of the game (2.0) is unmoddable. You will need to downgrade your client. If you haven't downgraded your client from 2.0 to 1.01 do it now. Remember you need to do this or the game won't run properly.

4. After the install, there should be a sa-mp executable. Run that. You will be presented with window. Click the Add Server button. Copy and paste this into the field: The SZR:GTA RP server should appear on your server list.

5. You will see a field that says Name: This is going to be your in-game name. We recommend that you use a <firstname>_<last name> format. This is a roleplaying server.

6. Once you've got your name in, make sure the server is selected and Connect to the server. Once everything is loaded you are probably staring at a selection screen. We're going to ignore that for now. You will need to press `, T, or F6 to bring up the chatbox in the game.


At this point sit back and read what the tutorial has to say. It will give some good pointers about the server and messageboards to read up on the going ons of this server. In case you missed it in the tutorial, you will want to visit http://www.secretzombieroom.com from there you can go visit the forums for all the recent updates and changes, or you can go visit the wikipedia for a lot of useful information about the game mechanics. After the tutorial is over you will be placed in the game.



Important Links


Short Newbie Tutorial Video:


Wiki: http://secretzombieroom.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page


Screenshots from the server


Here's the crowd watching one of the regular Fight Clubs in the ring above the Ten Green Bottles Bar:


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The Hells Rebesls show off their bikes


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More images to come

Edited by simonb
  • 3 weeks later...

The UK Gaming Community Role-Play Server was founded and launched a few months ago. Las Venturas Roleplay Server is running a modified version of the Godfather LS/LV. Our community provides updated information inside the Forum to keep our community informed of all the latest Updates, News, and Server Information. Just recently we've added many exciting new Businesses, and Factions inside Las Venturas! We're not done yet! Soon we'll be coming up with loads of new fun updates for the server. I guarantee you that you'll have a wonderful time on the Server. Come and join the fun!


Server IP:

Forum URL: rp-gaming.tk




Auto kick for player with Invalid Names

New map icons, Showing all

Tow Truck Missions

All new accounts start with Drivers licenses

New Spawn Point Added

New family added : El Peligroso mafia (Removed)

The Medical Bill has been removed (Will not charge you $500 every time you Spawn)

New Admin command "/adminjail"

35 New Cars added over LV and LS

Added Prod trucks (Removed)

Wanted level will stay longer

For Police New gate outside and inside

Two new Public Carparks added

Police Color Changed

SyncTime Updated

New players start with 1k not 10k

OOC color Changed

Admin Chat color Changed

FBI Commands changed for them only

New Command for police "/pullincar"

The Materials have been changed so now you can get more then 10

Police Tazer will now last much longer

Up to one-hundered cars added into Las Venturas

All Houses and Businesses moved into LV

New Idletime or AFK timer Added kicks the player if AFK for 10 mins.

New Faction added into LV - You can now become an Airline Pilot and/or Airline Security

Changed Police color back to Black and new chiefs and captains car







Here are the all-mighty rules! You must obey them! If you choose not to obey the all-mighty rules it could result in a Kick, Warning, or Ban. Please make sure that before you register into the server you review this and look over these rules once in a while just in case you might of forgot a specific rule.


Kickable Offenses:


* Meta-gaming

* Power-gaming

* Spamming

* Constant Flaming

* Bug Abuse

* Inappropriate language on OOC



Warn-able Offenses:

(3 warnings = auto-ban)


* Revenge Killing

* Death Matching

* Meta-gaming

* Power-gaming

* Constant Spamming

* Using Smilies or Symbols in IC Chat

* Using OOC terms in the In Character chat

* Advertising illegal items

* Abusing commands

* Ignoring Administrator's requests

* Ignoring server rules

* Jail Death Matching

* Laming (player and/or parking on top another player)

* Non-Roleplay

* Having a disallowed name

* Racism and extremely bad language on OOC chat



Ban-able Offences:


* Cheating/Hacking

* Having 3 admin warnings (auto ban)

* Racism

* Impersonating an Administrator or another User


Creating a Username for your Character

One of the most important things you must think about before joining the Server is having an approved name. Unapproved names are specific names that you had either gotten off a Popular Website, or a name of a Celebrity/Famous Person. Unapproved names are something you did NOT come up with, instead you just choose steal someone else's. This will not be tolerated on the server, and it will result in a Kick. Approved names are either your name or something that you had came up with. If you choose to come up with a certain name please make sure to run a Search on a Search Engine (Doesn't matter which you choose to use) to see if that isn't a famous person's name. Once you have completed your search, and it hasn't been taken by another well-known person you may finally register to the Server. Down below I will list examples of Approved, and Unapproved User ID's. These are only examples, you do not need to register with these names.


Unapproved User ID Examples:









Approved User ID Examples:











Join us!



Server Info: Role Play


Version: SA-MP 0.2X

Players: */100

Mode: NeWave-RolePlay

Map: San Andreas - San Fierro

WebUrl: Soon


ok So lets start:


we got bank system, all RP commands you know is exist and even better,

new commands, new jobs

Jobs: Mechanic, Truck Driver, Bodygourd, Bus driver, Arms Dealer, Car Dealer, Drugs Dealer, Whore ect..

Mechanic: can refill cars, can repair cars

Medic: can heal players.

BodyGuord: can be selector in the club, can be a man that opens famileys gate, protects the mayor.

Arms Dealer: Should get and drop Materials and create gun of it and get levels up!.

Drug dealer:Can buy and sell drugs

Detective: can get information about players.(location, ect)

Boxer:You can fight with another boxer and who wins will get some money.



LCN( La Cosa Nostra ) : 1 Boss, 1 UnderBoss.

Nagaskai(Yakuza): Nagasaki's crime organization- 1 Boss, 1 UnderBoss

License Faction: about 5-6 Instructors that placed in DMV and asking questions + doing driving test and selling license if they're passed.

SAMPD: Police HQ is in LS and SF, They deal with peddy criminals to murderers. Ranks( Cader, Officer, Sergent, Lieutenant, Captian, Cheif ).

FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Deals with drug traffickers to mass murderers.

Taxi: Public Transportation.. /fare command.. and /service commands for invite Taxi/Bus

Hitman: They are the ones who "clean Your trash", If You want to order a contract on somebody type (/contract)

Or You can ad it like this:(/ad I need someone to take out the trash").

SAN andreas News: They are the ones who report the situation of the city.

City Hall: You can take jobs form there.(placed in Ls near LSPD).


You can work these factions in forum, better do it in RP way and talk with the Leaders..


Activities In Server:

The Nagasaki Gun Shop: Place in San Fierro(near dmv), Owned by The Nagasaki Family.

You can buy weapons there.

Drinking Bar: There are couple of Drinking Bars: Mistys, Jizzys club, You can sit there and talk with Your friends and ofcours drink!!!



About 25+ Animations, you can use /animlist and you'll see all animations.


Weapons/Money Cheats

there's no way to use money hacks in this server.

All noobie weapons like Dual weapons, Miniguns Night Visions and all these kind has been blocked and no way to use it in server..


this is the GodFather mod but upgraded


So, i hope you'll get in and enjoy..

And Please Talk only english in the server.

Thank You and Good Day.

Edited by elimx

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Scott's RPG is a new and upcoming server. Come help us improve, or just enjoy the land of San Andreas' LS, SF, and LV. If you get that trigger happy feeling theres, Paintball, and if you just love jumping ramps and such theres a Stuntpark...Scotts RPG has it all.





Forum: http://www.scottsrpg.co.nr

  • 2 weeks later...

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HostName: [ENG]TornCity DeathMatch[TCDM]


Owner: [TC]_TornUp_[TC]

Players: 1 / 100

Ping: 100

Mode: TCDM

Map: San Andreas/San fierro


Forums here: www.necasoft.co.uk/forums/



First 10 Player can be Admins, as i need some!!

Edited by Jordana

Name: Norbits - Bitches'Brew Roleplay 1.0

Gamemode: Bitches'Brew RPG

Server IP:

Max Players 50 (Will be raised to 100 or More soon depends)

Map: Las Venturas

Gamemode Map over Jobs,Bank etc.. Jobz Map

Info: This is a Modified The Godfather gamemode.

Everything is replaced from LS/SF to Las Venturas.


Remember!: This is just 1.0 many features hasn't been implented yet, like House Cars. i fix those laters smile.gif

Note: This server is new. i just need players to have fun:)


10 Real Family names will come soon to, all i need is players to be leaders the same goes with the factions..


Forum: comes soon




Car Dealer Job

/sellcar [Player ID] [Price]


Car Jacker Job

/dropcar på Checkpointet


Gundealer Job

/materials [Get,Deliver]

/sellgun [Player ID] [Name of Gun]


Whore Job

/sex [Playerid] [Price]


Detective Job

/find [Playerid]


Drug Dealer Job

/sell drugs

/get drugs Inside the Drug Factory


Car Mechanic Job

/repair [Player ID] [Price]

/refill [Player ID] [Price]



News Faction




/news [Text]


Body Guard Job



Boxer Job




Paper Boy Job





Police Faction

/r (Radio Chat)

/d (Departments Chat)

/m (Megaphone)

/su (Suspect) [PlayerID] [Reason]

/mdc [PlayerID]

/arrest [PlayerID/Price] [Time (Minutes] [bail 1=Yes 0= No] [bail Price] (Arrest them at the Elevator inside LVPD Garage)


/cuff [PlayerID]

/tazer [PlayerID]

/frisk [PlayerID]

/take [Name of Item/License [Playerid]

/ticket [PlayerID] [Price] [Reason]

/gov (Goverment Chat)

/deliver [PlayerID]




San Andreas Medical Department

/r (Radio Chat)

/d (Departments Chat

/heal [PlayerID] [Price]



Taxi Faction & Bus Job

/fare [Price]


Mobil Help:


/call 911 (Goverment Help)

/call [PlayerID's Phone Number]

/sms [PlayerID's Phone Number] [Text]

/p (Pickup)

/h (Hangup)

/number [PlayerID]


Home Help







/houseupgrade (/hu)


/tv (off/player)









/setrent [Price]

/evict [PlayerID]

/housewithdraw [Amount]


Rent Help:








Biz Help:



/bizfee [Price]

/bizname [Name]

/prodprice [Price]









Leder Help:


/invite [PlayerID]

/uninvite [PlayerID]

/giverank [PlayerID] [Rank 1-6]


Yakuza/La Cosa Nostra Help


/uninvite [PlayerID]

/giverank [PlayerID] [Rank 1-6]





Mayor Help:


/settax [Price]

/givetax [Give money to the Police,Medics


IRC help:


/irc join [Channelnr] eller /irc join [Channelnr] [Passord]

/irc Password [channelnr]

/irc NeedPass [Channelnr]

/irc Lock [channelnr]

/irc Admins

/irc MOTD [Message of the Day text]

/irc status [Channelnr]

/i [Text]


Fishing Help:


/fish [Must be on a boat to fish]

/fishes [shows what fishes you got]

/throwback [releases the last fish you caught]

/throwbackall [Releases all fishes you have caught]

/releasefish [Releases one of your fishes


Cooking Help:


/cook [All the options avaliable]

/cooked [ Ser alt du har kokt]

/eat [Eat something you have cook't]



General Help:




/login [Password]




/pay [PlayerID [Amount] [Only a Desent amount is allowed to pay per level, Level 1 = 1000$ and so on..]


/buy [used inside 24/7





/drink [used inside the Pubs]


/showlicenses [PlayerID] (used to show Licenses to the police)


/resetupgrades [Cost 100000$]

/buygun [Gun Name] [Amount of Ammo] (Used inside the gunshops)





/lotto [Lotto Nummer]



/report [PlayerID] [Reason]



/eject [PlayerID]


/contract [PlayerID] [Head Price]






/w (whisper [PlayerID] [Text]

/o [Text]

/s [shout Text]

/c (Close)

/l (Local) [Text]


/ad (Advertise) [Text]

/f (Family chat) [Text]

/me [Text]






Bank Help:


/withdraw [Amount]

/deposit [Amount]

/wiretransfer [PlayerID] [Amount]

Edited by Sinces
  • 2 weeks later...

.: Nevada Role Play Community:.


This is an RP server, which stands for Role Play.

You have to act like in real life, If you were kidnapped you have to RP it.

If you being robbed you can't just run away.


The role play is being played in Nevada

the main places are: Las Payadas, El Quedrabos, Las Barrancas and Las Venturas.


This is The Godfather script, Just really improved, Hope you'll have a good time. biggrin.gif




Player Slots: 200

Mode: Nevada Role Play

HostName: Nevada Role Play

Server Adress:

Ventrilo Adress:

Forum Adress: http://www.Undergroundd.com






*Hippies - No Leader

*Hitman Agency - No Leader

*La Cosa Nostra - No Leader

*National Guards - No Leader

*News Reporters - No Leader

*Bodyguard Agency - No Leader

*Emergency Services - No Leader




*Governor - Led By James_Stone

*Blood Snakes - Led By James_Dean

*Red Mafia - Led By Vladmir_Ivankov

*Department Of Licensing - Led By Sheli Frozen

*Central Intelegence Agnency - Led By Peter Johnson

*Public Transportation - No Leader - Led By John_Slon

*Sheriff Department - Led By Charles_Mcloed

*La_eMe - Led By Fernando and Cesar Valdez

*Police Force - Led By Soleinen_Haler

*Yakuza - Led By Gin_Watnabe












Paper Boy

Car Dealer

Car Jacker

Drug Dealer

Arms Dealer

Car Mechanic



.:Server Rules:.


Only Role Play names, Firstname_Lastname. Ex. Carl_Smith



No Cheats.

No Driveby.

No OOC in IC.

No Bug Abusing.

No Meta-gaming.

No Power-gaming.

No Revange Killing.

No Deathmatching.

No Smileys in Ic Chats

No Cursing in OOC Chats.

No Spamming (Any Chat).

No Quiting the game in a middle of RP (Police Persuit, Being kidnapped)





Lead Admins:

James_Stone - James_Stone

Kyle_Stone - Sheli_Frozen


Level 4 Admins

Peter_Jonson - Peter_Jonson




Level 3 Admins



Level 2 Admins



Level 1 Admins

John_Slon - James_Slon

Cesar_Valdez - Cesar_Valdez


  • 2 weeks later...

user posted image


ABG Server RolePlay


SAMP Server



Old Valhalla Like Scripts (new ones has less money, so we kept the oldies).


Great RP Server, easy play, great scripts, gangs, jobs, bank, LS, Lvl System, full RP, Friendly Admins.



*Hitman Agency

*La Cosa Nostra

*National Guards

*News Reporters






*Italian Mafia

*Department Of Licensing












Car Dealer

Car Jacker

Drug Dealer

Arms Dealer

Car Mechanic



Enter and Register in the FORUM


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Edited by Koison

===================[China]GTARB VC Server=======================


Welcome the presence I the vc server.

Server information

HostName: [China 0.3z] GTARB corps-ZJY[ZJYser.88IP.cn]


Players: 0 / 20

Ping: 7

Mode: Forms a team the pattern, the QQ group:31358998

Map: Vice-City

My server must find in the network server, because was dynamic IP.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, just wanted to get some things going with a new SA-MP server i currently have.


I am looking to increase manpower and get things rolling. Everything is in its infant stage right now, so basically anyone is welcome to join, and about all positions are open at this point. I am currently working on this game mode myself, I'm learning as i go and progress is coming along nicely. So, if you have experience with coding thats also a plus. I have a certain direction i want to take with the server, and im hoping to find more like minded individuals to help in the development process.


Best way to keep in touch is to join us on IRC and idle there as much as you want.

irc.gtanet.com #hamyshank


If you're not familiar with IRC contact me through MSN: [email protected] or with AIM: hamyshank


The server is currently running just a very basic game mode, that is in development.

Server IP:

feel free to join up and /register yourself an account


I have a website where forums are going to be added in the near future:



Temporary Google Group Setup until forums are online:



I also have a Teamspeak Server setup -- TBA


Hope to hear from you soon.

Name: Norbits - Bitches'Brew Roleplay 1.0

Gamemode: Bitches'Brew RPG

Server IP:

Max Players 50 (Will be raised to 100 or More soon depends)

Map: Las Venturas

Gamemode Map over Jobs,Bank etc.. Jobz Map

Info: This is a Modified The Godfather gamemode.

Everything is replaced from LS/SF to Las Venturas.


Remember!: This is just 1.0 many features hasn't been implented yet, like House Cars. i fix those laters smile.gif

Note: This server is new. i just need players to have fun:)


10 Real Family names will come soon to, all i need is players to be leaders the same goes with the factions..

I'd like to play in this server but why the hell you have put password on.. dozingoff.gif

[TD][MMM]vid n` fun server

Mode:Moviemakermod devil.gif

Map:Map Editor 0.5rc4 that_guy2057_evilgrin.gif

i really need some players its not always on cause im hosting it but u could give me some ideas and links to scripts i would really appricieate that guys

I need cmds script that everybody can use

PS:u might get to be cool.gif admin:cool:

PS to PS:u have to be a player that is always there biggrin.gif

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