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simpsons trivia


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I'm jacking flicko's question on an account of him being off line and not getting to ask one last time. tounge.gif


What part of the sandbox is Ralph not alowed in?


Edit - Never mind mad.gif

i will never go offline without saying.

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Quimby gets booed on Whacking Day after people start to like the snakes. How many dead snakes is he holding?

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Quimby gets booed on Whacking Day after people start to like the snakes. How many dead snakes is he holding?


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Yes it was 12, your question flicko.

oh quality.


looks like theres only me and you playing tonight dills...


my Q--what is the first thing bart ever wrote on the blackboard?

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Gonna be lazy and take my question from Whacking Day again. tounge.gif


Why was Whacking Day first started?

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tony da boss

I'll use the question I tried to use before.



What part of the sandbox is Ralph not alowed in?
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When Homer wants to become a prison guard at the new prison in Springfield, who actually designed the prison?
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When Homer wants to become a prison guard at the new prison in Springfield, who actually designed the prison?

mr burns?

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The architect Frank Gehry, it was meant to be an opera house IIRC. icon14.gif

That would be correct.


@flicko: Mr. Burns is the one who actually takes control of the prison; Frank Gehry built it.

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The architect Frank Gehry, it was meant to be an opera house IIRC.  icon14.gif

That would be correct.


@flicko: Mr. Burns is the one who actually takes control of the prison; Frank Gehry built it.

damnit , knew he had something to do with it lol.gif

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When Homer tries to run from the prison rioters who want to kill him for being a snitch, where do he and Marge hide?

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When Bart is expelled from Springfield Elementary the second time (in Season 16), why is he actually expelled and who is to blame for the actual expulsion?
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