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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

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If you have a close friend and you trust him, then i've just found something, not sure if it will work or not.



1a) buy a memory card and transfer your friends live account onto it


1b)have your friend give you his email address and password and account recover on your box

2) go onto your box and sign onto his account

3) go to account management and then go to download history

4) select COD4 MP Beta and re download it onto to your HDD

5) sign out of his name and and back into yours once its done downloading

6) go to the demo page and start up the MP Beta

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are cars and tanks going to be in the full game just want to know i might not get it if there not

nope but you can blow them up


I finally got signed up. The site wouldn't work on my computer because evertime i confirmed my age to get into the sight it just refreshed to the same page


Luckily i had a PSP which i don't use too much. The PSP can have internet access if you have a router and i found this out 2 weeks ago. The site worked right away on it and i signed up but when i went to the beta page it said that it will reopen shortly. The next day i tried to get it in but it did the same thing by refreshing the page as my computer did. So i had to sign up again sad.gif and when i got on it still said it will be reopen shortly. Luckily i went down a few paragraphs and so the ENTER NOW button. Well i entered and now im in the contest smile.gif Hopefully i get picked

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are cars and tanks going to be in the full game just want to know i might not get it if there not

nope but you can blow them up


I finally got signed up. The site wouldn't work on my computer because evertime i confirmed my age to get into the sight it just refreshed to the same page


Luckily i had a PSP which i don't use too much. The PSP can have internet access if you have a router and i found this out 2 weeks ago. The site worked right away on it and i signed up but when i went to the beta page it said that it will reopen shortly. The next day i tried to get it in but it did the same thing by refreshing the page as my computer did. So i had to sign up again sad.gif and when i got on it still said it will be reopen shortly. Luckily i went down a few paragraphs and so the ENTER NOW button. Well i entered and now im in the contest smile.gif Hopefully i get picked

o damn well thats me out then thanks for answering quickly

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o damn well thats me out then thanks for answering quickly

Dude have you seen any of the game's footage, you do not need vehicles in this game it looks f*cking awesome already.


Anyway it's good not having vehicles in the online as people just whore the tanks and you can't do nothing during the whole game due to just keep getting repeatedly blown up.

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are cars and tanks going to be in the full game just want to know i might not get it if there not


Vehicle whore hey ? It's quite fun running next to tanks and stuff, makes the game harder. Maybe you should try it, you never know what the outcome may be.



Anyway it's good not having vehicles in the online as people just whore the tanks and you can't do nothing during the whole game due to just keep getting repeatedly blown up.


Like BF2...

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PC gaming ftw !


I'd love to know the system requirements, I'm just as curious as james_root. This game looks brilliant, fun gameplay, excellent graphics too.



I've been looking and it's like GTA:IV for the PC, Guesswork as to what it would be. Although I think the general rule of thumb is take the Specs of an XBox360 and PS3 and add about half to it (to allow for PC bloat) and you'll be in the right ball park for Recommended-High End PC Specs. XBox360 and PS3 = PC Spec equivilents for Minimum PC Specs, if that made sense.


But it does seem by Activisions previous efforts, and prefence to the PC as being a Major Player in the Gaming Market that it should be very good on an average system (ie a Good Port)

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Digïtál £vîl

A little update on the status of beta tokens



24-Hour Beta Sign-up has officially ended. I've pulled the final list, and the first batch of tokens are going to start sending out immediately.


Before I let you in on the best part, I want to make it clear that tokens are going to be going out in waves, we're probably going to let in a little over 10,000 people a day to slowly ramp up to the full amount. So even if you are selected tonight, you may not get your token just yet. Be patient. Enough of the logistics, now on to the good part.


I told you that we'd take care of the community, and I'm happy to say we were able to live up to that promise. Everyone who signed up for a chance at the beta via the 24-hour Beta Sign-up, WILL be getting a token!


We're going to send out congrats emails to all of you eventually, but keep in mind (again) the tokens themselves will be in waves. So you might get it today, you might get it tomorrow, you might get it later than that. So be patient, I know everyone would love to be in the first wave, but keep in mind this is a beta TEST, and this is one way were testing our servers performance is by ramping up slowly and tracking how it effects the game, playlist downloads, matchmaking, etc. We're hoping to try and get them all out as quickly as possible, but just wanted to give you a heads up if you don't see a token immediately in your inbox.


As I said, everyone who completed the sign-up over the past 24 hour's will be getting a token, if for some reason you missed the 24 hour sign-up keep in mind we're going to have more chances to get tokens in the future (possibly another Charlie.com sign-up) as well as through Gamespot.com, and GameStop, not to mention International users have their very own exclusive tokens / sign-ups coming up.


Thanks again for all the support everyone, once you've all received your token, downloaded the beta, and are online stabbing me in the back on Vacant.... I'm sure it would have all been worth it. wink.gif


Source: http://fourzerotwo.com/

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arg euro members why can't you just follow directions! tounge.gif


The reason the site ate sh*t for a whole day is because everyone ALL over the world were clogging the webpage. When they say only Americans will be allowed to play they mean it. They have multiple ways to make sure that is what happens. So why still enter? All it does it make it harder for the rest of us who can actually get a chance to play to enter, and to do that is a bit selfish. Good things come to those who wait, not those who try and cheat the system. tounge2.gif


I'm still waiting for my token, but seeing that I will get one now (sometime in the future) makes me happy.

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arg euro members why can't you just follow directions! tounge.gif


The reason the site ate sh*t for a whole day is because everyone ALL over the world were clogging the webpage. When they say only Americans will be allowed to play they mean it. They have multiple ways to make sure that is what happens. So why still enter? All it does it make it harder for the rest of us who can actually get a chance to play to enter, and to do that is a bit selfish. Good things come to those who wait, not those who try and cheat the system. tounge2.gif


I'm still waiting for my token, but seeing that I will get one now (sometime in the future) makes me happy.

So why were me and Daz just playing?


Silly Amerikans. Think they can boss us little folk about with their shiny Betas.

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I registered at the site but I never got the confirmation email...even when I requested a resend. sad.gif

Same suicidal.gif

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I didn't get a confirmation mail either. I'm getting sadder and sadder with this beta rollout sad.gif

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Pisses me off you cant use the Grenade launcher with a scope or something. I hate this peice of sh*t M4 vertical grip.


I macked out my MP5 almost all the way, I just need red and blue tiger camo for it now.

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Pisses me off you cant use the Grenade launcher with a scope or something. I hate this peice of sh*t M4 vertical grip.


I macked out my MP5 almost all the way, I just need red and blue tiger camo for it now.

There's me feeling good about my AK with woodland camo. Way to make a girl feel unloved you bastard. biggrin.gif

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Pisses me off you cant use the Grenade launcher with a scope or something. I hate this peice of sh*t M4 vertical grip.


I macked out my MP5 almost all the way, I just need red and blue tiger camo for it now.

There's me feeling good about my AK with woodland camo. Way to make a girl feel unloved you bastard. biggrin.gif

Btw I just noticed you can get gold camo for the AK-47.


Says to rankup though, I asume its either on one of the higher ranks or not in the beta.





I want the f*cking 1911. mad.gif

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So, ALL this time that I was waiting for the confirmation email and that I never got it at all (I could log in the site though )... I find out that this BETA is only for X360....great.


It's closed anyway.

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Downloading as I speak.


I'll be playing from when it's finished to about 12pm GMT, then again in the morning around 7am, then when I come home from work at 6pm.


Parkypoo is my tag icon14.gif

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So do you only receive a mail when you get your token, or do they send one out on top of that saying that they got your sign-up? I'm kinda freakin' out right now as I've received nothing.

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I didn't get a confirmation mail either. I'm getting sadder and sadder with this beta rollout sad.gif

You have to give them some time man. They've said all along that it will take up to 72 hours to notify everyone, you think that many people signing up at one time is wise? It's a beta, they need to test the waters. Besides, anyone who signed up in the 24 hour window is guaranteed the token (Link), so just be patient, it will show up.

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What a coincidence, all the Zaibatsu have suddenly managed to get their hands on the BETA tonight, lmao.


57%, I can't wait. inlove.gif

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57%, I can't wait. inlove.gif

Lmao, must be one of the few lucky ones.


f*ck me yours is downloading fatser than mine, i'm only one 80%. sad.gif

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Ohhh this topic makes me wanna cry sad.gif


Are there any NDA's associated with the beta that you had to sign?

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Oh my this game f*cking rocks my socks.


The multiplayer has improved drastically since CoD 2 and 3. I've just been going through the weapons as i get promoted and the sniper rifle is awesome, you can now hold your breath for precision shots and it's f*cking great sniping someones headoff when they're running or climbing ladders.


When your on a killing streak you can earn bonuses for your team such as helicopter support and air strikes, and when the air strikes come it;s f*cking scary and quality.


Can't wait until the morning so i can play it again. tounge.gif

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hell yeah I got in too. I can't download till a little later though, my roommate is currently playing MGS2 (my game) on my TV. Blah! Gives me time to weight lift.


in regards to MMMS, I humbly eat my words. Stupid game not being truthful about its rules! tounge.gif

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I'm in! I played some rounds today. There are some collision bugs. For some reason bullets go though some walls, some trees are not solid, and crawling is all messed up. Still great overall.

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Digïtál £vîl

Of course, like usual, even if I signed up right at 7:35pm after they reopened the damn 24 hour beta sign-up, I have yet to get a token invite. Dammit. This is always my luck to miss out on sh*t like the immediate hand out period.


Anyways, I guess it works out for now because I have to finish my finals (last one tomorrow) and then beat Dead Rising again to finish off trying to get most of my achievements for the game.

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n regards to MMMS, I humbly eat my words. Stupid game not being truthful about its rules! tounge.gif



Us Englanders have mystical, medieval roots. Don't underestimate us again. I see you are on. Might come join you in 10 mins.

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n regards to MMMS, I humbly eat my words. Stupid game not being truthful about its rules!  tounge.gif



Us Englanders have mystical, medieval roots. Don't underestimate us again. I see you are on. Might come join you in 10 mins.

well you didn't come join me now did you?


I was playing for the last 6 hours straight. My hands freaking cramping, but I'm damn good now.


When you first start out with NOTHING it kind of sucks, you die a ton and don't have the same advantages of others, but by the time I got all the upgrades I was owning like nothing else! I love the last stand ability, I've sometimes killed 2 or three guys shooting off my pistol as I lay dying. It really is a COD game, and probably one I'll have to buy.


One downside I felt was how you could not run and reload. I would hit the reload key, start to run, and then have to reload again when I stopped. Sucked balls.


Knifing people is tons of fun too. Nothing better then stabbing a few people in the back or slitting their throats.

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