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Rainbow 6: Vegas


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I rented this game and now I need to buy it!


Its a lot of fun, and its a challenge, which I really need.

Im sick of buying games only to beat them super-quick, and this one is tough.

Plus a load of replay with the kick-ass multiplayer.


@Zak., 'grats on the name change!

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I don't even play Singleplayer now. Its multiplayer all the time for me, f*cking awesome.

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Mafia Righthand_Man
I don't even play Singleplayer now. Its multiplayer all the time for me, f*cking awesome.

Multiplayer absolutely rocks. It's great when you get a real good team. I had an awesome team on Calypso and they stayed on for a good while. We had a blast.

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M. H. Hunter III
Can PC users play multiplayer with Xbox360 people and the like?

last i heard only Shadowrun people could do that.....or was it something else. Anyways i don't even have a clue how you'd have a pc user with a 360 user online, it just confuses me. confused.gif

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Can PC users play multiplayer with Xbox360 people and the like?

last i heard only Shadowrun people could do that.....or was it something else. Anyways i don't even have a clue how you'd have a pc user with a 360 user online, it just confuses me. confused.gif

Shadowrun does play online PC vs. 360, but I haven't bothered with it myself. I believe Halo 2 does now as well?

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whats with all these new names? zak.? daz? what is going on?!




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Calypso is my favourite level, for Attack and Defend anyway. Aslong as you get on the Attack team, you're alright. biggrin.gif


Had my best round last night, went 16 kills to 4 deaths. Got me 1.1k exp also.


What weapons do you guys use? Its gotta be the 552 Commando or the FAMAS for me.

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M. H. Hunter III

meh i typically use the the MP5N with 6x scope on that....works great.

typically thats all i use, unless im planning on say guarding something, then i currently would use maybe the 870, but thats rare to see me out of the MP5N

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Many people use the MP5N, I just can't seem to use it well. sad.gif


Is there some cheats for online or something? I was playing Attack and Defend on Calypso and in big red writing "GIJOHNDOE MODE IS ON" appeared across the screen. Everyone on their mics where all like wtf? Anyone have an idea what it is?


NVM, good old google. It just turns bullet tracers red and blue depending on your team.

Edited by Funk3h
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Ah Rainbow Six Vegas, this was the only game i played for weeks on end when it first came out, the multiplayer is fun with your mates and the co-op story mode was classic aswell. I still haven't completed the offline story mode yet, i'll have to start playing it again.


I use the MP9 that is awesome, very good at close range and pretty decent when you bang on a scope for it. Great accuracy too. die.gif

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I usually use the G3KA4 or something with an ACOG scope.


Or sometimes on terrorist hunt I might use a shield and MK.23 (I haven't unlocked any other pistols yet) because I'm hardKORE!

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Not happy,


I turned off my PS3 by the switch at the back after a game had finished and it didn't sound like it turned off normally. Turned it on the next day, booted up Vegas and all my data has gone. Have to start all over again online now. mad.gif

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That doesn't happen if you have a 360 Funk3h. Plus, you could be playing with us awesome people on XBL.

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M. H. Hunter III
That doesn't happen if you have a 360 Funk3h. Plus, you could be playing with us awesome people on XBL.

psssh Fanboy sneaky2.gif



But he is right wink.gif

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Just went back to playing the single player storyline after a long break and now i'm stuck in the second casino area, the amout of frags and incendiarys that are getting thrown at me are insane. You think you clear the room and then 4 greanades come flying towards you. I'm sick of seeing the 'reload checkpoint' menu. mad.gif

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M. H. Hunter III

i've switched almost completly to the MP 7 (something) with scope, or possibly i'll mix it up with the good olde' fashioned stopping power of the AK-47 (and great sniping abilites with that 6x scope)


it's always amazed me, that in attack and defend matches that it appears my former MP 5 and later the MP 9 were acting like i was firing BBs' off instead of bullets.

but my two current guns are really working for me.

although you must work with the ak-47 as it tends to climb rather fast on a person, so try short bursts.


Edited by Master Headhunter
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I just can't find a good gun to work with now. I used to have the M8 alot but recently i've been doing sh*t with it. And how people are good with the MP9 ill never know, I fail majorly with it.

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I beat the story mode for psp... I'd hate to rain on your parade the psp version is watered down the thrills

I get is in the online mode... angry.gif

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I use the MG36 and switch between the P90 and G36.


And i can't really beat the game yet because in the warehouse level when at the dam i can't kill Irena becasue ever time i try i get shot and killed by her hetchman.

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I've been too goddamn high to play.


Been like, on a binge and sh*t.

We'll see you on there, alright?

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Anyone know what the best mode is for exp? Attack and Defend gives good exp if you get on the Attack team and they win. But i never end up on that team for some reason. mad.gif

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I won't be here tonight, so if someone else would like to hold the 9pm Friendly, that'd be sweet.

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I'll go get this tommorow. Parkypoo be my XBL tag


I've already had it once aswell. Duno where it got to tho sad.gif

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I'm in this little clique now. cool.gif Mighty TEoS is my Tag

It's alright Zak. I held it last night to the best of my ability... Which should be great since I'm always the host anyhow.


TEoS - Fun sh*t last night man. icon14.gif

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Anyone know what the best mode is for exp? Attack and Defend gives good exp if you get on the Attack team and they win. But i never end up on that team for some reason. mad.gif

Terrorist Hunt is probably the best mode to gain the most experience points, or if you pretty good at the game then Sharpshooter will be a good choice. icon14.gif

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