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The main reason I made this was for the guy in this topic, and as GT-1 pointed out I should post it here incase its of use to anyone else.


Its a comand line tool in c++ that takes a txd archive and an extract folder as paramters and dumps all the textures as tga images.

looks a little something like this...


user posted image


Should help you out a bit, readme included with instructions and all the usual who ha ha.

Download TXDtoTGA (28kb))


If people find it of use or if enough people want it I can add support for other formats such as bmp, dds, png and all the other usual stuff.


Check the readme, Enjoy,


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now the only remaining issue is batching txd's. it looks like this just operates on one txd at a time. is there a way to say, dump the images of all the txd's in a folder?


then we could just dump img txd's to a folder, batch the folder and be done with it. i assume duplicate images would simply be overwritten.


or is this possible, and i just missed it ?

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now the only remaining issue is batching txd's. it looks like this just operates on one txd at a time. is there a way to say, dump the images of all the txd's in a folder?


then we could just dump img txd's to a folder, batch the folder and be done with it. i assume duplicate images would simply be overwritten.


or is this possible, and i just missed it ?

Yea it just handles one at a time, will make a variation of it where you pass it a folder to read from and a folder to dump to, and it will auto detect all the txd files in the folder.

Will put it up in a while.

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FOR %%f IN (*.txd) DO TXDtoTGA.exe %%f output



Put that in a .bat and run it; it'll export all txd files to a folder called output.


I also found what might be a bug - it seems to not like long filenames (like 2notherbuildsfe.txd), and if you run it without passing the full binary filename, it crashes with an invalid D3D call error on the console. (ie, doing TXDtoTGA blah.txd out).

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Oh yeah - I'm running through the full TXD set from the IMG using that bat file. So far it's crashing on more than it's running through successfully. Maybe there's an image format wrinkle that's not being taken into account? Or could just be long names or a buffer issue. In any case this is still way better than doing it by hand. smile.gif

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