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maby we should start a "Games for windows live? No thanks!" petition?

It's better than no multi-player at all.... Be grateful! tounge2.gif

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maby we should start a "Games for windows live? No thanks!" petition?

why??? games for windows live is free for all users...

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"Games For Windows" doesn't automatically mean it's not going to be on Steam. There are games on Steam that have the GFW bar on the retail box. And considering that every other GTA game is on Steam (with the exception of the "Stories" games), I'd be surprised if GTA IV isn't.

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Dear R*, you are not console whores after all or at all. I retract myself from previous statements.

I salute you.

Now I want to hear the system requirements; and I hope that the game still allow mods.

PC gaming FTW!

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maby we should start a "Games for windows live? No thanks!" petition?

It's better than no multi-player at all.... Be grateful! tounge2.gif

yeah your damn straight, first gta game since the old one's with official MP support



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"Games For Windows" doesn't automatically mean it's not going to be on Steam. There are games on Steam that have the GFW bar on the retail box.

games for windows live is compatible with steam so you can use also steam version with it. (but i don't know if can out a steam version...)

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Taste Of Chaos



This should open up some new filming possibilitys past console gaming.

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This should open up some new filming possibilitys past console gaming.

so true , cant wait for fire up fraps inside GTA IV

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Ok people, I'm confused.


I can't read anything on their official site regarding it. All I've seen is comments in this thread, and old fan-created box art.


Can someone point out where exactly it officially says that this game will be "Games for Windows Live", or even just "Games for Windows"?

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maby we should start a "Games for windows live? No thanks!" petition?

It's better than no multi-player at all.... Be grateful! tounge2.gif

yeah your damn straight, first gta game since the old one's with official MP support

Alright, I return to asking the obvious:



Do R* NOT manage the MP?

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Dear R*, you are not console whores after all or at all. I retract myself from previous statements.

I salute you.

Now I want to hear the system requirements; and I hope that the game still allow mods.

PC gaming FTW!

Yup it is moddable.

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Ok people, I'm confused.


I can't read anything on their official site regarding it. All I've seen is comments in this thread, and old fan-created box art.


Can someone point out where exactly it officially says that this game will be "Games for Windows Live", or even just "Games for Windows"?

Clear your browser cache, they put a GfW Live symbol next to the 360 and PS3 symbols.

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thousand flowers bloomed this day.


million hearts beat with joy



have a great time!!!!!!



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f*ck YOU ALL I AM BUYING GTA Chinawars DS! FACK ZE PC VERSION!!!!!111!!!!1! It is gonna pawnzer your PC version!

You forgot the: [/console kiddy] tounge.gif

Haha right.



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Äîáàâèòü ê çàãîëîâêó îñîáî è íå÷åãî - Rockstar îôèöèàëüíî îáúÿâèëà î ðàçðàáîòêå PC-âåðñèè Grand Theft Auto IV. Î ñèñòåìíûõ òðåáîâàíèÿõ, ñïåöèçäàíèÿõ, äîïîëíèòåëüíîì êîíòåíòå è öåíàõ ðàññêàæóò ïîçäíåå. àê ñîîáùàþò â Rockstar North (îíà è çàíèìàåòñÿ ïîðòèðîâàíèåì), èãðà ÷óâñòâóåò ñåáÿ íà "ïåðñîíàëêàõ" õîðîøî è âûéäåò óæå 18 íîÿáðÿ ýòîãî ãîäà.




Very Goood !!! inlove.gif



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Ok people, I'm confused.


I can't read anything on their official site regarding it.  All I've seen is comments in this thread, and old fan-created box art.


Can someone point out where exactly it officially says that this game will be "Games for Windows Live", or even just "Games for Windows"?

Clear your browser cache, they put a GfW Live symbol next to the 360 and PS3 symbols.

Sorry, where's this now?! I'm looking at the R* / IV site and all I've seen is the announcement in news. Is it elsewhere?

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Clear your browser cache, they put a GfW Live symbol next to the 360 and PS3 symbols.

Well, many of us assumed it was so this time around, but now I know 100% that it has been Microsoft that they've been in bed with.


It couldn't just be a clean, proper PC game, Microsoft had to poke their ugly head in and try to ruin the multiplayer aspect.


It had better be able to be played on LAN, private servers etc. If not, it's just another instance of Microsoft trying to turn the PC into a console. barf8bd.gif

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I wonder if they will let PC gamers into the Social club site tounge.gif . It would be nice if they did the "key to the city" competition again for PC gamers. I can't see them doing the key to the city competition again though since it seems to have been a right pain in the arse for them with the console. However I think they should open the social club site for PC gamers biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Ok people, I'm confused.


I can't read anything on their official site regarding it.  All I've seen is comments in this thread, and old fan-created box art.


Can someone point out where exactly it officially says that this game will be "Games for Windows Live", or even just "Games for Windows"?

Clear your browser cache, they put a GfW Live symbol next to the 360 and PS3 symbols.

Sorry, where's this now?! I'm looking at the R* / IV site and all I've seen is the announcement in news. Is it elsewhere?

Officcial announcement


there you go

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