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HE MAY SAY "WE DONT PLAN TO RELEASE IT ON PC" - so gta4 wont be released for PC

Or he MAY SAY "WE DONT PLAN TO RELEASE IT ON PC NOW"-so gta4 will be released for PC later.

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So you think you are the cleverest? What you think - it's your problem - and you dont write about it here.

You should have written. If u dont want - get away. What miracle you mean, i could not understand.

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HE MAY SAY "WE DONT PLAN TO RELEASE IT ON PC" - so gta4 wont be released for PC

Or he MAY SAY "WE DONT PLAN TO RELEASE IT ON PC NOW"-so gta4 will be released for PC later.

There is no point in asking Rockstar or Dan houser about the PC version at the moment. Rockstar would never give ANY indication about a PC version till well after the console versions have been shipped.


You see the majority of sane people KNOW the PC version is better, so if they are assured that there will be a PC version they will leave the console version and wait for the PC one.



I don't believe in miracles anymore.


Well in 6 - 8 months time you will become a believer in miracles nosferatu5. Right about the time the PC version hits the shelves. I really don't know where this doubt is coming from. Nearly all third party games on the consoles come to the PC, Rockstar is a third party developer they will bring it to the PC. About the only games that never make it to the PC are Sony owned developer games.

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Look, it will come out on PC for the simple fact that it's like leaving a big pile of cash on the table if they don't. They will have this finished product that they been working on for years sitting in their laps when it comes out for the consoles.


They are a corporation. They are there to make money. They are there to increase the value of their stock and make investors happy. Any self-respecting company would do the same. It would be the biggest blunder ever if they didn't. On top of that, Take Two needs the green badly and this is their golden egg. To not bring this game to the PC market would be ridiculous.


Dan's not going to say they bringing it to the PC right now, because they are shrewd. Like it's been said before, they don't want to hurt console sales. (Personally, I don't think it would. But, maybe they know something I don't).


The only way I could see it hurting is if R* is expecting people to buy the console version (being afraid the PC version wasn't coming out, because of Dan's not telling us that it is). Then, once people learn that it is is coming to PC, they would buy the PC version too. So, by announcing it early they would miss out on an extra sale. But, I think most people would buy one or the other, not both. If people want the PC version, they aren't going to buy a console for one game.


Here's my question. Will the PC version get the episodic content? I'd hate to miss out on it. We've already had to miss the VC stories and LC stories, unfortunately. Grrr...

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they probaly will have it for the pc, a year after it was released on the ps3 and xbox 360 dozingoff.gif

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There wont be any episodic content for PC. Because f.ex. Test Drive Unlimited as It has new car models, they are available only for X360.


Who can tell me why people who could earn much-much money dont release Gears of War for PC?

Thats why I doubt about PC gta4 sometimes. Not often.

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"There wont be any episodic content for PC. Because f.ex. Test Drive Unlimited as It has new car models, they are available only for X360."


Can you rephrase this? I don't follow. "f.ex?" "TDU as it has new car models"? It doesn't make sense. Sorry.


Consoles have a lot of games out on the market. Guess what. Many of the them suck (like the Getaway, Getaway II, etc.). They aren't brought to PC, because they would not be profitable. I haven't seen or played Gears of War to be honest. I've heard good things about the detail. Maybe it does have enough graphical punch to make it a worthy port on PC. They may port it yet. But, I did hear that the map is very small and it's quite limited in scope. I don't think this would be acceptable for PC gamers shelling out $40-$50.


I think PC gamers are an older crowd and have higher expectations (much more demanding). The vast majority of console games are designed FOR consoles, meaning they don't pack the detail or a good enough storyline. The PC crowd is much more discerning. GTA4 is NOTHING like these other games. They are EXTREMELY METICULOUS when it comes to STORYLINE and DETAIL. It's their M.O. (modus operandi). Granted, GTA4 graphics have never been the best on PC (compared to OTHER PC GAMES), but that's because they concentrate so much on storyline and environment/feel. And, that's what makes it a killer game. It's not some overplayed sci-fi FPS game. It's REAL WORLD based.


The console game crowd is generally much younger and they AREN'T as discerning when it comes to storyline or graphics.


I like to think of this like a bad animated movie or kid's movie, like "Dr. Doolittle". It's a POOR, yet clean movie, but kids can't follow storyline. They like animals and it will make them laugh. Parents don't care. They'll see it with their kids just for that reason. It's kind of like the mentality of a consoler. Throw a lot of technical specs (of the console unit) at them and they will be enamored and talk smack. Anyway, I digress..


Consolers just want to blow stuff up. It's funny to hear one pick a single detail and say, "Man, GTA:SA sucks so bad, cuz they don't even let you fill your ride up with gas." All they care about is blowing stuff up or killing small animals or kids. It's so idiotic. They don't know what good graphics are really like, because they've probably never seen a good maxed out (graphically) game on the PC. So, let them talk smack about each other (PS3 vs. XBox), and let them buy GTA4, all so they can fund R*s budget to build the GTA4 port to PC. smile.gif



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GTA IV to the PC? I'd say there's a 50-50 chance there and if it did come out on the PC, you would probably need Windows Vista to play it on, e.g. Shadowrun can only be played on vista unless theres a hack so you can play it on XP.

Oh God! You won`t need Vista to play it, Vista sales are low comparing to XP sales ... You`ll probably need XP + SP 2 ( or 3 ), I think it will run on Vista but on XP too ... The next thing to say is that "GTA 4 will need DX10 to play " Glad you didn`t said that ...

biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif GTA 4 will need DX10 to play biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



tounge.gif n00b, GTA IV will need at least DX 11.0c to work colgate.gifbiggrin.gif

What?! dx11c?! where the hell did that come from? i have win vista and i have Dx10 i think 10 is enough for a game... after all gtaIV is just a F*cking game ...

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The graphics remind me of Hitman Blood Money, DX9.0c, and no console can do anything beyond 9.0c, just like XP, and Rockstar doesn't pull sh*t on fans. suicidal.gif

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I believe that there will be a PC version. GTA4 is a BIG release with a new character, new gaming engine (which screams to the PC to say, play me tounge.gif ) better graphics etc...


It will come to the PC. The prices for console games are expensive compared to the PC.


Piracy for games have been going on for years. You can get the pirated games for consoles and PC's. It doesn't matter one way or another.


I'm hoping that this website below is true, look down for the PC version and look at the date. No price for it yet. The website is not in English and I can't read it but take a look.


PC version????????


GTA started on PC and should continue with it

user posted image


If you look there in small text it says " Ersch. Datum : 15.03.2008"

I believe "Datum" is date in German. So I am guessing that it says Release Date March 15 2008 notify.gif

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I'm sure it will be released for PC for all of the aforementioned reasons.



I voted yes. But if they do it will take up a hella lot of disk space.

Ya it probably will take up a lot of disk space (more than the current average game) but that shouldn't be a problem since disk space is relatively cheap now.


I'm not very up to scratch on my German so don't slaughter me if I'm wrong, but I think "Ersch.Datum" would mean apparent date and "noch nicht lagernd" means not yet in stock. I don't know where Gameware got this release date from but I think it's a guesstimate.

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Damn a new PC thread, you know what that means ? Yep we are going to have to start explaining the facts of life to console kiddies again when they come in here. Ho well I am up for it biggrin.gif



i dont think so. if they were in it for just the money, theyd make gta a half assed or at most a half decent series.


If they were just in it to make a decent game they would never have partially ditched the PC and gone dry humping Sony and MS. It is all about money like Gycuburn said. However I don't think that excludes the possibility of this game being Vista only.


Much has been said about the 50 mill for the downloadable content, but not much has been said about this "strategic alliance" that Rockstar are supposed to have with MS now (hell when you say strategic alliance out loud it sounds as if Rockstar and MS are about to invade poland or something tounge.gif ). I wouldn't put it past Microsoft to kindly convince Rockstar to make it Vista only, hell they need to do something to shift that god awful operating system.



i actually read that theyre gonna stop selling xp!


The actual situation is that many system builders have started OFFERING XP again instead of vista lol. Vista is the new Windows Millenium the only way MS will get it accepted is by shoving it down users throats. We can already see them trying to do that by releasing Halo 2 and Shadowrun as Vista only games. These two games DO NOT need any of the features in Vista and this have been proven because with a few hacks you can get both of them to run on XP.


Right all we need now is a console kiddie to come in and go "blah blah consolez rockerz blah blah" bring em on baby.

Well said dude ,specially the part you complain about console kiddies lol!

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I voted yes. But if they do it will take up a hella lot of disk space.

I have Flight Simulator X so disk space isn't really a problem.But it won't take that much space,I'd say a max of 10gb with everything installed to the hd(It won't be much more than this cause since it'll use only one dvd on the x360 it can't be very big).

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Rockstar made a PC version for every version of GTA's. So why dont Rockstar tell us that it will have a PC version at the same time that Rockstar say that it will be avaliable to Xbox 360 and PS3?



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Algonquin King
Rockstar made a PC version for every version of GTA's. So why dont Rockstar tell us that it will have a PC version at the same time that Rockstar say that it will be avaliable to Xbox 360 and PS3?



Because many people will not buy the console version then smile.gif

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The Crazy GTA Fan

I Hope They do put it up for PC because I Dont Have The Money to get a PS3 Or and XBOX360 rahkstar2.gif Games should make GTA 4 For PC

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A few people have commented on disk space saying GTA 4 will use up shed loads. I personally don't think that is the case. If you look at the 360 version it is coming on one dvd 9 disc, which is about 8gbs in size. Now what alot of people don't realise is Microsoft reserves nearly 2gbs of the disc for security and promotional purposes. Obviously on the PC we will get those 2gbs back, which can be used for the enhanced textures that the PC will have. I personally cannot see the game going over a 9gb install, but as always we will have to wait and see.


As for the downloadable content, personally I don't think many PC peeps have given it much thought, I know I haven't. PC users are much more realistic we want to walk before we can run, once we get GTA 4 then we will look at what is happening about the episodic content.


Finally for those still doubting a PC release, lets look at the sales of GTA SA. Rockstar managed to shift 14 million copies of SA on the PS2 alone. Now with the next gen there is only barely 14million consoles out there, so there is no way Rockstar is gonna shift 14million copies. At best you will get 5 million sold on the 360 and 2 million sold on the PS3. So I believe Rockstar will turn to the PC to get a few extra million copies out there.

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Honestly, I wouldn't care if it used 30gig (obviously it won't). HDs are cheap and I only care about performance. Most computer HDs start out at 200gig minimum. With Vista, MS Office, Adobe CS3, and a crap load of other programs and games installed I'm only using about 50 gb in HD space. This leaves a lot room for pictures, video, and music. If you have a lot of that, you probably already have a bigger drive or more drives. HD space is so much cheaper for PCs. Sony and Microsoft gouge you just to get a slightly bigger HD in your console (Xbox 360 core has no HD and costs $300, xbox 360 has 20gig hd and costs $100 more, elite has 120gb hd and cost $80 more). You can get a nice Western Digital 500gb HD for about $200.

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Honestly, I wouldn't care if it used 30gig (obviously it won't). HDs are cheap and I only care about performance. Most computer HDs start out at 200gig minimum. With Vista, MS Office, Adobe CS3, and a crap load of other programs and games installed I'm only using about 50 gb in HD space. This leaves a lot room for pictures, video, and music. If you have a lot of that, you probably already have a bigger drive or more drives. HD space is so much cheaper for PCs. Sony and Microsoft gouge you just to get a slightly bigger HD in your console (Xbox 360 core has no HD and costs $300, xbox 360 has 20gig hd and costs $100 more, elite has 120gb hd and cost $80 more). You can get a nice Western Digital 500gb HD for about $200.

I've got a 500GB sata hard drive, thats the highest it goes up to for sata. I haven't seen any that are higher.


I'll would say the game for PC platform will be 5 OR 6 GB. GTA SA was around 4GB


For consoles, it will be 8GB. Consoles games are normally higher in memory then PC because you are running everything from the CD

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I've got a 500GB sata hard drive, thats the highest it goes up to for sata. I haven't seen any that are higher.

Seagate have 750GB SATA drives, and are about to release a 1TB drive, which Hitachi apparently already have. I read somewhere that Western Digital are about to release their 750GB drive soon; it will be interesting to see what happens to prices for drives in that capacity-range when they get released.


EDIT: One thing's for sure though: the price per-gigabyte will always be substantially-smaller for standard PC HDDs than the ones console users are forced to buy.

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HD space is so much cheaper for PCs. Sony and Microsoft gouge you just to get a slightly bigger HD in your console.

Well to be fair you can't lump Sony in the same category as Microsoft. Yes the MS hard disc is a total rip off, I mean here it costs £61 for the 20gb model, hell I bought a 250gb SATA II drive for £50. Sony is a different matter though, they at least did have the good sense to put a bog standard ordinary Hard disc in the PS3, infact the manual even has instructions on how to upgrade the hard disc with a bog standard PC drive.


But (you knew there was a but coming) Sony made it so you have to use the more expensive 2.5 inch laptop drives. Which gives you a clue why they did it, they wanted to keep costs down and it was more cost effective to use laptop drives due to them having a massive stock of them that they use in their crappy laptops.


At the end of the day, space is never going to be an issue on the PC, PC users have grown up with installing games, console users are just starting to enter this stage. GTA 4 could come on 2 DVD's for all PC users care, we just install the game to our MASSIVE hard discs.

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hey guys, its my first post.

IV never Realses for PC.

The Last game With Next-gen Graohic Realsed For PC, was Stalker.

Winoth every thing GTA Series Have.

and T.H.Q was workong on it six years wow.gif not 2.5 tounge2.gif

Can DX Support?

i don't think.


Sorry4 My ban English. blush.gif

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hey guys, its my first post.

IV never Realses for PC.

The Last game With Next-gen Graohic Realsed For PC, was Stalker.

Winoth every thing GTA Series Have.

and T.H.Q was workong on it six years wow.gif  not 2.5 tounge2.gif

Can DX Support?

i don't think.


Sorry4 My ban English. blush.gif

I wasn't going to reply to this, I was going to leave it to others, but it was so nagging at me. It is very hard to understand what you are trying to say. But your general point is "PC's don't have next gen graphics and Directx can't handle GTA 4's graphics"


Ok so what is "next gen graphics then", most people would at least say it is graphics in a resolution of at least 720p. I have to tell you PC users have been using higher resolutions than 720p for well over 5 years now. I mean come on PC's started abandoning 720p resolutions when the first GTA 3 came out.


Your comment about Stalker being the only PC game with next gen graphics is a bit of a joke. I suppose Oblivion doesn't have next gen graphics then, neither does rainbow 6 - Las vegas, nor does Fear (I mention those three games because they are on all three formats and are considered next gen games).


The reason why stalker took 6.5 years to make is due to the size of the software company. The company that made stalker is probably about a tenth the size of Rockstar that is why it took so long. PC's are actually the easiest platform for software companies to program for simple because they have NOTHING stripped to the bone like consoles, we have proper CPU's, proper graphics cards and loads or Ram.


Finally as to your comment about Directx not being able to handle GTA 4, well that is the 360 screwed then. The 360 uses a lesser version of Directx compared to the new version on the PC that comes with Vista. Yet funnily enough GTA 4 is coming to the 360 which uses Directx, odd that isn't it.


Why is it so hard for people to understand that PC's have already left the new consoles standing before they even started. The shiny consoles you have now have PC technology in them that is at least 2 years out of date already. So to claim a console is better than a PC is just completely moronic. GTA 4 will come out for the PC sometime in 2008 and it will make the console versions look like crap, just like the PC has always done.

Edited by CharmingCharlie
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hey guys, its my first post.

IV never Realses for PC.

The Last game With Next-gen Graohic Realsed For PC, was Stalker.

Winoth every thing GTA Series Have.

and T.H.Q was workong on it six years wow.gif not 2.5 tounge2.gif

Can DX Support?

i don't think.


Sorry4 My ban English. blush.gif

Yes of course,pc isn't next gen and neither are the pc games,they are next next next gen cool.gif ever heard of crysis?But anyway,I just reply to these posts because it's fun and I'm pretty sure you're having fun making these posts too because I doubt a human being wrote this,it's impossible unless you just want to piss people off.

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Now there's a game that console gamers will have to wait until the Playstation 5 to be able to play.


I've played that game, and it really does separate, in terms of PC hardware, the men from the boys.

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Adam Jensen

There must be a PC version. And they will earn more money if they bring it to every platform posible. So PC is bound to get GTA4. Trust me. You don`t need to work for R* to know these things. And PC will have mods and downloadable content so that makes it better than both PS3 and 360. Just like GTA3 series. Each one was better on PC.



And if you think that GTA4 will have a Dx problem, just buy GeForce 88000 GTX Ultra with Dx 10 and problem (if there is one) solved.

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