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Metal Gear Solid 4

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A nerdy buddy of mine said MGS4 is no longer exclusive, and they took the logo off the old trailers, and it's coming out this year, instead of next.


If this is true, many 360 owners holding out on buying PS3s (such as myself), have lost all reason to do so. I really hope not. I think PS3s are slick as sh*t, and will probably buy one anyway with my christmas bonus.


But has anyone heard any news on this?

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Yeah that's one of my reasons for wanting a PS3, and I don't think it's coming to 360. Kojima seems reluctant against a 360 port, but not entirely against it. But if you look at the userbase of the 360 and the lower price, it's hard to believe they wouldn't want to port it anyway just for the cash.

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Well, the new "remastered" trailer shows the game in an updated engine with an overhaul in terms of lighting, texturing, particles, etc.. It's also been confirmed on this trailer (as well as the old one) that it will be released this year. As for the exclusivity, I have no idea, Hideo could go either way I suppose.

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i am praying that it comes for the 360 i totaly agree

with the trailer that says: "don't make us spend 600$ on a console for one game"


Hideo Kojima is the only game developer that i love and worship


he would disapoint me if he didn't make a port

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Doesn't bother me, I am sick of the series not to mention the people who basically worship Hideo as some video game god.

Ditto! wow.gif


I mean the series turned to sh*t after the first game which was a good game, in my eyes it was nothing spectacular. Syphon Filter was much better, goddamit that was an awesome game. Plus I have always prefered Splinter Cell over Metal gear Solid anyway.

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Doesn't bother me, I am sick of the series not to mention the people who basically worship Hideo as some video game god.

Ditto! wow.gif


I mean the series turned to sh*t after the first game which was a good game, in my eyes it was nothing spectacular. Syphon Filter was much better, goddamit that was an awesome game. Plus I have always prefered Splinter Cell over Metal gear Solid anyway.

......Syphon Filter 3 on psOne when i burned people with that Blue thingy and went throught almost all levels with it...oh the good ol' days.And No i think MGS 4 stays as a ps3 exclusive.

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......Syphon Filter 3 on psOne when i burned people with that Blue thingy and went throught almost all levels with it...oh the good ol' days.And No i think MGS 4 stays as a ps3 exclusive.

My favourite was the Taser from the first game, shoot the bad guy and hold the charge and he would burst into flames, it was so cool. Ah the good 'ol days of Syphon Filter, good times. cool.gif

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I read ages ago somewhere that the Hideo said he wanted the PS3 to get rumble in the pads before it got released on the PS3 becuase the rumble feature is a big part of the game, ofcourse i have no link so there's no confirmation of this, so it's probally a lie. biggrin.gif


I liked Snake Eater on the PS2 so i wouldn't mind if the new game come son the 360.

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Ok, so what I understand from what I read here, and other places, is that my buddy was just jumping to conclusions about the exclusivity. Still, that has to be a good sign that they may be thinking about making it trans-console.

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original gangster

I hope they do port it to the 360... would feel pretty weird on the Xbox at first, but still, one less reason for me to want a PS3.


I just KNOW I'm going to wander into some topic and find out some major plot detail before I get to play the game. >_<

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The video isn't the best way to decide MGS4's exclusivity because I believe one of the original trailers shown of MGS4 also didn't have the PS3 logo.

Well I don't care. People might as well have at least one reason to buy a PS3, MGS 4 might just be it.

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I just think the game should just come out for PS3, nothing else, It's much better on the PS2, because the Controls are much easy to use. I can't see why it should come out 360 because the game controls will change differently.

Woah now, it's not that huge a difference. If it were on something like the Wii, I'd understand. Besides, MGS2 was ported over to the X-Box...so...yeah. I doubt it would make a world of difference.


They should release it on the 360, I mean, everything else is being released on there. Post it to another console=more profits and more people who can play it. Of course, there are some people who would hate that....plus, the PS3 is really depending on it.



Doesn't bother me, I am sick of the series not to mention the people who basically worship Hideo as some video game god.


Oh yeah, because of course he isn't... confused.gif

Umm..you're right....are you implying that he is? He's good, but he isn't a god.


He should have just made movies or something.


I don't know about the other Metal Gears, but from what I played in the first one, it's just codec codec codec.


Not to say the games bad, but god damn, I want to play a bit more. It's more of a movie than a game.

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Not to say the games bad, but god damn, I want to play a bit more. It's more of a movie than a game.[/color]

thats why i love mgs games it's a movie waiting to happen


and plus i have never seen so much storyline in a action adventure game

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Broker Gangsta

Kojima said in a interview that it was going to be a PS3 exclusive and that he wanted it to stay that way. He was like the PS3 may be expensive but its that gormet dinner that evryone has to have while the 360 is a nice meal for 2 and the Wii is a good cheesburger. I think he said it in EGM but all I know is that he confirmed that MGS 4 would PS3 exclusve and that he wouldn't work on a port similar to what happened to Shinj Mikami since he didn't want a PS 2 port of RE 4 and when it ported he said he wouldn't work on it. Plus MGS 4 wouldn't work on 360 for the simple fact that Kojima said that it used most of the Blu Ray disc he can use and the game would probably have alot of stuff toned down if it came to 360. IT's just like FF coming to 360. Even though Square confirmed that they won't release any of the 360 Microsoft fanboys can always wish. Me on the other hand I ahve a 360 and will be getting a Wii for christmas and probably a PS3 in 08 when the price drops a lil bit.

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