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Guns are not great. They should be reserved for our armed forced and coppers.

wow, add that to your beliefs about jesus and remarks about IV and I'd say we'd

have a pretty sour recipe for friendship.


You do realize that once that is done happening you'll be a target, right? And

that we all will be?


You should read this topic. Here's something particular for you, in regards to what I just said:



But as the old saying goes, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. One of the first steps to absolute power is disarming those who could oppose..


So you see, trying to take my gun is only going to get someone shot, as my short life

and the freedom of my begotten are more important than my government's intentions.


The case here is not really even guns anymore, is it? It's who's bullsh*tted and who hasn't

been bullsh*tted. People believe supporting the war in iraq is patriotic.


No wonder they believe gun bans or other ways of cutting the civilians off from them is good.

Your majority will be the death of this once proud nation, sadly.

Edited by derty
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You do realize that once that is done happening you'll be a target, right? And

that we all will be?

Here's the problem. I agree with everything you say. I just wish it wasn't so. I wish guns weren't needed. But the sad fact is that they are. I think that you know as well as I do that sooner or later people will need those weapons. My family is hardly unprepared. If the coppers could be trusted then allowing them and them alone weaponry would be perfect. But they aren't able to be trusted completely are they? Because they are human. Maybe the best we can hope for is mutually assured destruction. I don't attack you because it will lead to pain and suffering. You will not attack me because it will lead and pain and suffering. Perhaps it would be nice if this was not so. but it is. And we have to deal with it. Guns are going nowhere.

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The thing is, no matter where anybody is, people can and will get there hands on guns. It's like drugs. Drugs are banned, but do people still take them? Yes. Banning guns is not the solution; fixing people's minds to stop murdering is. Governments should be addresing the problem at it's source; in slums, poverty-stricken areas and poor areas. It's these areas where these problems occur. How do they help? Give them money and more oppurtunities; they won't have to resolve to violence to make a living.

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