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German GamePro

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Do you remember the Artwork from the OPM Italy issue? So in the German magazine - GamePro are the same Artwork but it is Better. (Thx to Seigel for the Scans). Here the Artwork:



user posted image


new Information. Sorry for my bad English


* At the beginning of the play we find into Roman's taxi enterprise hiding place and the first work.

* The passers-by should react substantially stronger to Nikos actions, if he with pulled weapon through the street went.

* Niko seems to have right weight. If he runs curves, he puts himself with the whole body.

* The mobile phone will play a big role in GTA IV.

* Rockstar is not sure yet whether Niko is allowed from the outset everywhere there, or how in GTA: III, city GTA Vice and San Andreas obstruct broken bridges and tunnels the way.

* In the Nikos later flat will be a wardrobe .

* As in True Crime: Streets of LA will have every street a name which is faded in, as soon as we fall apart there or drive.

Edited by K4miL
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Anything new from the German issue? And the one you provided, seen here, is not "better" than the one from OPM Italy seen here.


It just shows a larger portion of it, and as you know, quality is sometimes better than quantity wink.gif.

Edited by Adriaan
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Yes, there are new Information. Sorry for my bad English confused.gif


* At the beginning of the play we find into Roman's taxi enterprise hiding place and the first work.

* The passers-by should react substantially stronger to Nikos actions, if he with pulled weapon through the street went.

* Niko seems to have right weight. If he runs curves, he puts himself with the whole body.

* The mobile phone will play a big role in GTA IV.

* Rockstar is not sure yet whether Niko is allowed from the outset everywhere there, or how in GTA: III, city GTA Vice and San Andreas obstruct broken bridges and tunnels the way.

* In the Nikos later flat will be a wardrobe .

* As in True Crime: Streets of LA will have every street a name which is faded in, as soon as we fall apart there or drive.

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* As in True Crime: Streets of LA will have every street a name which is faded in, as soon as we fall apart there or drive.

This is what I've been waiting for! Well, one of those things, anyway. tounge.gif


Thanks for the info! Could you either provide scans of the whole article, or if not, then type the text? That would be sehr klasse!



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I've just played true crime streets of NY, i know it sucks a$$ but it's realy cool that you can see all street names and go inside almost every building i hope gta4 just makes street signs and not make them appear on-screen like true crime, but doesn't make real street names because thats just booring viddy_pirate.gif

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Stealing cars will offer several different animations (besides smashing the window etc.). They also say, that R* is trying to use less "non-world-elements" like markers and arrows.


When Niko was near a small wall, he put a foot on top of it, to stand much more comfortable, hope you can imagine what I mean. They said the physic engine would do the job.

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Raymond Luxury-Yacht
Stealing cars will offer several different animations (besides smashing the window etc.). They also say, that R* is trying to use less "non-world-elements" like markers and arrows.

That's good news; huge glittering pink arrows wobbling above the heads of our enemies wouldn't really fit in with the more mature-looking graphics in this one.

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could anyone translate the scans to english and make a typed conted topic.Anyways good job.



Rockstar is not sure yet whether Niko is allowed from the outset everywhere there, or how in GTA: III, city GTA Vice and San Andreas obstruct broken bridges and tunnels the way.

* In the Nikos later flat will be a wardrobe .

* As in True Crime: Streets of LA will have every street a name which is faded in, as soon as we fall apart there or drive.


althought i dont understand well because of your bad english these are to be the most interestimng feats gamnemagazine give to us

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Rockstar is not sure yet whether Niko is allowed from the outset everywhere there, or how in GTA: III, city GTA Vice and San Andreas obstruct broken bridges and tunnels the way.

* In the Nikos later flat will be a wardrobe .

* As in True Crime: Streets of LA will have every street a name which is faded in, as soon as we fall apart there or drive.


althought i dont understand well because of your bad english these are to be the most interestimng feats gamnemagazine give to us

Right now, Rockstar isn't sure whether you can access all parts of the city in the beginning or are restricted to one or more, like in previous games. In GTA3 a tunnel and bridge seperated you from the other parts, etc.


They are thinking about giving every street a name, which will be displayed once you enter it by foot or car. But if and how that will be applied, will be discussed when the test player got their hands on the game.



Something like that it means. If I had time I would translate it, unfortunately I don't have time. confused.gif

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* As in True Crime: Streets of LA will have every street a name which is faded in, as soon as we fall apart there or drive.

This is what I've been waiting for! Well, one of those things, anyway. tounge.gif


Thanks for the info! Could you either provide scans of the whole article, or if not, then type the text? That would be sehr klasse!



I actually expected this seeing as you can actually 1 little street sign during the trailer. It's the 3rd scene with the guys sitting on the stairs and the car driving down over the metal plates. On the passengers side of the car you can actually see a street sign. I wanted to post it earlier to see if that guy from OPM could answer the question but I geuss there is no need for that.

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thanks very much for ther info i appreciate it, was wondering if there was anything new on the interview with Dan Houser, it appears there is a question about xbox 360 and ps3 in teh link to the german website it is one of the last questions, was just wondering if the interview can be translated or if there is naything new in teh interview.


scan number 10 last question asked and its in the link that was provided rats.

Edited by Hurrikane
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Q: What about the differences between the versions for XBox360 and PS3?


A: It is our goal to have none. We're still in the stage, where we don't know which elements will go where. There are no platform preferences, both are difficult. Our programmers have only little experience, and the support from Sony and Microsoft yet isn't there where it will be in a couple of years. Fortunately, I don't work for any of these enterprises and only create software.


So ehm, no news there.


On the left side of page 10 they cite Dan Houser mentioning downloads:

"We still don't know exactly, what will be offered. Maybe some things for free, some with costs. By all means we'll only do things that really serve the game. Simply pulling 5 dollars out of someones pocket - thats to cheesy for me."


Later in the text he confirms, that the differences between XBox360 and PS3 (when there are any), will be minimal.

Edited by Squiddy
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Q: What about the differences between the versions for XBox360 and PS3?


A: It is our goal to have none. We're still in the stage, where we don't know which elements will go where. There are no platform preferences, both are difficult. Our programmers have only little experience, and the support from Sony and Microsoft yet isn't there where it will be in a couple of years. Fortunately, I don't work for any of these enterprises and only create software.


So ehm, no news there.


On the left side of page 10 they cite Dan Houser mentioning downloads:

"We still don't know exactly, what will be offered. Maybe some things for free, some with costs. By all means we'll only do things that really serve the game. Simply pulling 5 dollars out of someones pocket - thats to cheesy for me."


Later in the text he confirms, that the differences between XBox360 and PS3 (when there are any), will be minimal.

Squiddy ur the best and i appreciate it, makes me happy i joined this site and the site is great bc of people like you thanks again for your translation.





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Stealing cars will offer several different animations (besides smashing the window etc.). They also say, that R* is trying to use less "non-world-elements" like markers and arrows.

That would really be a bummer. I liked to find locations via the map and the map's marker.



When Niko was near a small wall, he put a foot on top of it, to stand much more comfortable, hope you can imagine what I mean. They said the physic engine would do the job.


I understand what you mean. I think it's that Niko lays back in a wall, and puts his foot in it so he can strain less.


CJ in San An looked as if he was doing Le Parkour on the walls. He held his hand on the wall, and threw his body without touching the object.



Names in streets


This can be awesome. It will be easier to find locations. Thus now a less importance of an arrow, Squiddy.



artwork looks like Roman


I doubt it. Roman is a friend/cousin of Niko from his homeland. Niko is east european, and Roman is probably that blonde guy in the artwork of the car with niko pointing a shotgun.

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^ I might be saying something stupid here, but that isn't Toni Cipriani in your avatar; check the GTA III handbook.

Yes it is. It's one of his artworks before the official one launched. And that's more accurate to GTA3 when the other official one relates to LCS.


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Looks like the guy in the artwork(Roman?) has been to Gluckin´Bell,look at the table on far right..

Dont think that is Roman, this guy is Jamacan.

What gave it away was the beer, he is drinking Red Stripe, which is a Jamacan brand of beer,

also he is chillaxing and smoking a big joint, and Jamacans love that too.

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Looks like the guy in the artwork(Roman?) has been to Gluckin´Bell,look at the table on far right..

Dont think that is Roman, this guy is Jamacan.

What gave it away was the beer, he is drinking Red Stripe, which is a Jamacan brand of beer,

also he is chillaxing and smoking a big joint, and Jamacans love that too.

That doesn't justify anything. He could be descendant of any african american culture. It could be a wild guess that would be certified later, but I might be going too far.

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Looks like the guy in the artwork(Roman?) has been to Gluckin´Bell,look at the table on far right..

Dont think that is Roman, this guy is Jamacan.

What gave it away was the beer, he is drinking Red Stripe, which is a Jamacan brand of beer,

also he is chillaxing and smoking a big joint, and Jamacans love that too.

That doesn't justify anything. He could be descendant of any african american culture. It could be a wild guess that would be certified later, but I might be going too far.


Here we go, Red stripe Jamaican Lager, thats what is sitting next to his gun.



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Looks like the guy in the artwork(Roman?) has been to Gluckin´Bell,look at the table on far right..

Dont think that is Roman, this guy is Jamacan.

What gave it away was the beer, he is drinking Red Stripe, which is a Jamacan brand of beer,

also he is chillaxing and smoking a big joint, and Jamacans love that too.

That doesn't justify anything. He could be descendant of any african american culture. It could be a wild guess that would be certified later, but I might be going too far.


Here we go, Red stripe Jamaican Lager, thats what is sitting next to his gun.



Maybe that really is a Jamaican drink. But do you think that beer is drank only by jamaicans? Hell, an irish guy could drink that beer for all we know.


Because he's drinking a jamaican beer doesnt mean he's jamaican.

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Looks like the guy in the artwork(Roman?) has been to Gluckin´Bell,look at the table on far right..

Dont think that is Roman, this guy is Jamacan.

What gave it away was the beer, he is drinking Red Stripe, which is a Jamacan brand of beer,

also he is chillaxing and smoking a big joint, and Jamacans love that too.

That doesn't justify anything. He could be descendant of any african american culture. It could be a wild guess that would be certified later, but I might be going too far.


Here we go, Red stripe Jamaican Lager, thats what is sitting next to his gun.



Maybe that really is a Jamaican drink. But do you think that beer is drank only by jamaicans? Hell, an irish guy could drink that beer for all we know.


Because he's drinking a jamaican beer doesnt mean he's jamaican.

I'll bet you $1,000,000 that this dude is a member of the Jamaican Yardies gang.

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