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Impossible Unique Jump?

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There is a unique jump down at the docks. (I don't know what numbers the jumps are.) You have to take a motor bike up some stairs and take the first jump to a second building. On the second building you are supposed to make a jump over a third building and land in the grass beside/behind one of your businesses. Only problem is no matter what I do I can't do this jump.


What I've tried (always using PCJ as you can't get a car up the stairs)

=holding the brake and building rpms before heading off on the jump.

=leaning forward

=starting on the upper side of sloped roof, hoping the slight downhill would give me more speed

=all 3 together.


I have not been able to do any of the unique stunt jumps with the PCJ. I have the book and it says to use it on all the jumps, but it hasn't worked on any of the 11 jumps I have completed so far. I've had to do them with a cheeta or infurnus. I can't do that with this jump however because a car will not go up those narrow stairs.


Can any one offer any suggestions on this? I'm playing the PS2 version of the game. What am I doing wrong? cryani.gif

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Mohammad Ridho

You can reach maximum speed on scooters and motorcycles by pressing Up slightly on the Analog-pad to duck your head. Do not press it all the way or you will stand up, which makes you go slower. Note: You cannot steer while doing this.


I'm copied and pasted it from cheatcc.com.

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Incorrect. If you're moving at a high speed and press the 'wheelie' key, Vic's head will go down. But it's standing up that'll increase your speed.


Also, I'm having problems with this jump too. I eventually gave up on it. I prefer Liberty City Stories, even though I'm still playing VCS.

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The following map covers the locations for the PSP version, the majority of which have stayed in the same location for the PS2 version. Would you mind pointing out which one you mean? I know you provided a description but without being certain it's hard to figure out the specific one your attempting.

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I too, did not have a lot of luck using the PCJ in VCS (PSP & PS2).


On that jump, though, you need to land fairly close to the building there, I think. Almost to the point of clipping the building.



On a lot of the USJs in VCS, the Biker Angel came through for me, when the PCJ wouldn't. It has great torque, for good speed even though you don't have a lot of run-up distance.

And make sure you do the "slight lean forward" bit, to get maximum speed.

Good Luck.


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GTA Phreak



The Biker Angel is the best jumping bike in the game but they can all be done with a PCJ or in many cases less.

Lean forward just enough to get Vic to the lowest position over the handlebars for best acceleration and speed.

On steep ramps it is best to stop leaning just before you hit the ramp.

On the ramp you can lean hard back to get some extra height at the expense of distance.

In the air: Ease forward (or back) to normal attitude.

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I believe ash is right, that it is number two on saintdave's map.


I will try to slight lean forward and see what happens, and if that doesn't work I will try the 'angel'.


You can stand up on the PCJ and get wicked speeds. Try getting on a long straight road and leaning all the way forwad, I have and I can get to speed only matched by the rhino firing backwards in the first vice city (not sure if it is the same here). However it takes a bit to get up to that speed so it isn't useful for this jump, or apperantly any of the others that I have found.


Thanks everyone for the help. I am going to try each and every one of the suggestions. One of them has to work.

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Jumps 17, 13, 12, and 10 can be done with a cheeta or infurnus. I did those jumps using one of those two cars. Jump 3 can only be done with the sanchez I believe, because on this jump you don't want to jump too far. Can't help with the others.



I don't remember precisely which jump is #3, but I am positive there is no jump that can only be done with the Sanchez, because I did them all on a PCJ the first 100% effort. However, you still make a good point that for some of them it's possible to overjump, and one may have to short-jump. And in those cases, the Sanchez might be easier, because you wouldn't have to concern yourself with easing off the gas.

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I made the jump with the Biker Angel on the first try. Thanks everyone.

Way to go. Love that Biker Angel.


On a site called GTAWiki (dutch, I think) I found they have great maps, especially the USJ map, because they denote take-off and landing points.

Another feature is the "printer-friendly" version of the maps. Weapons, rampages, bribes or whatever you need, can be seen clearly on the printed sheet.

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Make use of the long drive up to the ramp you have on the roof. Start to lean forward/stand about halfway along until you hit the ramp, you must clear the following building and land in the grass behind Marty's Loan Shark business.


When I'm attempting a jump I always charge a build up, meaning keep your finger on the handbrake so you don’t move but also have the accelerator going, when your ready release. This allows you to hit top speed faster.

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