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Vice City Stories: The Weakest GTA?

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Mister Zero

I'm not saying this because it's a port, nor am I saying it because it's a PSP Grand Theft Auto. I'm saying it because to me, whether I'm playing it on PSP or PS2, it doesn't feel like a solid GTA I can enjoy. This is one of the very few GTA's I left uncompleted (storyline wise) and I felt I couldn't fully immerse myself into VCS. Did anyone else feel like this, or is it just my negativity?

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Gantons Most Wanted

well there were parts of the plot they could of extended on but didn't which could of made the game longer like for instance seeing what Pete looked like and there Aunt Enid. Or during Burning Bridges they could of had the businesses taken off them and then start to get back at The Mendez's without Louise dying. But it was a good game but there were parts and people you did missions for who just weren;t that solid character wise. btw nice sig lol those 2 are a great comedy team

Edited by Gantons Most Wanted
Mister Pink

Remeber to use spoilers!


Yes, I find it hard to immerse myself in VCS. Mostly because I've seen the graphics of IV and normal GTA graphics are starting to get to me. Before, I liked them and now they are just too dated.


I only got this game recently, and I have to admit I'm not as excited by it as I was by previous GTA games. That said, I'm currently having a kick-ass time on the bike track beating all the levels. Which made me think that on other games I own, that kind of bike racing where you beat the time on the track to unlock the next track would be THE ENTIRE GAME. In GTA it's just a little extra part to the game. So I suppose what I'm thinking here is that even a less-than-brilliant GTA is still miles better than your average game.

Liking the storyline, or not, is pretty much the definition of something being "subjective": as in you don't like it, but I do.


Lots of people "hated" the way SAs storyline went all over the place.

Didn't bother me...


I loved Lance's craziness in VCS, Umberto's obsession with balls, Vic's fling with Louise and her general trashiness. Likewise her husband's uber-redneckedness. The way Vic stood up to him and his posse. But bitch-slapping that guy to death in that mission?



Edited by BixDugan

Your crazy no?

GTA LCS is the weakest.MAybe VCs has the worst storyline but it definitly eint weakest.HAs more cars then VCS and some more sidemissions.

You think it is bad because all the hype is now on GTA $ and not on ''storis'' games



I loved Lance's craziness in VCS, Umberto's obsession with balls, Vic's fling with Louise and her general trashiness, her husbands uber-redneckedness. Bitch-slapping him do death in that mission?



I love that too, it's fantastic and a great way to explain how certain character behave in GTA:VC, I think LCS has a weaker story, but they're still great fun to play and still a good story, just not as good as the rest.

I think VCS is now my favourite GTA. Sure it has a few glitches here and there, but I enjoyed it slowly and took my time. I didn't think, I just played. I managed to immerse myself in the game that way. Take the time to enjoy the mission and discover all of the little extras and it's the most addictive GTA in ages! It has so much replayability compared to LCS...


Of course your entitled to your opinion and if you feel VCS was the weakest link in the GTA series then that’s fair dues.


Personally I feel San Andreas was. SA went over the op in terms of land size, things to do and abilities most of which were requirements to get the best out of your gaming. Vice City had the perfect balance and VCS is like a junior version of this and in many ways a good alternative, it was a great game for Rockstar to experiment with new features such as the empire building one of which with further work could become a very detailed and useful feature for future GTA’s.


VCS also filled in many unanswered questions that came from VC, it also gave us a better idea how and why some characters are they way they are and why the city changed in certain areas due to various events.

In my opinion, Liberty City Stories is the worst GTA but that doesn't mean I think it sucks. It was a great game but has nothing to do post-storyline. I have a debate with myself sometimes whether San Andreas or Vice City Stories is my 3rd best GTA. I play it more than San Andreas but that may be because I have Vice City Stories on PSP and San Andreas on PC but Vice City Stories is just more interesting to me.


I also don't like how Liberty and Vice City Stories are just labeled as "Stories" games. Sure they have Stories at the end but it starts with GTA. Call me crazy, but it's like game racism (or nam(e)ism. tounge.gif)

Edited by rashon125
Vanilla Shake
I'd say that this is my second favorite GTA next to San Andreas. Sure, the storyline doesn't quite live up to that first nostalgic feeling we got when we were first thown onto the sun-washed streets of Vice City as Tommy Vercetti back in 2002, but I think it's still a pretty f*cking great game. And I think that there are a lot more memorable characters in Vice City Stories then there are in Liberty City Stories, or even Grand Theft Auto III for that matter. Plus, like in San Andreas, there's still a lot to do after you complete the main storyline. You can do missions for your empire, you can go golfing, you can do the beach patrol missions, you can do one of the many classic GTA sidejobs, or you could even go for a little swim along the beach.

I'd go shocker here, well against general consensus of the forum, I'd say Vice City was the weakest, I liked Vice City Stories, it had a few more things in it which would have made Vice City stellar, like Jet-Skis inlove.gif and checkpoints for Emergency Services missions.


There was only a few things that really let it down, some coding issues, like a glitch with Empire Building as in having to save/reload once complete, some sounds were a bit off like the Helicopters and car engine sounds, several other little things that could have been sorted out with a little more beta testing and then there was the awfull manual targeting system, I hated that.


So really the only thing I didn't like was the manual targeting system, the others are just little gripes. Other than that the only reason why I think the 'Stories' are a bit on the lower side is that they are currently stuck on PSP/PS2, I think a PC release would boost the name. Although we do have to bear in mind they were intended for the PSP and it's capabilites which are still being explored.

It was the inconsistency of VCS on the PSP which caused the annoyance for me, if it didn't have the glitches it'd be one of my most favourite GTA's. The graphics are great and at times when your pulsing down the stretch with the sun setting (weather effects are awesome) it gives me glimpses of what this game should have been.


What ruined this game for me was the constant pop-up, I never felt fully secure playing this game, as i'd know a glitch would muck up my experience at any time.


I personally prefer LCS over VCS out of the PSP games.

Well, the PS2 release DID fix most of the glitches, like pop-up. And the added side missions, USJs and Rampages make the game a great bargain, even if you played the PSP version, like I did. Did you know one of the new rampages included having to take down





























72 Sharks in 2 minutes?









And I don't consider having to re-load the game to stop attacks a "glitch". This way, you can decide yourself if you'd like a break from being attacked, or just keep taking over sites, while smacking down those opposing your domination.

The missions were fun, some pretty different and original but they were too easy. The final mission was too easy for a final mission.


I beat the game yesterday and when i was watching the credits the game simply faded to black and i had to restart it, and i wasnt mad about it, i just thought, ok i do it again its easy and restarted and beat the game again wink.gif

It was the inconsistency of VCS on the PSP which caused the annoyance for me, if it didn't have the glitches it'd be one of my most favourite GTA's. The graphics are great and at times when your pulsing down the stretch with the sun setting (weather effects are awesome) it gives me glimpses of what this game should have been.


What ruined this game for me was the constant pop-up, I never felt fully secure playing this game, as i'd know a glitch would muck up my experience at any time.

Every other GTA game had glitches and VCS's glitches were mainly simple.

Vic Rattlehead


better than LCS thats for sure..

I dissagree. LCS haves a lot more interesting storyline thatn VCS, Tony is nice guy, and Liberty is good city. If I would have to choose would I have bought LCS or VCS I would have bought only LCS(even thought I have bought them both). smile.gif


i havent played LCS but i dont think VCS is weak. Weather effects are awsum (driving down ocean beach at sunset), Lance's character was funny and well created, and it had its awsum moments

like in the mission (forgot the name) where you had 2 find and kill a guy outside a hotel in a pool area, you rock up and point a gun at him n suddenly all these women in bikinis pull out guys and point them at u, n all vic just stands there b4 sayin


vcs and vc are my two favorite gta games, the storyline in both i feel are supurb and i think the city is the best rockstar has made yet. i think lcs has the weakest storyline, i found it much harder to follow. i liked the san andres storyline but towards the end it just got a bit too farfetched for my liking. but still, they are all great games biggrin.gif

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