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vc taxi ped car

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ok got screens


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my new car here screens it done it just need to be aproved on gtagarage and i upload link its the carcols compatible cuban hermes it replaces regular hermes though


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Edited by jp245
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Carcols isn't compatible, this car is on Vice City. biggrin.gif

??? are you drunk? there are carcol for VC... I think its not compatible if its a texture. and IMO the car looks ugly with the white stripe bored.gif



Sorry, but try to make something more interesting next time


Unless you have that idea that red makes you go faster dozingoff.gif

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well i tried to make it carcols compat but i forgot how so not a possibility right now

It actually isnt to dificult, all you have to do is use the GTA3 img tool. Just open up a car with a nice variety of colors in the image tool, cut the car col line and paste it in your cars directory there you go. It should now spawn with all the colors as the car col line designates. smile.gif Good mod by the way icon14.gif

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If you are talking about these cars for carcols, then there is no possibility right now, a little more work is needed. If you want carcols on the Sabre Turbo, you will have to assign the central stripe to a center amount of polys on the car.


So, lets say this is the hood of the car, and /l is a poly. Assign the white stripe to the polys colored in red. Then make it carcols compatiable in zmod or whatever program you use. After texturing the car, desaturate the body color texture (make it black and white)









EDIT: I didnt see the Hermes had carcols. -The same applies for the Cuban Hermes, except you only need to desaturate it, and assign the body texture to be carcols compatiable, then you can have flames of any color.-


It sounds confusing, I know, but give it a shot, and if doesn't work, try again. Trial and error is by far the best way to work on modeling and texturing skills.

Edited by BCspeed34
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