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4 out of the 5 boroughs-WTF

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I happen to live in that 1/5 of NYC which R* decided not to put in the game. I've been awaiting info on this game for so long. I was hoping they didnt forget us but we didn't get the name the "Forgotten Borough" overnight. Even Jersey made it in the game and thats not even in the state let alone the city. Now 500,000 New Yorkers are left out of GTA4.


And where does the ferry go? Nowhere?


Anyway I'm still gonna buy it because its going to be the greatest game ever made it just sux to be left out.



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i might be wrong in suggesting this but, episodic content. if they give us new missions wouldn't it make sense to give us a new area for those missions.

I think that was speculated in the Q&A follow-up of the GI article, but to be honest, I don't see it happening for two reasons:


1. Adding a whole other section to the map would be a bit strange in the sense that it wasn't there to begin with. Are they just going to design the map with what would obviously be a missing spot in the water, and then try to tack it on later? That would make the game feel incomplete from the start.


2. It's a lot of freaking work to design a whole new section of the map. Adding a 5th section would be roughly adding 20% to the final game. That sounds way too ambitious for exclusive content.


I'm almost certain that episodic content means additional story missions that may or may not be an extension of the original storyline. But who could possibly know for sure right now.



As far as not including Staten Island, what's there? A landfill? Houses? I suppose it has some countryside that would have been nice, but overall, it does seem kind of boring compared to the other sections.

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i'm from miami and my house wasn't in vice city! i looked f*cking everywhere, what the f*ck!




@topic: Honestly, I'd be kinda bummed if I were you too. I don't live anywhere near NYC so I don't really know the differences between boroughs, besides like Manhattan. What are some of the key features of the others?


PS - A landfill and houses sounds good to me. confused.gif

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i might be wrong in suggesting this but, episodic content. if they give us new missions wouldn't it make sense to give us a new area for those missions.

I think that was speculated in the Q&A follow-up of the GI article, but to be honest, I don't see it happening for two reasons:


1. Adding a whole other section to the map would be a bit strange in the sense that it wasn't there to begin with. Are they just going to design the map with what would obviously be a missing spot in the water, and then try to tack it on later? That would make the game feel incomplete from the start.


2. It's a lot of freaking work to design a whole new section of the map. Adding a 5th section would be roughly adding 20% to the final game. That sounds way too ambitious for exclusive content.

ok, well at your first point, yes it would be weird to just add it on later but would it be any weirder than a ferry that goes to no where?, and any weirder than a city surrounded by water?


and to your second point, this is one of the biggest game franchises, with hundreds of followers and a very ambitious team to begin with. recreating the nyc atmosphere and so forth. saying that they wouldn't be willing to add this on later is a bit too hasty if you ask me.


and take this in to consideration, most of the info that fills the disc is audio. the ped audio wouldn't need any extras for staten, maybe they'll give us some more radio sations or extions to the previous ones and the mission audio isn't worth talking about. confused.gif


but in the end, i think i could live without staten considering i know nothin about it and don't plan to rolleyes.gif , but that ferry thing has been bugging me for a while...staue of happiness maybe?

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I'm from Staten Island as well and while it does suck not to be in the game, I FULLY understand their decisions. They would've had to added another bridge from SI to "Brooklyn" in the game as there is no easy, direct way to drive from Staten Island to Manhattan. They would've had to have added the SI Ferry as well as there is no subway line or commuter rail line that runs directly to the island. And Rockstar stated that they don't want wasted space and Staten Island has A LOT of that.



OTOH, many people were complaining over the lack of countryside in the new GTA IV and Staten Island happens to have a lot of that as well as the tallest mountain on the ENTIRE eastern seaboard!

Edited by SI MoViE StAr
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I happen to live in that 1/5 of NYC which R* decided not to put in the game. I've been awaiting  info on this game for so long. I was hoping they didnt forget us but we didn't get the name the "Forgotten Borough" overnight. Even Jersey made it in the game and thats not even in the state let alone the city. Now 500,000 New Yorkers are left out of GTA4.


And where does the ferry go? Nowhere?


Anyway I'm still gonna buy it because its going to be the greatest game ever made it just sux to be left out.



Does your diaper need to be changed or do you need a bottle?

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i might be wrong in suggesting this but, episodic content. if they give us new missions wouldn't it make sense to give us a new area for those missions.

I think if we see a new area added, it will be VC. I think they could make it about the same size as the previous VC, only much better looking. I think this because I don't think they would completely re-vamp VC like they have done to LC; the layout would be about the same size as the VC we know and we could fly there commercially. I just have the feeling that's the only way we'll see VC again.

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i might be wrong in suggesting this but, episodic content. if they give us new missions wouldn't it make sense to give us a new area for those missions.

I think if we see a new area added, it will be VC. I think they could make it about the same size as the previous VC, only much better looking. I think this because I don't think they would completely re-vamp VC like they have done to LC; the layout would be about the same size as the VC we know and we could fly there commercially. I just have the feeling that's the only way we'll see VC again.

If there is a pattern we'll se vice on the next one or in GTA VI

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i might be wrong in suggesting this but, episodic content. if they give us new missions wouldn't it make sense to give us a new area for those missions.

I think that was speculated in the Q&A follow-up of the GI article, but to be honest, I don't see it happening for two reasons:


1. Adding a whole other section to the map would be a bit strange in the sense that it wasn't there to begin with. Are they just going to design the map with what would obviously be a missing spot in the water, and then try to tack it on later? That would make the game feel incomplete from the start.


2. It's a lot of freaking work to design a whole new section of the map. Adding a 5th section would be roughly adding 20% to the final game. That sounds way too ambitious for exclusive content.


I'm almost certain that episodic content means additional story missions that may or may not be an extension of the original storyline. But who could possibly know for sure right now.



As far as not including Staten Island, what's there? A landfill? Houses? I suppose it has some countryside that would have been nice, but overall, it does seem kind of boring compared to the other sections.

I live in S.I. Its the mafia capital of N.Y. It may be boring, but thats because you dont 'see' whats really going on. Many family 'bosses' resided or resides here...


but i guess its boring cause no one really kills each other in the streets

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I live in S.I. Its the mafia capital of N.Y. It may be boring, but thats because you dont 'see' whats really going on. Many family 'bosses' resided or resides here...


but i guess its boring cause no one really kills each other in the streets

I think there will be so many new things to do in a city related land that maybe in a suburban area we won't be able to do


but i believe it is more because of priority, probably they had to choose between staten and a part of jersey, and they went with jersey, maybe because of a sopranos spoof and consecuently the presence of the mob

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R* says SI wouldn't be fun to play, they dont think it fits the gta image. So, they leave out the borough that served as a setting for mob classics like the Godfather, Goodfellas, and Donnie Brasco.


They are also not going to recreate the largest bridge in the country(yeah the Verrazano is longer than the Golden Gate look it up).



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