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whats your favorite Vice City Radio Station?

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I can honestly say Vice City had such a high quality amount of stations that I couldn’t name a favourite.


Obviously there were some I listened to more than others, such notables include Wildstyle for the genre of music (early rap) and V-Rock for the awesome rock music and the legendary host Lazlow. I wasn’t really a fan of Emotion or Espantoso but there were one or two songs on each station that were often cool to listen to. For example Crockett's Theme by Jan Hammer is 80's gold!

  • 3 weeks later...
Brenteus Maximus

VCPR is the most hilarious of all the radio stations. But i like K-chat too cause Amy has a cute voice lol. For music, i'm into Flash and Wave 103 but i have a soft spot for Emotion cause there are a few good tunes, but more cause Fernando is a riot to listen to... "Wow, that was beautiful! like a gorgeous woman bending over, or a fat chick who suddenly loses a lot of weight!" "That was wonderful! Like a beautiful woman... or a group of ugly desperate ones!"


Now listening to the VCS stations and the original VC stations, I'll say VC had the best soundtrack because it moved much smoother than the other station in VCS, but that's just me.


Not saying VCS stations are bad(they're great), but they didn't have that spark that VC had.


Interesting thing to know those two MJ songs are from the Thriller album and hence, his third collaboration with Quincy Jones. The second being The Dude album by Jones(1980) and what is interesting that Quincy always used the best R&B singers on his albums...Patti Austin, Michael Jackson, Chaka Khan, etc...

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