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[Gmax]Converting cars to SA


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Hey man, wen u told me 2 go 2 go find GTAmax in the gta_tool folder, i find nothing call GTAmax... i found sumthing call GTAmap, but not max, whats going on?

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  • 4 weeks later...

hell!!! but the car i want to convert is already a modded car for vc n the model's locked confused.gif

i know its nt gud to convert a car created by some other person,but i've requested him umpteenth times(he is in gtaforums as well),but he doesnt reply me,nt even with a NO,ofcourse i want it for my personal use no release confused.gif

Wht to do????

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argh! i finished modeling the model, but i can't add wheels because i have 3ds Max, and i would like to know how to add wheels so i can spawn it in the game.

PS: I'm Making the GTA III/GTA Vice City Rhino Tank. biggrin.gif


A Picture from GGMM -

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Please Help!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

if your convertong that to sa whydont you just detach the sa rhinos wheel and attach it to your rhinos wheel_rf and...

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Also there are some wheels in the data or models folder (i don't know which one. Try searching for wheels.dff in SA folder). U can Merge it with ur currenc scene. You need to do some linkin though... (just once)


I hope it helped you....



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  • 1 month later...

I tried your tutorial and it worked pretty good except for a few minor problems. First of all, when i converted the sabre turbo from vice city to san andreas, it has too much of a shiny look. I have tired a lot of things to get that shiny look to be more subdued or go away, but i couldn't. Another problem is the windows are not see through. Finally, i used the stock wheels form vice city, i added it in a similar way to the way you said, and i rescaled them to be the right size. They appear much too big on the car. Any ideas?

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  • 3 weeks later...
I tried your tutorial and it worked pretty good except for a few minor problems. First of all, when i converted the sabre turbo from vice city to san andreas, it has too much of a shiny look. I have tired a lot of things to get that shiny look to be more subdued or go away, but i couldn't. Another problem is the windows are not see through. Finally, i used the stock wheels form vice city, i added it in a similar way to the way you said, and i rescaled them to be the right size. They appear much too big on the car. Any ideas?

Hi there!


Sorry for the late post...


For the wheel problem i think you have to modify the vehicle config (handlling lines). I dont know exactly wich is refferred to the wheels scale. I suggest Ultimate editor or a similar program for this.

The windshield's texture have to be edited or simply deleted. If you deleted it create a new one for it and play with the the opacity... ( you can see through the broken window so leave the damaged window as it is) For all this use the built in material editor. (you can bring it up with the key "M")

Uhh i dont know really how to fix the reflection problem tounge.gifblush.gif Try asking it the Texture & Modelling forum or in the Vehicles forum.





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yes whar plunk said and for the wheels i think you gotta change the -1 to a 0 then the next is like 0.7 or something make it smaller to fit it

for example the stallion line


439, stallion, stallion, car, STALLION, STALION, null, poorfamily, 10, 0, 3210, -1, 0.7, 0.7, 0


3210, -1, 0.7, 0.7, 0

you see the -1 you switch to a 0 then you modify the 0.7 both of them

3210, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0

like that and for the reflections either remap it with sa ones but if you dont know how yet replace the reflection texture in the sabre.txd with a black one and there done but it wont have reflections


or if you want to scale the wheels a faster and esier way just scale them the size you want them in gmax place them then reset xform and export


see this is how it will look ingame if you remap it with a 2nd uv map and spec highlight looks sortof orange but that happened when i saved the pic

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Edited by jp245
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  • 4 weeks later...

hello....nice tutorial...i have followed all the steps in this tutorial but when i try to export the model with kam's scripts it's giving me this error :

user posted image


if anyone has an idea what this means AND has a solution to it please help me sad.gifsad.gif

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Wow nice man!

But Im not a Max user, Zmodeler user tounge.gif

However, very and very good explained!


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hello....nice tutorial...i have followed all the steps in this tutorial but when i try to export the model with kam's scripts it's giving me this error :

[error pic]


if anyone has an idea what this means AND has a solution to it please help me sad.gifsad.gif

yea i got that problem like 5000000 times when i was using gmax never found a solution so i suggest trying out 3ds max

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hello....nice tutorial...i have followed all the steps in this tutorial but when i try to export the model with kam's scripts it's giving me this error :



if anyone has an idea what this means AND has a solution to it please help me  sad.gif  sad.gif



Sometimes Gmax wants to play with us! notify.gifbiggrin.gif


Well to the serious part... I don't know why some parts of the model like the boot, door's material goes wrong....... You can solve this problem that you select only 1 part at a time and export it until you find the wrong part(s) [rarely more parts are messed up sarcasm.gif ]. If you found all the bad parts you have to reamap them. You select the wrong part and open Material editor and the material from that part and simply delete it. Before deleting it you should know which textures did it use. In the material navigator search for the same textures in other material and apply it on the part. Thats it... Now try to export it.


(I admit this may NOT BE THE BEST OR SIMPLIEST solution but i hate giving up something so this lead to my final solution)


For more information ask the scripts creator why it happens. You will find him in this forum called AK-73





... so i suggest trying out 3ds max....


Someone can't afford such programs just for hobby.

Edited by plunk89
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i know but there is one way without bying it but its not legal like i have it lol

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thanks both for help... i've decided to use 3ds max and works perfect...

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  • 7 months later...



I followed this tutorial exactly (including using the Maffia Sentinel), and my converted model does not show up in SA -- actually, when I spawn a Sentinel, it does not even appear! On the first page, in 2007, somebody else had this problem, but solved it, without posting the solution, sadly sad.gif


Does anybody know what could be wrong? By the way, in my case, it does show up in GGMM, so the .dff format itself is correct. Also, the TXDs are compressed.


EDIT: Jippee, got it to work! The answer: don't delete 'taillights'

Edited by NTAuthority
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  • 3 weeks later...

i folllowed the tutorial with a VC Stretch, but in game happened this error:


i really don't know why happened this

i attempt everything, but nothin i attempted run

help me plz


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i folllowed the tutorial with a VC Stretch, but in game happened this error:


i really don't know why happened this

i attempt everything, but nothin i attempted run

help me plz




What wheel model/texture did you use? I think the problem is with the texture of the wheel. Does it have the same name in the Material applieod ont the wheel's texture and in the TXD file? Some more screens from Gmax, (Materila editor/library) and TXD workshop would be more helpful.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i folllowed the tutorial with a VC Stretch, but in game happened this error:


i really don't know why happened this

i attempt everything, but nothin i attempted run

help me plz




What wheel model/texture did you use? I think the problem is with the texture of the wheel. Does it have the same name in the Material applieod ont the wheel's texture and in the TXD file? Some more screens from Gmax, (Materila editor/library) and TXD workshop would be more helpful.

i use the SA wheel model and the SA wheel Texture

i use the wheelsaloon texture, into wheels.txd

i attempted to put the merged wheel with texture in the car in GMAX, but dont run


later i send the images




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i folllowed the tutorial with a VC Stretch, but in game happened this error:


i really don't know why happened this

i attempt everything, but nothin i attempted run

help me plz




What wheel model/texture did you use? I think the problem is with the texture of the wheel. Does it have the same name in the Material applieod ont the wheel's texture and in the TXD file? Some more screens from Gmax, (Materila editor/library) and TXD workshop would be more helpful.

here is the images



Wheel texture in GMAX:http: //img172.imageshack.us/img172/2289/imagemzx5.jpg

Wheel in car: http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/8416/stretch1gk8.jpg


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  • 3 weeks later...

well i have a mod i want to extract into a gta sa dff.i have done all the step and still wont work when i try to extact it i gives me a message saying


--Runtime error: Feature not available: "fopen write mode"


confused.gif if anyone can help please post how to fix this.

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  • 5 years later...
Rizwan Zahoor

Friends Anyone Have Gmax Registration Key Please Past Here! The Link is Not Working!

Direct Post Here!

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  • 2 months later...

convert GTA 3 car to GTA SA car? :33

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