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Fuel stations!

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Sorry if this has been bought up before, i cant seem to find any other topic on it. I know it's been mentioned here before in the past, but what do you guys think now? Will we have to fill up with petrol every now and then? I hope so, it'd certainly add a great sense of realism for myself.

Ive never seen the point in this idea really.

If you ran out of fuel, you just jack another car, so what would the point be?


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Yeah, there's nothing better than wasting 10 minutes of your life in a service station in real life. I can't imagine how great that would be in a game!



The only way the fuel in my cars run out in GTA games is through the rapid combustion of an explosion.

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Well usually timed missions give you a spawned car to do it in and if the game made sure it was one with a full tank or one that has enough fuel to do the mission then that wouldn't be a problem. Worked out I think it could work and become a novelty thing.

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I think thah would be really great idea... I was missing this in previus GTA's ... I can imagine an item in menu which sais "Fuel :Manual(Need to refull)/Unlimited(As in previous GTA's)"


I can understand that somebody may see it annoing to going on gas station to take gas but i'd love it smile.gif Really hope that they would implement it.

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Well, with the realism kick this isn't going to happen, but I always thought that GTA cars should run on money. So any time you drive, you lose money. If you run out of money completely the engine will stall. First of all, it would be great satire, and GTA games used to jump on that a lot. Second, this would be slightly more realistic than unlimited fuel, without annoyance of having to actually drive to gas stations and wasting time fueling up. And finally, this would give players an incentive to drive high-millage cars, rather than gas guzzling sports cars.

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If your going to be doing a mission or something, then simply fill up before you begin.. just like you go to a petrol station in real life before you go on a long journey. I guess raw gta fans will prefer that this wont be implemented, but those of us looking the next level of GTA will be. Who said anything about queing up to get petrol? Splash 'N' Dash!!!


I love driving in the GTA series, and i'd like for the cars to be able to have a more realistic feel to them.

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Well, with the realism kick this isn't going to happen, but I always thought that GTA cars should run on money. So any time you drive, you lose money. If you run out of money completely the engine will stall. First of all, it would be great satire, and GTA games used to jump on that a lot. Second, this would be slightly more realistic than unlimited fuel, without annoyance of having to actually drive to gas stations and wasting time fueling up. And finally, this would give players an incentive to drive high-millage cars, rather than gas guzzling sports cars.

LMAO. Imagine when you first start playing the game. Empty wallet. What do you do? Beat up peds and take their money. You score about $50 and that gets you a few miles in the SUV you just jacked. Out of gas. Beat up more peds and jack an economy car this time.


Incentive: kill peds with economy vehicles! Population control and environmental friendliness all in one.



Seriously, I wouldn't mind having to refuel so long as it was balanced towards gameplay more than realism, such as, no car would get less than 50 miles a gallon.

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If the game wasn't about being a criminal then sure, I'm all for the feature. But when you can just steal another car, it'd be a bit pointless. Granted, some chases might get really interesting when you're not sure whether you have enough gas to reach a hideout or something, but the downside is, just think how many times you would run out of gas in the middle of nowhere and have to walk to the nearest road. Hmmm... now that there are no deserts (or rural areas of any kind), maybe that wouldn't be such a problem. Well, either way, I don't care.


BTW, this has been discussed countless times already.

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It really deepends on how harsh the cops are gonna be i guess. Sure you can hop round stealiing numerous cars when you run out of gas..but how easy is it going to be? Maybe if you've got another objective your doing e.g drug dealing.. then maybe it'd be easier for you to fill up with your car, rather than jacking the nearest car and going on a high speed pursuit with the cops.

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Sorry if this has been bought up before, i cant seem to find any other topic on it. I know it's been mentioned here before in the past, but what do you guys think now? Will we have to fill up with petrol every now and then? I hope so, it'd certainly add a great sense of realism for myself.

well i think its a damm good idea bbq.gifbbq.gifbbq.gifbbq.gifbbq.gifbbq.gifbbq.gifbbq.gifbbq.gif

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I think using gas is interesting. and different cars use the gas faster than others. it should definently be quick like a paint and spray. this is alil of topic but you should be able to buy cars too, so they let you know the top speed, gas millige, etc. everybody knows gas is a real issue in n.y. why not it GTAn.y. rahkstar2.gif

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maybe it would suck maybe it woudnt.

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I was all for getting a star for minor traffic violations, so I'll have to say, I like this. But I've been playing Grand Theft Auto since Grand Theft Auto III, and Rockstar hasn't implemented it yet. So to those of you that don't like the idea, relax.


I can see how fuel might hinder some missions. But wouldn't that also increase the replay value of Grand Theft Auto IV? If anything, they could make it so no vehicle has less than a certain, set amount. That way, it would only become an issue if you got into one of those drawn-out, high-speed chases; or until you just drove around the map so much, that you run out of fuel.


Either way, I'm all for the added realism. As someone said, maybe it could be an option. Anyways, that's my two cents. icon14.gif

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White Flight


Sorry if this has been bought up before, i cant seem to find any other topic on it. I know it's been mentioned here before in the past, but what do you guys think now? Will we have to fill up with petrol every now and then? I hope so, it'd certainly add a great sense of realism for myself.

I will like it wink.gif


But there's a wishlist thread you know...

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