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If i download a mod where do i install or put the downloaded files. Does it go into the gta san andreas folder? The game is gta:san andreas


Edited by newbie_1999
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Well what sort of mod is it? Vehicle? Mission? Weapon? Sounds? There are alot of different types of mods each of them requiring a different method to install. Didn't the mod come with a read me file? Installation instructions are usually found there.


Also have you tried looking in the Tutorial Forum? There are alot of installation guides in there.

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If it's cars you wanna install, take a look at this. Although it's for VC, Just use IMGTool 2 instead of 1.3 and it's the same process.


For maps the installation process is very similar, just you'll have to mess with .ide and .ipl lines, as well as a bit of .col stuff, instead of handling.cfg, vehicles.dat etc like you would with a car mod.


Most other mods are just a case of replacing files.


Make sure you backup your files 1st. We won't dig you out of a hole by uploading the original files if you forget to back up your own.

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