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PSP to PS2 Cheat Converter


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I finally wrote that PSP -> PS2 cheat converter I've been wanting to make. It converts from VCS CheatDevice to VCS PS2 CodeBreaker/GameShark cheats.


Go to this page and click on "PSP to PS2 Converter Tool"



Obviously it's not possible to do the full C script from VCS as PS2 cheats so it only converts the basic commands we had in LCS: setchar, sethex, setshort, setint, setfloat.


For commands that are a memory address like setfloat(0x08900000, 1.0) it uses pattern matching between PSP and PS2 memory to find the place in memory that's most similar. It's not always going to be able to find it so you need to test the results before posting. The confidence percentage it prints tells you how good of a memory match it found. It's roughly something like 90% is a perfect match, 50% has a fair chance of working, 10% might work but doubtful.


Cheats using pplayer and pcar like setfloat(pplayer + 0x10, 1.0) generate codes using the pointer dereference function in CodeBreaker version 6 and up. (What's the lowest version CodeBreaker anyone has? Ver 5 and lower must be so old I probably don't need to say ver 6+ anymore) I looked at the player object and it looks like stuff is in the same place, so pplayer cheats should work.

Edited by edisoncarter
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is there any way this'll be able to work backwards? ie. PS2 cheats -> PSP cheats.

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Yay, great! So, it will be both PAL and NTSC codes? I just noticed my game is PAL and I only have a Gameshark... confused.gif

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is there any way this'll be able to work backwards? ie. PS2 cheats -> PSP cheats.

What did you have in mind, VCS or a different game?


Almost all our PSP cheats are modifying data but PS2 cheats traditionally mostly hack the program code. The compiled code between the PSP and PS2 versions looks almost completely different. The compilers are choosing different registers, putting instructions in different order, choosing different instructions, different optimizations, etc. An automated memory compare wouldn't work on that.


Besides, there aren't hardly any PS2 cheats for VCS right now so there's nothing to convert back.

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edison the player Data moves around u will need to use a pointer Codes on them .. when ever u load a new game the player moves .. i noticed this after realoading one of my saves .. the player address moved ..


i can write up a Simple Sub that i normaly use that u can put into your coding for converting say Cplayer ,Player Car and Lock on pointer objects .. i just need to find a good Jumper to use for all 3 of them .. i would also make it Compatible for all divices using the 000a0000 section all cheat divices can use this section .

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Right, I've got stuff working with pcar and pplayer using the pointer codes on CodeBreaker from the docs on your site. I'll post some samples soon.


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it's great what you're doing man, Expanding cheatdevice. Did you have cheat device on lcs for ps2?

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it's great what you're doing man, Expanding cheatdevice. Did you have cheat device on lcs for ps2?

This is not a Cheat Device. This converts PSP cheat device codes to CodeBreaker/GameShark codes.

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Here's some sample conversions. These are all tested and working. The Jet Ski and PCJ-600 spawns show the use of the memory pattern matcher, the landmines and invisible car are using pplayer and pcar with CodeBreaker's pointer codes.


The Jet Ski spawns at the small dock directly across the street from 101 Bayshore and gives you easy access to the 2nd island!



For CodeBreaker/GameShark/AR2:


Jet Ski spawn at 101 Bayshore (NTSC)

By Edison Carter

20749AF8 000000E9

20749AFC C436599A

20749B00 C48F9CCD

20749B04 40C00000

20749B08 41A00000


PCJ-600 spawn at 101 Bayshore (NTSC)

By Edison Carter

20749AC8 000000D4

20749ACC C4480666

20749AD0 C4928CCD

20749AD4 4131999A

20749AD8 41A00000


Hunter spawn at 101 Bayshore (NTSC)

By Edison Carter

20749B58 00000113

20749B5C C43F4000

20749B60 C48E6000

20749B64 413CCCCD

20749B68 41A00000


Little Willie spawn at 101 Bayshore (NTSC)

By Edison Carter

20749B28 000000AD

20749B2C C43D4000

20749B30 C491A000

20749B34 412CCCCD

20749B38 41A00000




Jet Ski spawn at 101 Bayshore (PAL)

By Edison Carter

20749DF8 000000E9

20749DFC C436599A

20749E00 C48F9CCD

20749E04 40C00000

20749E08 41A00000


PCJ-600 spawn at 101 Bayshore (PAL)

By Edison Carter

20749DC8 000000D4

20749DCC C4480666

20749DD0 C4928CCD

20749DD4 4131999A

20749DD8 41A00000


Hunter spawn at 101 Bayshore (PAL)

By Edison Carter

20749E58 00000113

20749E5C C43F4000

20749E60 C48E6000

20749E64 413CCCCD

20749E68 41A00000


Little Willie spawn at 101 Bayshore (PAL)

By Edison Carter

20749E28 000000AD

20749E2C C43D4000

20749E30 C491A000

20749E34 412CCCCD

20749E38 41A00000




One that uses pplayer (CodeBreaker v7+ only):


Have Landmines (CBv7+ NTSC)

Credit Sousanator + Waterbottle + xFinch713x

604E4910 0000000E

00000001 000005B0

604E4910 00FFFFFF

00020001 000005BC


Have Landmines (CBv7+ PAL)

Credit Sousanator + Waterbottle + xFinch713x

604E4C10 0000000E

00000001 000005B0

604E4C10 00FFFFFF

00020001 000005BC




One that uses pcar (CodeBreaker v7+ only):


Invisible Car (CBv7+ NTSC)

By Winchy

6050AB78 00000015

00000001 0000004A


Invisible Car (CBv7+ PAL)

By Winchy

6050AE78 00000015

00000001 0000004A

Edited by edisoncarter
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i think a save bet is to Joker any kinda pointer code using a pointer that goes back to 0 .. i will have to check in to the pointer code type i know its not used to much cuz it is semi buggy ..

but then again .. i could try to find asm location for them ..

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The converter tool is released!

Go to this page and click on "PSP to PS2 Converter Tool"





i think a save bet is to Joker any kinda pointer code using a pointer that goes back to 0 .. i will have to check in to the pointer code type i know its not used to much cuz it is semi buggy ..

but then again .. i could try to find asm location for them ..

Your page (RAW Code Types) says with CodeBreaker "Note that execution stops, if (base & 0x3FFFFFFC) == 0." and I can confirm that. The Invisible Car cheat uses pcar, which goes to 0 when you're not in a car and it didn't crash the game. I don't want to make the cheats 50% longer if I don't have to.

Edited by edisoncarter
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nice codes, i think it's better off doing asm thats i think skiller can find invisible code and some others

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How to you convert car spawns? For example, this code.


#cheat VCN Helicopter at the VCN building.

pspawn = 0x08E81290;

setint(pspawn, 260);

setfloat(pspawn + 4, -470.38, 1123.10, 64.73, 0);

pspawn += 0x30;



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Anybody knows the PAL and NTSC id for Ar MAX.I could try to convert some of the working codes to this cheat device

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Gantons Most Wanted

#cheat All Red Baloons Burst. w/ Rewards

address = 0x09f6a200;

for(i=0;i<99;i++) {

setint(address+4*i, 1);


setshort(0x08bb3d3c, 99);



i found this cheat by waterbottle in the PSP Development and it said there was a syntax error when i tryed to convert it with Edisons conversion tool

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#cheat VCN Helicopter at the VCN building.

pspawn = 0x08E81290;

setint(pspawn, 260);

setfloat(pspawn + 4, -470.38, 1123.10, 64.73, 0);

pspawn += 0x30;


setint(0x08E81290, 260);

setfloat(0x08E81294, -470.38, 1123.10, 64.73, 0);




#cheat All Red Baloons Burst. w/ Rewards

address = 0x09f6a200;

for(i=0;i<99;i++) {

setint(address+4*i, 1);


setshort(0x08bb3d3c, 99);



i found this cheat by waterbottle in the PSP Development and it said there was a syntax error when i tryed to convert it with Edisons conversion tool

You can't use loops in the converter, I unrolled the loop however the conversion tool gives most of the code 0% chance of working confused.gif



setint(0x9f6a200, 1);setint(0x9f6a204, 1);setint(0x9f6a208, 1);setint(0x9f6a20c, 1);setint(0x9f6a210, 1);setint(0x9f6a214, 1);setint(0x9f6a218, 1);setint(0x9f6a21c, 1);setint(0x9f6a220, 1);setint(0x9f6a224, 1);setint(0x9f6a228, 1);setint(0x9f6a22c, 1);setint(0x9f6a230, 1);setint(0x9f6a234, 1);setint(0x9f6a238, 1);setint(0x9f6a23c, 1);setint(0x9f6a240, 1);setint(0x9f6a244, 1);setint(0x9f6a248, 1);setint(0x9f6a24c, 1);setint(0x9f6a250, 1);setint(0x9f6a254, 1);setint(0x9f6a258, 1);setint(0x9f6a25c, 1);setint(0x9f6a260, 1);setint(0x9f6a264, 1);setint(0x9f6a268, 1);setint(0x9f6a26c, 1);setint(0x9f6a270, 1);setint(0x9f6a274, 1);setint(0x9f6a278, 1);setint(0x9f6a27c, 1);setint(0x9f6a280, 1);setint(0x9f6a284, 1);setint(0x9f6a288, 1);setint(0x9f6a28c, 1);setint(0x9f6a290, 1);setint(0x9f6a294, 1);setint(0x9f6a298, 1);setint(0x9f6a29c, 1);setint(0x9f6a2a0, 1);setint(0x9f6a2a4, 1);setint(0x9f6a2a8, 1);setint(0x9f6a2ac, 1);setint(0x9f6a2b0, 1);setint(0x9f6a2b4, 1);setint(0x9f6a2b8, 1);setint(0x9f6a2bc, 1);setint(0x9f6a2c0, 1);setint(0x9f6a2c4, 1);setint(0x9f6a2c8, 1);setint(0x9f6a2cc, 1);setint(0x9f6a2d0, 1);setint(0x9f6a2d4, 1);setint(0x9f6a2d8, 1);setint(0x9f6a2dc, 1);setint(0x9f6a2e0, 1);setint(0x9f6a2e4, 1);setint(0x9f6a2e8, 1);setint(0x9f6a2ec, 1);setint(0x9f6a2f0, 1);setint(0x9f6a2f4, 1);setint(0x9f6a2f8, 1);setint(0x9f6a2fc, 1);setint(0x9f6a300, 1);setint(0x9f6a304, 1);setint(0x9f6a308, 1);setint(0x9f6a30c, 1);setint(0x9f6a310, 1);setint(0x9f6a314, 1);setint(0x9f6a318, 1);setint(0x9f6a31c, 1);setint(0x9f6a320, 1);setint(0x9f6a324, 1);setint(0x9f6a328, 1);setint(0x9f6a32c, 1);setint(0x9f6a330, 1);setint(0x9f6a334, 1);setint(0x9f6a338, 1);setint(0x9f6a33c, 1);setint(0x9f6a340, 1);setint(0x9f6a344, 1);setint(0x9f6a348, 1);setint(0x9f6a34c, 1);setint(0x9f6a350, 1);setint(0x9f6a354, 1);setint(0x9f6a358, 1);setint(0x9f6a35c, 1);setint(0x9f6a360, 1);setint(0x9f6a364, 1);setint(0x9f6a368, 1);setint(0x9f6a36c, 1);setint(0x9f6a370, 1);setint(0x9f6a374, 1);setint(0x9f6a378, 1);setint(0x9f6a37c, 1);setint(0x9f6a380, 1);setint(0x9f6a384, 1);setint(0x9f6a388, 1);setshort(0x08bb3d3c, 99);


Edited by Waterbottle
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wow, this is amazing.


would this be possible with regular map objects? I guessing not. I love the car spawns and landmines though inlove.gif


now all we need is some hidden interior codes (if it would be possible)

Edited by agent17
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most of the codes that Deal with Random locations will not work .. right when converting ..

i did a random test with the PMG cars and it did not Convert it right ..

u have to remember if a places is comparing 500 lines of 00000000 then your goin to find alot more sections for that code.. but if your actualy moding something like old values that were there befor .. then it will find it almost 100% since there will not be as much finds for that exact patten u replaced with your code .. Hens why the Object codes can probly be ported and maybe some other Codes that have Be chunks that have not changed .


but things like Money or HP and so on are not as easly ported .. (this is the normaly memory ones not the pointers ..

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is the NTSC id for ar max 0406 and for pal 1100??

i need to know game id to convert codes to Ar max!!

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Where did you get 0406? I think Skiller said 0A06 but I could be wrong. Get an ARMax cheat off their site and unconvert it.



i did a random test with the PMG cars and it did not Convert it right ..

Were you trying to convert an LCS cheat? I don't think there are any PMG cars for VCS yet.


I may try to make a converter for LCS PSP to VCS PS2 but it's not there now. It's only VCS PSP to VCS PS2.

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Where did you get 0406? I think Skiller said 0A06 but I could be wrong. Get an ARMax cheat off their site and unconvert it.



i did a random test with the PMG cars and it did not Convert it right ..

Were you trying to convert an LCS cheat? I don't think there are any PMG cars for VCS yet.


I may try to make a converter for LCS PSP to VCS PS2 but it's not there now. It's only VCS PSP to VCS PS2.


no i ment that code that was for Modding a Popos car .. it did not work .. it was one of my tests i think it got the Color section right .. but it crashed the game when i looked at it lol


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How do I make a car spawn? and get the co-ords? also what about the car color/rotation? etc.

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Sorry for the bump but what to you expect? I didn't want this thread to get lost and I couldn't exactly make a new one just for a question.

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  • 2 months later...

What happened to the converter page?

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I just also saw it is gone.Maybe edison is active again with VCS and preparing a surprise or he made a better converter.Dont know i just guessed!!


EDIT:wait i have a link to it!!

psp-ps2 cheat converter

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