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The First Thing

xNewtype Acex

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Off topic: I want to know what those stars on the topic title mean, I know they are karma and they are supposed to be good, but what do they actually do?

It's from the topic rating system which is next to the 'add reply' at the bottom, the higher it's rated the better the topic the lower it's rated the worse it is and it get's red stars

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xNewtype Acex

Off topic: The stars from the title will be the ones that will be under my user name, like for example you have four stars, or they are different set of stars?

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Off topic: The stars from the title will be the ones that will be under my user name, like for example you have four stars, or they are different set of stars?

The Stars under my name are Karma Stars which are recieved for doing things benfitting the Forum, for example I got one for writing The GTAForums Yellow Pages, the other were due to sexual favours to the forum staff. They are given out by the staff (Mods/Admins). You can get a maximum of 5 Stars (Except Wolf86k who got a special 6, and some have an uber 25 Star set) They also twinkle at 10,000 posts for those with 3 or 5 stars


The stars next to a topic however are more user generated by rating the topic good or bad, however if you start a topic you cannot rate it either way.


I must prod Jayzamann to make a new newbs topic

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Back to teh topic.

I will...

I will insert random cheats (On PC, of course)

And i will blow random stuff up!

and if i wont 'awe any weapons ill kill the cops, as many as possible!

and then i'l wake ctulhu up and blow up the whole damn sity!!!

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Explore LC, then kill people to see what the officers have, find guns, then storyline

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  • 1 month later...

I will Probably Faint, The wake Up And Faint again, Then ill forget what im doing Take a dump, then it will come back to me, Ill run back the TV, and Crash a car, Seeing if the Damage is Any good in this game, Then faint again when i relise its Sweet and wake up Pondering what The Next GTA will bring biggrin.gif

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I think you'll first see your new home. happy.gif

Then you'll get a job with your bro working for the taxi firm allowing you to explore the city taxing people around sigh.gif

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In 2009 when I can afford the game and console, I'll do whatever that comes to mind. Man I have a great imagination.

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I first explore Liberty City and do few missions and play few multiplayer matches on Xbox Live.

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I'll probably see it first at my friends place, he has a PS3. We'll first watch the opening scene and then I'll let him play it and just watch what Rockstar has in store for us:) And its gonna be a rollercoaster (hehe) ride.

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In 2009 when I can afford the game and console, I'll do whatever that comes to mind. Man I have a great imagination.

Same here cryani.gif

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First I'll brake up with my girlfriend. Then I'll call in sick for the first couple of weeks. There's a big change I'll get a hart attack when I have the game in my hand. If not I'll read the back of the cover, look at the pics, I'll put the game in my ps3, lights off, volume on 65, have a bottle of handlotion next to me and masturbate during the intro. I'll whipe my hands clean than I'll walk around LC still shakin like motherfocka!!!

I'll go into buildings, into a bus, a metro and ofcourse a car to listen to the radio.

LC will be so inpressive, I'll be affraid to kill anybody or do any harm. I will be a well-behaved citizen for the first couple of days (without sleeping). biggrin.gif

Edited by MotjoBoss
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......have a bottle of handlotion next to me and masturbate during the intro......


hoooold on!


thats a lil bit to much info your telling over there whatsthat.gif

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sorry man... sometimes I can't controle myself. Anyway, another thing i'll do: I'm gonna drive to a dock. park the car there, put te radio on that maffiastation (just like in III) to listen to some classic music and then I'm gonna roll a fat joint and watch the sun go down behind the LC skyline.... sleepy.gif

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%99 i will be playing it in a internet cafe. probably i will do some missions then hang around, pony farming biggrin.gif

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Buy the game, get in the car. Read everything on the box including copyrights, get home, run upstairs, turn it on and look for every car in the game, then pick thbe radio station ill listen to for the next 3 years.

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1st I will explore the City, find guns, save game, then shoot the police to see what the got. Then do missions.

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Drive around, crash into a bunch of people, checking the "star system" and the damage system on the cars. Then I'm going to find a nice coupe, get it to the color I want, park it in a garage, repeat until full, do missions.

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I'm going to run around, break into a car and see how the driving physics, radio stations, car damage and pedestrian "ragdoll-ness" is.

Then I will try to get in some fights, steal a car with someone driving it, and explore.

Then save, get cops after me, then missions.


Not to mention, shakingly look in the manual and strategy guide on the way home.

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Run over a Ped going really fast... I've been dying to see how brutal the new Physics system is.

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First and foremost, I'm going to look for some sort of a weapon, so I can go on a killing spree. I will probably steal a car, so I can search for a gun more efficiently. On the way, l will run over as much people as I can, until the Police begin pursuing me with their 'berries flashing on the highbeams'. As I drive towards the safehouse, I will lose the tail. When I finally get there, I will go upstairs and pop the GTA IV disc in my XBox 360.

Edited by Brish
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Complete the first mission and roam the whole city for hours biggrin.gif

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I will probably drive arround a little bit, then do the first mission, and then try things out. the new physics system, weapons, police pursiut etc biggrin.gif

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First and foremost, I'm going to look for some sort of a weapon, so I can go on a killing spree. I will probably steal a car, so I can search for a gun more efficiently. On the way, l will run over as much people as I can, until the Police begin pursuing me with their 'berries flashing on the highbeams'. As I drive towards the safehouse, I will lose the tail. When I finally get there, I will go upstairs and pop the GTA IV disc in my XBox 360.


Somehow, those never get old colgate.gif

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I'll just stroll around and see what new interior and sh*t I can do.

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Complete the first mission and roam the whole city for hours biggrin.gif



That is exactly what I did with GTA3 and SA (not VC, that just wasn't terribly interesting. Played all the missions until my save corrupted about 75% through, then just uninstalled it and never looked back).


In GTA4 i'll simply complete the first (compulsory?) mission/s, then save, and just go driving. I can only hope there'll be countless little 'niche' areas to check out...it was awesome in GTA3 just driving around for the first time, finding some quirky little thing in every alley I drive through, or rooftop I land on. That sort of stuff I really like...


Just sucks that stupid consoles get it first. Ugh.

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  • 1 month later...

When I get my glorious copy of GTA IV and place it in the disk tray and sit in absolute excitement while it loads, I will be thinking about the first thing I would do. They boast a tremendous justice system with stars and line of sight. Therefore the first thing I would do is to test this system. I would go out, find a cop, stalk the cop for a bit, and then kill him/her. And watch the ensuing chaos that follows.

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Carl Johnson89

Doing some mission for know the story.

And explore after 2-3 missions.

Good,i see the trailer,this GTA is looking good smile.gif

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Complete the first mission and roam the whole city for hours biggrin.gif

That really but maybe the first few missions them CASH biggrin.gif

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