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The First Thing

xNewtype Acex

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Buy the game then realise I don't have a PS3 or XBOX confused.gif


Buy the game then a PS3 or XBOX and realise I don't have an HDTV to get the best out of it confused.gif


Buy the game then a PS3 or XBOX and an HDTV and then realise I don't have any money to pay back the MasterCard... priceless

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Sit back with a tall cold beer and reflect on all those poor children in Cambodia that don't have next-gen consoles... or beer...


It'll be a good day to be me.

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Erm... Start construction of the worlds biggest dubbie!!! (blueberry with flavored cigar wraps its a special occasion). I did that with San Andreas and it was seriously heavy.

I'd do the same, but with a doobie instead.



^lol i never woulda thought so many people on the forums smoked weed.


More than you think my friend.


>Theres even aGTAF Stoners Forums

Edited by *MURDOC*
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In the summer of '08, I'll put the game on a pedestal and worship it for a good half hour. I don't have a 360 or PS3... dontgetit.gif

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No idea, since no real details released. But not do a mission anyway, I went too quickly through San Andreas missions. Mainly because I took it slow with VC and got the ending with lance blown for me.

Drive around the state.

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Before even buying the game I am going to buy a flat screen 1080p television so I can get the absolute best graphics, a 5.1 Dolby surround sound system so I can destroy my eardrums for years to come, PS3 of course, and then finally the game. Once I get into the game I'm going to find the fastest car and drive around for hours discovering all the new ways to kill people then reset the game and get down to buisness

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The trailer alone is going to kill me!


Back on topic... I am going to.... to..... AAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!

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Before any media were released about SA, who would have guessed the first thing to do would be ride a bicycle? I hope what I do first in GTA4 is a complete surprise to me. rahkstar2.gif

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not FIRST first thing, just first thing of choice not what you HAVE to do tounge.gif but good point there

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The first thing I'll do is wait until a PC version is released, then I'll buy it, Then I'll open the Box, then I'll read the Manuel, Then I'll put the DVD in my DVD drive, Then I'll Install it, making sure to switch discs when necessary, then I'll start the game and laugh at the Lag, or If I have upgraded my computers by then, I'll drool over the PC > Console Graphics, Then i'll complete it, and start learning how to mod it, as I will def. start with GTA IV for modding, Can't be bothered atm.
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the nameless

The first thing I ever do (after the intro mission if there is one) is rob a car, flick through the radio until I find a decent song, then drive round looking for other cars - particularly new ones, then I usually get lost and spend about 5 minutes trying to get to my mission blip.


Does anyone ever do any different?

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Hayden Stasven
Before any media were released about SA, who would have guessed the first thing to do would be ride a bicycle? I hope what I do first in GTA4 is a complete surprise to me. rahkstar2.gif

Strange that. One of the earliest things about the game was an article outlining the first mission, which stated that yes, you would be riding a bicycle. If I remember correctly, a "chrome bicycle", and that you would be escaping from a gang fight, racing down a mountain. I guess Rockstar like to change a lot of things close to the release. tounge.gif

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Well i'll probably watch the cutscene, go to the safehouse, watch the moron tutorials about how to save and walk, and then go for a ride. Just like SA. Hopefully if they put eating in the game (and hopefully they WON'T) the resturants will be open right away and not after 3-4 missions so i won't starve while trying new cars out

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Before any media were released about SA, who would have guessed the first thing to do would be ride a bicycle? I hope what I do first in GTA4 is a complete surprise to me.  rahkstar2.gif

Strange that. One of the earliest things about the game was an article outlining the first mission, which stated that yes, you would be riding a bicycle. If I remember correctly, a "chrome bicycle", and that you would be escaping from a gang fight, racing down a mountain. I guess Rockstar like to change a lot of things close to the release. tounge.gif

I should have said, before any information was released about SA, like where we are now waiting for a first clue about GTA4. I'm hoping GTA4 has so much unexpected stuff in it that the player's "first thing" is unguessable.

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Probably nobody will play missions first because you have to hassle buying them. Anyhoo what I always did when I bought a GTA - jack different cars, surf through radio, run over people, walk, explore, fistfight, then go on a rampage!

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There are things to do before even putting the disc in your 360 or PS3. Things like carefully opening the case, sniffing and fondling the game manual, staring at the disc, and rubbing your..............oops everyone does do these things right? cry.gif  ph34r.gif  whatsthat.gif

Oh definately. Dunno bout "fondling" but certainly smelling the new smell of the manual. Reading it cover to cover, looking at the new map, admiring the box some more, really carefully putting it in the drive (it wont come out again for a long long time!) and THEN playing it! lol.gif

my gta sa for the ps2 hasnt seen the light since still in my ps2 smile.gif

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Probably nobody will play missions first because you have to hassle buying them.!

What in gods name are you talking about, the game is going to have missions when you first start playing. You dont have to buy anything.

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Well.. you could be incapable of stealing cars in this game... in which case you'd have to buy them all...


However, with our meager starting funds... we're gonna be financing and living in debt munchin' on Easy Mac and ramen noodles for the next 3 years...




Sorry... too much time reading through the wish lists of others.. blush.gif

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I think I wanna take a different approach with the next generation of GTA... I really wanna be surprised and shocked by the game, so I'm gonna try to stay away from spoilers when playing through the story, and I'll try not to use the map as much.

Mostly though, the first things I'll actually do are read the manual dilligently for info, then do all of those intro missions I need to actually get the game going (You know, "learn" how to eat, buy clothes, etc., get introduced to some characters), then I'll just go 'slploring.


Editything: Also, I have to point out that I seriously doubt in a game called Grand Theft Auto, that you wouldn't be able to steal cars.

Edited by monosyllabicMark
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Old School Hustla


and rubbing your..............oops everyone does do these things right? cry.gif  ph34r.gif  whatsthat.gif

Yes, soiling the manual is the first order of business. Nothing to be ashamed of... tounge.gif

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  • 1 month later...
Twang of Cauliflower

I'm going to steal a car, drive it to a back alley, turn to a radio station I'm interested in, then lay on my couch and listen to the music.

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I will grab the phone book out of Roman's dirty garage, walk out to the street, find the closest old bag, and smack her upside the head.

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If the guides say there is Hidden Packages, then I'll slowly make my way around the map finding them while enjoying the creamy graphics and finding a Steak House and listening to the Radio Stations.
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i`ll beat someone up to get some $ and to see how the graphics are and to get used to the fighting system, then, i'll steal a car and drive around until i find some hidden weapons here and there colgate.gif

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the hubster

I think the first thing i will do is faint from shock, then ill go kill someone.

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xNewtype Acex

Off topic: I want to know what those stars on the topic title mean, I know they are karma and they are supposed to be good, but what do they actually do?

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