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Battlefield 2


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Explain ahead about windowed BF2, I could be interested young Jedi

Well, if you right click your shortcut to BF2 or SF, click on the shortcut tab near the top, and in the Target box change

+fullscreen 1


+fullscreen 0

Then it will be whatever your in-game resolution is. Improved some performance from same settings, and looks a lot better! (Smaller though tounge.gif )

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are any of u guys in clans? I kind of want to join one now that Im hopelessly addicted

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I've sent you a pm in regards to getting in touch with a few like minded people. Hopefully you can fit in with them and have some fun. Team orientated and easy going people are always welcome to play. Grab those contacts and I may see you on the battlefield.


ABomb h4x!! wow.gif


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Just Camobox (Sandbox mod) actually. Fun nonetheless. icon14.gif




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Lost at least 1,500 points yesterday due to EA being retarded and their servers glitching. mad.gif

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Congrats on the promotion... I think that when you get promotions that high up they should do some sort of Star Wars medal ceromony, with Luke, Han and Chewie and everything.
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If you can give yourself five karma then you can give me one c*ntface!

I think he's drunk again turn.gif

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If you can give yourself five karma then you can give me one c*ntface!

I think he's drunk again turn.gif

He's always pissed, its more likely he's not pissed for one and doesn't know how to handle himself.

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Looks like a discovered a good time to play with you guys. Two days in a row, except tommarow I'm going to have lots of errands to run. That German server wasn't too bad to play on, I never got to play against other players on those maps until today. Congrats on the promotion Liam, did they create another kick vote against you for it? lol


Plat, I really like your sig, the Pwn* icon looks way better with those shades of color.

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Why thank you, I didn't do it though, someone else did, think it was Ottae.


Its not difficult, just a hue/saturation adjustment on the original in photoshop. smile.gif

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That reminds me, I tried to Register on the website, but it's not sending the confirmation e-mail.



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I think one of the admins stopped it temporarily as we were getting a screed of bell-ends advertising kinky sites, drop a PM to MMMS and see if he can't sort you out.


It seems as if you guys had a game tonight, I might have joined if my machine wasn't playing at silly bleeps and wanting to download virus's that I had to sort out.

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That reminds me, I tried to Register on the website, but it's not sending the confirmation e-mail.

Was it yesterday? If so then you should be fine now. If not then send me a pm here and let me know what details etc you are using. T'was great to play with you although those maps sucked arse and if you killeed anyone who didn't like it then a kickvote was initiated. Idiots.


Should be on for an hour later if people fancy it. smile.gif

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Anyone fancy a game tonight? Playing the other night brought back find memories.

Indeedy, As long as we rotate the maps. I'm sure there'll be others too. Xfire is your friend. icon14.gif

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Rotating maps for the lose, constant Karkand for the win! I love owning noobs on Karkand and getting loads of kills. I'll be up for a BF2 shag session all of tonight, I have nothing much better to do. icon14.gif

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Me > Cols.


f*cking rawked that round, M16A2 on sngle shot = win.


karkand is a great map, im still not bored of it. Though i do play a bit of Jalalabad here and there. Not many IO sharqis though. sad.gif

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Yeah, I played alot of IO here lately, i'm getting on now if anyones interested. Nice Video Sixdust, thats some funny stuff.

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I inlove.gif the pwned life, always cracks me up
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LOL that video was great


I have two questions for you guys though.


Im still kind of new to BF2 and I was wondering if it mattered

where you shot a tank with the RPG. If it does more damage

depending on where its hit.


Also I like to use the 50 cal sniper rifle but at reall long ranges

I can never hit someone in the head no matter how well aimed

on it I am even if they are standing still. Should I be using a different

rifle at that range for head shots or are they all semi inaccurate at long



Thanks in advance for ur help icon14.gif

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50Cal = M95? The big green thing. It does alot of damage yes, takes you to two bar health. It turns out, that its not as accurate as the aim says. Where the crosshairs meet in the middle, thats not where the M95 fires exactly, its just a little under it to the right. Ill get a pic in a sec. I can get headshots with it now knowing where the true shot target is, but i suggest getting the L96A1, that gun is f*cking accurate and does same amount of damage.


With the RPG (you mean SRAW or Eryx, i hope..) it takes only takes two shots if you hit the tank on its treads/wheel track thingys. There is also a tiny gap between the turrent and body of tank that if you get with it blows it up in one shot, but thats like friggen impossible during battle. Also with a TOW (the rocket launcher thingys you find dotted around the map on a tripod) if you hit a tank in the treads with that its one hit kill.

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Apperently the weak spots for a Tank are the tracks and rear, although every time I try it I end up using my whole cache of Rockets to finish one off, I must be doing something wrong. Thats why I hardly play Anti-Tank, although using them on Heli's are alright, but an M95 Sniper is better wink.gif , not only that Anti-Tank weapons are pants in my opinion. EDIT: Even the underbelly is weak, but you have to get it when it's coming up over a hill... which is rare.


As for being a Sniper, aim for the throat as this will have a better chance of a 'booom head-shot' this allows for recoil of bullet drop, which is also handy for a moving target aim slightly ahead of the enemy.

Edited by Gareth Croke
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Heres where to really aim with the M95, the red dot:

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Also, not all guns are perfect, check this, its hella interesting: Gun Aimpoints

Edited by FunkyChunky
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Thanks guys


BTW which one is the L96A? The black unlockable one with the bipod?


*********Rates topic Good***********

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I've always hated the Baghira Pistol. Our character doesn't use the site properly. mad.gif Alwell, I've moved onto Armed Assault, but I remember reading in the last topic that everybody here hated it. Also, wasn't someone going to make an offical topic?

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Had some serious fun today with the black sniper rifle with the bipod.

Definatly helped with the headshots, thank you for the advice.

Unfortunatly I havent been able to use the new RPG tank killing advice yet devil.gif

I still have one bad problem though. I cant hit people who are running worth sh*t with my sniper rifles.

How much should I be leading them?

Or should I try to avoid leading them at all?

Edited by ihearttitties
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Had some serious fun today with the black sniper rifle with the bipod.

Definatly helped with the headshots, thank you for the advice.

Unfortunatly I havent been able to use the new RPG tank killing advice yet devil.gif

I still have one bad problem though. I cant hit people who are running worth sh*t with my sniper rifles.

How much should I be leading them?

Or should I try to avoid leading them at all?

Not long, the fact is their probably bunny hopping, in that case, dont aim for the head.

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