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Battlefield 2


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Is 9:30pm a usual time for you guys to play? I'd have to wait for a day off from work. I'm 5 hours behid you all so it's 3:00am for you guys by the time I get off work here at 10:00pm.

No, That just happens to be the time I finsh from work on fridays. Pretty much anytime we aplay. I'm having a session on sunday so feel free to get me on xfire. icon14.gif


@ Brad, Random server. Follow me off xfire.


Xfire = mymothersmysister

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Sunday I'll be home around 8:00pm from work which is about I'd say 1:00am your guys time, but if anyones still alive around then i'll play.

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This just in! Parky's a whore!




//If only I could have played you all for the whole round. Would have schoole you sooo much more tounge.gif

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There was:








Screen time!


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And Liams addiction is coming back.

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I know, f*cking hell Parky you medic whoring c*nt!


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PwnStars owning it up.


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Parkys the best damn whore around!


None of you bitches were anywhere near me, I was using the stock US medic gun all round, I got the highest Teamwork and Combat score.


So I didn't do that bad tounge.gif

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Parkys the best damn whore around!


None of you bitches were anywhere near me, I was using the stock US medic gun all round, I got the highest Teamwork and Combat score.


So I didn't do that bad tounge.gif

A) M16A2 rocks. None of the unlocks are any better, whether it be Medic or Assault. The Medic M16 is even better than most other class weapons.


B) You re a little heal bitch too. Ill shoot you until youre almost dead then you bunny hop and toss a medbag then heal yourself. Thats just downright gay tounge.gif


Wait until we get some vehicles in the game.

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Bring it on ph34r.gif I didn't bunny hop though, I hardly ever press space bar.


That gun does own though, rocks the socks off. What about all the paddle kills I got, 3 of them were off Liam tounge.gif

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There was some right bunny hopping c*nts on the server though, he just about held onto space bar and dived under something to heal himself. Cock.


I <3 the AK-101.

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Bring it on ph34r.gif I didn't bunny hop though, I hardly ever press space bar.


That gun does own though, rocks the socks off. What about all the paddle kills I got, 3 of them were off Liam tounge.gif

Mercie wins. M16A2 > Everything.


Dam, missed you guys playing, shame sad.gif

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There was:









and me!!!


Mike_Learoy smile.gif


Find some stat padders.


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Have they balanced out the stock guns with the unlocks now then? I'm still using my G36E, haven't tried out the stock USMC or MEC, are they loads better?

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God, i hate people in there. For a start its too easy to get in and nonone ever goes down there unless its 32 or 16 sized map.


Plat, try the M1A62, its like a G36E, but alot better.

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If anyone wants to play for abit now, I'm on X-fire.



Tonights the night if you missed yesterday, you can listen to me Mc'ing over VOIP tounge.gif



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Your rapping had me in stitches. icon14.gif


I'll be on later this afternoon after the football maybe.


/me salutes.

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sh*t... I'll try to read this topic more often, hehe.


I played with the MEC support weapon, its good and you get a lot of points with the ammo packs. I'm getting pro in the city maps (karkand and Warlord) +100 points biggrin.gif I play a lot with the unlockable spec op weapon, not that SCAR-L, the other. Dont remember the name...



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The G36E, I quite like that one too, I find it a little better in medium to short conflict than the SCAR-L, which is better at distance


But have to say, I'm loving the M95, I was playing on a Kubra Dam server last night and brought down two helis with it, then I went anti-tank and brought down a thrid, nice


Question for you all, I've been playing FFlokes unlocks to test all the weapons and everyone seems to love the L96A1 sniper rifle, but I've found that it's not as accurate as the M24, which apprently is not right the L96A1 is supposed to be more accurate, now I'm wondering if this is a screen resolution thing as the most I can play at is 800 x 600, so it can make things a little 'blocky', so for those who like the L96A1 what resolution do you play with.

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The G36E, I quite like that one too, I find it a little better in medium to short conflict than the SCAR-L, which is better at distance


But have to say, I'm loving the M95, I was playing on a Kubra Dam server last night and brought down two helis with it, then I went anti-tank and brought down a thrid, nice


Question for you all, I've been playing FFlokes unlocks to test all the weapons and everyone seems to love the L96A1 sniper rifle, but I've found that it's not as accurate as the M24, which apprently is not right the L96A1 is supposed to be more accurate, now I'm wondering if this is a screen resolution thing as the most I can play at is 800 x 600, so it can make things a little 'blocky', so for those who like the L96A1 what resolution do you play with.

Shouldn't make a diff the screen resolution. THe M24 is more accurate due to the thinner sights, and can pull off headshots easily and stuff. But the L96 is just a lot more powerful, brings you down to two bars of health. And its sounds so awesome, its like:




And G36C = Spec Op

G36E = Medic.


Woah, got lots of points today, about 1k i think. 45k now. Im so close wow.gif

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cool.gif Got all 20 kills with Claymores at the Palace on Warlord, I got Vet Sniper Specialist in that round aswell.


I'll be on about 10 tonight icon14.gif

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I'm hopping on a random server right now if anyones interested. I'm gonna see what I can pull off with that little machine gun the engineer gets. I've been playing DOOM3 all week so i'll be a bit rusty today.

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Just got off an excellent round with lots of Pwn* and another whiney clan, they were all really high ranks but weren't very good for some reason, fairly easy to kill even up close when they had RPK's. Best round I've played in ages, tactical and everyone playing was skilled, no noobs.


And guess what? I GOT GOLD! WOO!


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I'll be back on xfire after Match of the day. icon14.gif


Good games tonight.

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Vanilla Shake
Just been awarded the Veteran Support Combat award, and I'm at the halfway-mark to my next rank (Staff Sergeant). cool.gif
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Just got off an excellent round with lots of Pwn* and another whiney clan, they were all really high ranks but weren't very good for some reason, fairly easy to kill even up close when they had RPK's.

Yeah, it was 2 1st Lietenits and a Brigadier General, all three were playing terrible, that's why I don't even look at ranks anymore.

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I did awful on that server. Granted a 150 ping doesnt help, but none of my guns would do sh*t. I was charged twice by shockpaddlers and LOST both times. What the f*ck is up with that? The G36 is supposed to be GOOD. I even go so desperate for a kill that I stopped to useing the G36E. Shameful, I know, but that didnt even help. The only sensible kill I got was 7 shots from the Saiga.


Oh yeah. Then I got on a US IO server and rocked it. Gold medal x3 with engineer the whole time.

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I did awful on that server. Granted a 150 ping doesnt help, but none of my guns would do sh*t. I was charged twice by shockpaddlers and LOST both times. What the f*ck is up with that? The G36 is supposed to be GOOD. I even go so desperate for a kill that I stopped to useing the G36E. Shameful, I know, but that didnt even help. The only sensible kill I got was 7 shots from the Saiga.


Oh yeah. Then I got on a US IO server and rocked it. Gold medal x3 with engineer the whole time.

Yeah I sucked yesterday too. And when I became good again, I had to go. whatsthat.gif


Il probably go on now though.



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