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1.5 patch is out and it comes with both Booster Packs for free (Euro Force and Armed Forces) 8 new maps all together, and one new map for the normal BF2.

This is the pinnacle of "neat". Thanks for the heads up.

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Going to download this, maybe its the time to get back to the game. All the new stuff sounds awesome smile.gif



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Operation Blue Pearl is an ok map, I haven't really got to grips with it yet, I'm guna go sniper and have a proper explore of all the nooks and crannys, although I did have abit of fun with a boat in 1 of the waterways and mowed down most of the other team tounge.gif


TV missiles on Dragon Valley have been fixed, Black crosshairs instead of white = ownage. Thank the lord!

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So that's why all the servers I usually play on are red all of a sudden, thought I f*cked up my sixth reinstallation since I got the game a month and a half ago. Downloading this now, f*ck yeah.


Anyone else who got the complete collection getting an error in regards to the Special Forces expansion? It gives me a CD-KEY error every time I try to join a server and all I really want is access to the extra weapon unlocks. EA's tech support is about as useful as a pack of retarded monkeys and it's really getting on my nerves, been going back and forth through their tech support site for the past month or so and still haven't had any luck, the only problem they solved involved my registration, otherwise they haven't accomplished jack sh*t.

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If anyone fancies a few games later on tonight let me know, Parky112 is my xfire, I'll be out for a few hours from 2pm GMT, should be back around 7.


Any map, I'm happy for vehicles IO whatever smile.gif

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Is anybody else having troubles with x8 AA?


I can't seem to get anti-aliasing to work whatever I try.

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  • 1 month later...


Double posting because I forgot something f*cking awesome:




Go there, download the mod and core maps, and then don't worry about having to play idiot bots in SP or idiot idiots in MP. I've only played a few hours, but goddamn this makes me forget about POE2 and any other SP/MP mod I ever played. Plus, it's privately ranked, you can set up your own ranked servers, and it's got a pretty decent sized user base.


Fun for dicking around without having to deal with asshole "hardcore" players all the damn time. Plus, pretty much all new weapons, armies, kits, pickups, vehicles, and like 8000 new aircraft and maps.

Been playing this with a lot of friends on our own network, however I ranked up to Master sergeant instead of First sergeant and im pretty pissed. Been playing online and offline too, online your rank is different too. I thought about fixing it myself but then again, i wiped enough asses with that MC 1.6 for bf1942 lmao

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Double posting because I forgot something f*cking awesome:




Go there, download the mod and core maps, and then don't worry about having to play idiot bots in SP or idiot idiots in MP. I've only played a few hours, but goddamn this makes me forget about POE2 and any other SP/MP mod I ever played. Plus, it's privately ranked, you can set up your own ranked servers, and it's got a pretty decent sized user base.


Fun for dicking around without having to deal with asshole "hardcore" players all the damn time. Plus, pretty much all new weapons, armies, kits, pickups, vehicles, and like 8000 new aircraft and maps.

Been playing this with a lot of friends on our own network, however I ranked up to Master sergeant instead of First sergeant and im pretty pissed. Been playing online and offline too, online your rank is different too. I thought about fixing it myself but then again, i wiped enough asses with that MC 1.6 for bf1942 lmao

I dunno if you would rank up on 50,000 or not over the mods glitch, I'm still Gunnery Sergeant on AIX 2.0. Hell I don't even care about all the flaws the only f*cking reason and I mean the SINGLE only reason to bother with AIX is the Apache Helicopter.

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Double posting because I forgot something f*cking awesome:




Go there, download the mod and core maps, and then don't worry about having to play idiot bots in SP or idiot idiots in MP. I've only played a few hours, but goddamn this makes me forget about POE2 and any other SP/MP mod I ever played. Plus, it's privately ranked, you can set up your own ranked servers, and it's got a pretty decent sized user base.


Fun for dicking around without having to deal with asshole "hardcore" players all the damn time. Plus, pretty much all new weapons, armies, kits, pickups, vehicles, and like 8000 new aircraft and maps.

Been playing this with a lot of friends on our own network, however I ranked up to Master sergeant instead of First sergeant and im pretty pissed. Been playing online and offline too, online your rank is different too. I thought about fixing it myself but then again, i wiped enough asses with that MC 1.6 for bf1942 lmao

I dunno if you would rank up on 50,000 or not over the mods glitch, I'm still Gunnery Sergeant on AIX 2.0. Hell I don't even care about all the flaws the only f*cking reason and I mean the SINGLE only reason to bother with AIX is the Apache Helicopter.

Those f*cks are worthless on that crappy forum of theirs, they want the user to re-mod and patch/fix the problems themselves. At least with the other groups they helped me out, i'm done wiping asses over these morons and their crap mod. I'm not doing finishing touches on ANY bodies work unless they give me f*cking credit.

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I like the way you talk.


I hit MSGT instead of 1stSGT back in the day during the patch changing the points for each rank. It has always looked like a giant c*nt next to your name. Which is lame. Last time I checked I was about 10k from colonel. I would still be playing if it wasnt for my very unpredictable pc and a newly aquired nervous hand. f*cking bollocky sh*t.

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I re-installed this last sunday and I've started playing this again with a new account "AreXii". If someone wants to play, add me on xfire: arexifin

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I like the way you talk.


I hit MSGT instead of 1stSGT back in the day during the patch changing the points for each rank. It has always looked like a giant c*nt next to your name. Which is lame. Last time I checked I was about 10k from colonel. I would still be playing if it wasnt for my very unpredictable pc and a newly aquired nervous hand. f*cking bollocky sh*t.

Yeah i does, I agree. I want my f*ckin star! I finally got a reply on their stupid forum, I'll apparently rank up still but youknow what's gonna happen later? It's gonna keep me Colonel when i get to that because it wont register my awards now. That means im gonna be the next colonel f*cking klink!!!! mad.gif

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That whole award sh*t = different rank was bullsh*t. As far as I can remember you needed all bronze badges. I had some bastard glitch where I got the silver stabby knife badge before the bronze one somehow, so it never registered I had it. I think its the same with master gunnery sergeant/ sergeant major. Just plough through the points and become an officer. Only way to fix it. Also I probably wouldnt have been able to become a brigadier general because I havent armor whored enough, or some bullsh*t. My tag was DrDaz


f*ck knows I aint looked at those stats in years.


May as well go back to playing contra3 on zsnes.

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  • 1 month later...

Can anyone who has SF play my account for a few rounds? I've heard it will unlock some of the guns. I can barter. I've already paid EA 20 dollars after I lost BF2 and bought a second copy and I think I've given them enough $$ for a 4 year old game. I can barter.

Edited by jimmy.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Anyone fancy a skirmish, sometime in the next week or so? Get a few GTAF'ers together on Xfire and rip a server in half



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I'd be up for it, though I have trouble with Xfire. (haven't even re-installed it on my new HD, but if this pans out I certainly will)


My Xfire is kingsusurper

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Good grief, yes.


EDIT: I don't have Xfire, is that crucial?

Kindoff, it's a light download, and insanely usefull for joining the same game as other peeps.

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  • 10 months later...

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