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Battlefield 2


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You should get it installed again, or if you have it installed, start playing more often ! It's still fun.


BF3 - This will more than likely be DX10? Or could it be DX9 compatible too?



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My rank is 'First Sergeant', seems like I'll never get to my next rank lol. Not that far off, but it was a big jump from the others, need alot more points.
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I remember that, god we had some good times on this game sad.gif


Everyone on TeamSpeak, me, Liam, Bravo, Peptidechain, Funks, Dup, Platty, Alf, Waddy. All winding Daz and Platty up.



How dare you? angry.gif

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I remember that, god we had some good times on this game sad.gif


Everyone on TeamSpeak, me, Liam, Bravo, Peptidechain, Funks, Dup, Platty, Alf, Waddy. All winding Daz and Platty up.



How dare you? angry.gif

lmao <3


I didn't mention you because it was too obvious inlove.gif

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Just looking back...



I remember that, god we had some good times on this game sad.gif


Everyone on TeamSpeak, me, Liam, Bravo, Peptidechain, Funks, Dup, Platty, Alf, Waddy. All winding Daz and Platty up.



lol, how sh*t was Liam back then ph34r.gif


I'd love to get back into BF2, ain't played it in ages, but I think it was after I played it on my Sisters machine on full on graphics, mine kinda looks poo now confused.gif

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My graphics are set to high, but if I go on a mates computer, and they are on low or something, I play so sh*t.


I'm used to my computer, and that's it.

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Does anyone know how to make the bot count larger? I simply want more action wink.gif.

And, did you know a great sniping/camping spot on FuShe Pass?

There is an old house with some barriers around it. It is on a mountain. When driving from the Island to West Mine Entrance, go up hill road. There will be the house, and you can stay there forever (if you play with bots).

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(if you play with bots).

There you are. BF2's bots are seriously disabled, couldn't fight their way out of a chair.

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(if you play with bots).

There you are. BF2's bots are seriously disabled, couldn't fight their way out of a chair.

If You are playing online someone will sneak behind You and get a one new step closer getting the Golden Knife Combat Badge lol.gif

Edited by TheTank
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Yeah, me tounge.gif. I'm sure others do too, but not so much anymore.

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Unlucky mate, if you do upgrade, I would recommend that you get this game and get an experience of it.
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I downloaded Highway Tampa thing, and installed it. I ran BF2, but the maps don't show there. I patched (again), but still nothing. Also, I installed Armored forces and Euro forces (the first exp. packs, if those names are wrong), the maps showed up, but I'm not able to play them.

Though, I am more concerned about the first thing. Maybe I did something wrong?


EDIT: Today, when I played FuShe Pass, I used my sneaky tactic, and hid in the mountains, and sniped the enemies. In the end, I was the only one alive (from my team, though sad.giftounge.gif ), and, well, I lost. Like I could capture a flag with just going there... Also, I had only one death in total and around 50 kills wink.gif.

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I'm not kidding.


Don't check my rank, You'll get a heartattack, 'cause I suck xD

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I haven't played in months, since before September, but lol at this on my stats:


" Current Global Score: 3641 of 2500. Remaining points: 0. "

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Does anyone know why I can't get Highway Tampa maps to play? They don't show up. Also, I can't play Expansion Pack maps, says I need to buy them, but once I got them playing smile.gif. But that was a long time ago...

Anyone else having this?

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Does anyone know why I can't get Highway Tampa maps to play? They don't show up. Also, I can't play Expansion Pack maps, says I need to buy them, but once I got them playing smile.gif. But that was a long time ago...

Anyone else having this?

Well it can depend on how you installed the game, it can affect how the maps and the game work, the best sequence to do it in is



BF2 1.41 Full Patch

BF2 Special Forces

BF2 1.41 Full Patch.. again

BF2 Euro Forces/Armoured Fury

BF2 1.41 Full Patch... again

BF2 Highway Tampon


If you don't have Special forces skip to Installing Euro Forces / Armoured Fury (Either or both, depends on what you have), if you don't have anything then install BF2, the Patch to 1.41 then install Highway Tampax.


How did you have the Expansions before, were they downloaded via EA Link (or EA Downloader) if you did then re-download them again.

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I just got this game. Best 10 bucks I ever spent. I use a reaaally old gamespy account I made when I was 12. Wingo187. I don't know what a wingo is anymore, to be honest, if it ever actually meant something, but that's ok. If there is a game being organized whenever, shoot me a PM since I have been playing frequently. I'm mediocre.


Does the game lag frequently for everyone else on high settings? Is there an easy way to get it to run faster? I find that 90% of servers give me considerable lag when I run on high graphics settings, even though I have a 6 month old system with dual Intel Core 2 2.16 ghz processors, which I thought would be good enough to run a 2 year-old game. I get little lag now that I turned the draw distance and textures down a bit.


PS: Do we still have a private GTAF server?

Edited by jimmy.
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BF3 - This will more than likely be DX10? Or could it be DX9 compatible too?

My understanding is that, as of right now, DX10 is a huge failure. All of this lies on Microsoft too. Note that as we speak, MS is making (or has finished) DX10.1 which cannot be utilized by any DX10 card (you know, the ones that are $300-$800). In addition, one must run Vista to use DX10. Vista chews up any available resources leaving sh*t for the game. Case in hand: Crysis. Using XP, I can run Crysis on the highest setting with max resolution (1920x1200) with 16xq anti aliasing with additional video settings forced (light rays, refraction, motion blur) with a third party application all at a wonderful 45 frames per second. Then when I installed and played it on my Vista partition, I find myself lucky to play on low/medium over 30 fps. This is given that I have a Q6600, 8800Ultra, 2 Gigs of ram and a Raid0 Volume running at 14,400 RPM.


So yeah. DX10 blows. Its environment blows. And MS has allready made it obsolete. And in addition to all that, companies want noting more to do with it due to DX10.1 as no one is going to shell out another $800 for a brand new top of the line card for some forced AA and no available mip-mapping. And at what cost? Of course there is a crowd that says DX10 is more optimized, but Ill believe it when I see it first hand. I think the $300 and less versions of Vista need to support more than 3.25 GB of Ram before it will eat up most of it. I know its the difference between 32 and 64 bit, but still. I have 2x2GB in my laptop here and now Vista thinks its a Media Center PC with 3GB of Ram. At least XP sees another wuarter gig tounge.gif


Just a small rant/comment.

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The lag might also be caused by Your graphics card, and of course internet speed, and where the server is located. Try to find servers near where You live (e.g. same country where You live)

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The lag might also be caused by Your graphics card, and of course internet speed, and where the server is located. Try to find servers near where You live (e.g. same country where You live)

My desktop replacement has a NVIDIA GeForce Go 7900 GS card. That isn't a very dated piece of equipment, so I'm sure it's good enough to run the game, but there may be some tweak with the settings that could make it run better. My network is fast. I went to Speedtest.net, and the ping was 20 ms, download was 83 mb/s, upload was 1.2 mb/s, so as far as my limited knowledge with computers goes, it's probably not my connection. The only thing else I can think of is that I'm using Vista and I've heard some things may run more slowly in it, or the other possible explanation is that I have a limited amount (<2 gb) free space on my C drive. I would guess a good number of servers are located in my country (US), but I still have the problem with almost all of them. Any further ideas?

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BF3 - This will more than likely be DX10? Or could it be DX9 compatible too?

My understanding is that, as of right now, DX10 is a huge failure. All of this lies on Microsoft too. Note that as we speak, MS is making (or has finished) DX10.1 which cannot be utilized by any DX10 card (you know, the ones that are $300-$800). In addition, one must run Vista to use DX10. Vista chews up any available resources leaving sh*t for the game. Case in hand: Crysis. Using XP, I can run Crysis on the highest setting with max resolution (1920x1200) with 16xq anti aliasing with additional video settings forced (light rays, refraction, motion blur) with a third party application all at a wonderful 45 frames per second. Then when I installed and played it on my Vista partition, I find myself lucky to play on low/medium over 30 fps. This is given that I have a Q6600, 8800Ultra, 2 Gigs of ram and a Raid0 Volume running at 14,400 RPM.

You need new drivers then, I ran Crysis at low on 1024x720 (Or w/e it is) with a 6800GS, Athlon XP 2600+ a 7200rpm IDE133 drive and 1Gb ram on Vista, and I got 35fps minimum.


And 10.1 can be used by DX10 cards, its just a slight shader update i think.


And with your ram problem, get x64 for it all to show up, I bet if you kept reinstalling Vista and XP, Vista might end up showing up to 3.5Gb and XP go down to 3Gb, its the luck of the draw.

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