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Battlefield 2

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Hey all guys! Today I've get the silver air defense medal, were pwning with the linebacker in daquin oilfields, it was great.


I'm now Artillery Sargeant (or something like that) Took the first support weapon and the P90, I really dont like the support weapon (RPK, right?) its very unaccurate. The p90, well, I had a good game with it the other day. I also started with the shotguns (america and china, arabian less) didnt get the tip of the mines though.


But I really love my SCAR L and my C4, blowing tanks everywhere biggrin.gif

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Taste Of Chaos

hehe, i found the PKM quite troublesome too, then i started using it and ive got the hang of it and is one of my favorite weapons, the trick is is to pick a target at medium/long range and blast away whilst laying down, keep fireing away untill the bastard(s) falls. it does take a little gettin used to though. sad.gif


its good at close range stuff too as long as you lay down...

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hehe, i found the PKM quite troublesome too, then i started using it and ive got the hang of it and is one of my favorite weapons, the trick is is to pick a target at medium/long range and blast away whilst laying down, keep fireing away untill the bastard(s) falls. it does take a little gettin used to though. sad.gif


its good at close range stuff too as long as you lay down...

At long range do single/two or triple shot bursts. Takes them out easily. Aslong as it isn't a sniper. Never go prone on a sniper. Thats like a law i go by lol.

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Taste Of Chaos
At long range do single/two or triple shot bursts. Takes them out easily. Aslong as it isn't a sniper. Never go prone on a sniper. Thats like a law i go by lol.

hehe yea thats caught me out a few times, as my first instinct if i see an enemy is to lay and fire... i never learn however tounge.gif,i love the pistols too, i find pistol kills alot more satisfying in a way :S.

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hehe, i found the PKM quite troublesome too, then i started using it and ive got the hang of it and is one of my favorite weapons, the trick is is to pick a target at medium/long range and blast away whilst laying down, keep fireing away untill the bastard(s) falls. it does take a little gettin used to though. sad.gif


its good at close range stuff too as long as you lay down...

At long range do single/two or triple shot bursts. Takes them out easily. Aslong as it isn't a sniper. Never go prone on a sniper. Thats like a law i go by lol.

You dont recognise them in SF. sad.gif Got pwned a couple of times because of that.


But yeah sometimes I risk it though, cant stop moving though.

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I only just got BF2 without any expansion packs, And I want to know how to stop it crashing when someone IMs me on MSN, which is annoying when certain people *CoughPatCough* want you to talk to them more than you want to play a game you only just got, installing patch though, seeing if that does anything.


Very fun, although I'm used to Vietnam still tounge.gif

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Not the best idea having msn or anything else running really.


BF2's a resource eater, so your best off having that as the only application running really.



Just been on with Ottae and TD, Dragon Valley. It was pretty funny. Hiding in the mountains near the US carrier and shooting anything that moved tounge.gif

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I don't really have much running in backround, and I have everything on Low except for Lighting and Draw distance, those are cracked up to full, and I was just playing with an FF download going, my Firewall, xFire and iTunes, and I get around 50fps, but it does go down to 30fps when I've got a large Battle, eg. a 32 player map with everyone fighting in Tanks while close by each other.


Still Downloading Patch, Says It has 3 and a half Hours to go, I suppose I'll play some more, or get some more done on Empire at War, although I just had fun, I was playing that Map where teh US only start with one base, which is untakeable and has F-15s and Helis Spawning, and the MECs with Three Other bases, I took all Three by my self on my second full game try, I just got the Armored Vehicle, Went ad took one Over with some Fighting, then stole one of the MECs Tanks and took over the other Two bases tounge2.gif


Mow I wanna try Multiplayer, but I need to update (Cuz I wanna tounge.gif) and that will up my Ping to Skyhigh Levels...

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Vanilla Shake
Mow I wanna try Multiplayer, but I need to update (Cuz I wanna tounge.gif) and that will up my Ping to Skyhigh Levels...

Yeah, it's really f*cking fun playing multiplayer, yet when you first start off it's much harder than single player. But after a while when you move up in rankings, you'll get the hang of it. Definitely different from Vietnam though.


And yeah, the patch does take a long ass time to update.

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Mow I wanna try Multiplayer, but I need to update (Cuz I wanna tounge.gif) and that will up my Ping to Skyhigh Levels...

...And yeah, the patch does take a long ass time to update.

Which is also probably one of the reasons why your game is crashing, as you've not patched it up yet wink.gif

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The Truth.

Got the game the other day (£6, sexy), and I'm almost out of my sucky beginner's stage. Hoorah.


First impressions:


Graphics – YUM

Gameplay – YUM

Sound – Yum (people spamming the messages @ instant annoyance)

Endless amounts of player stats – OMG YUM YUM YUM (I like stats)


My newb observations:


Medic ftw

M16A2 ftw

AK-101 ftw

Meaty 500 megabyte patch ftl


In-game name (maybe one of you will see me getting continually owned): bigfatgoon

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Mow I wanna try Multiplayer, but I need to update (Cuz I wanna tounge.gif) and that will up my Ping to Skyhigh Levels...

...And yeah, the patch does take a long ass time to update.

Which is also probably one of the reasons why your game is crashing, as you've not patched it up yet wink.gif

Only problem is, I've had bad experiences with EA games and Patches.


Will see if computer doesn't crash during download again.

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Well, my CD must be stuffed or something, because it didn't install Registry Values to say that the game is installed where I installed it (Default Loc.) and therefore the Patch installer would think "wtf, Theres no BF2 Reg files, he can't of installed it", but I put them in my self and its patched now.
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I've recently been thinking about picking up a copy.


Anyone know how much they usually go for in the US? I've got about $70 at the moment but I'd like to spend around $20.

Well I got mine last year at teh Wall of Mart, and it was around $29.00 for plain ol BF2 Special Forces was about $19.00, but that was just after BF2142 had been released so it was probably deemed fairly current. So it could be cheaper than that now.

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For around 39 bucks you can get the whole She-bang. That includes BF2 and all Three expansion packs. icon14.gif

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I did get a new beta map screen today when starting BF2. Anyone tested it? can't be able to open the page bored.gif

Highway tampa is the name


Edit: anyway I've found it around the net:



Soldiers! Download And Roll Out!

Through a collaborative effort Intel and EA DICE are rolling out a new Battlefield map for players to battle on. Highway Tampa is a vehicle focused map that offers a game experience similar to classic 1942 desert warfare. Explore this stretch of the Arabian Peninsula in your choice of vehicle and work with your team mates to conquer the map for your team. Download the beta, join in the servers, and drive, fly, and destroy your way to victory. Then drop by the EA forums and let us know what you think. Also keep your eyes to the future as this stretch of desert will see combat across two generations of Battlefield.


DICE Live Team


- click here


Damn you parky... gold sniper tounge.gif

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Not tried the map, but I said elsewhere it looks like a bodge of Taraba Quarry and Operation Smoke Screen confused.gif
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Well its not bad. desert


lots of tanks/APCs/linebackers


one jet per side


2 transport helis per side


no attack helis


It was fun, arriving the towns in 3 tanks. awesome.


user posted image


they did post a lot of adverts about the new pentium inside double core





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Taste Of Chaos

damn that sign! i just crashed the mig into that sad.gif, how dare it be in the way! hehe


on topic this map is AMAZING, like jost_vice stated you are never too far from a tank or apc, i just attacked the refinery with about 3 tanks 2 apc's and god only knows how much infantry!


it well worth downloading biggrin.gif




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I'm dowloading it now, its very slow by the way only squeezing out 24kb/sec from EA. I'll give a try out as it will probably be in the next patch, but they could've still done an Urban China map.


Does this map show up during server search's in game?

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