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Taste Of Chaos

hi everyone!


i just bought and installed the special forces expansion pack, but theres hardly any servers and there all the same map sad.gif, theres only about 20 at the moment with only one being used.

(im using the special forces disk).


so i was wondering if theres anything that i need to do to find more servers?


any help would be much appreiciated! biggrin.gif


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@taste of choas: What patch are you up to, it should 1.41 and also what settings are you using to filter the servers. As in Small Maps, No Vehicles, Same Version etc.
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hi everyone!


i just bought and installed the special forces expansion pack, but theres hardly any servers and there all the same map sad.gif, theres only about 20 at the moment with only one being used.

(im using the special forces disk).


so i was wondering if theres anything that i need to do to find more servers?


any help would be much appreiciated! biggrin.gif

I had the same problem when I bought my game.


Like Gareth Croke said, simply download the latest patch, being 1.41, and patch your game up.


You can download it here.

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'X' the following



Same Version Only

Same Mod


Small Map

Medium Map

Large Map


That's what I've got and I get a nice large list of servers

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I would have loved the sniping more, if I had an SVD or a semi-auto Sniper rifle for the USMC.
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Taste Of Chaos

definate, took three hours to download, then it went through it all and installed it afterwards (it had two bars in the window, one to say how far it is on the current task, and one to show how much its done in total (percentage))...


oh yea for when i do get it to work my bf2 name is: runlikebuggery, i dont have xfire yet but i'll try to get it soon biggrin.gif


thanks alot



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oh yea for when i do get it to work my bf2 name is: runlikebuggery, i dont have xfire yet but i'll try to get it soon biggrin.gif


ROFL, let us know once you've got it working, what you could do is reinstall the patch 1.41 again just to make sure then run the game again to see if it works

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Great name.


Maybe it would help if you took screenshots?


Great game last night guys. The Sharqi sniping was excellent. I couldn't hit anything for the first 15 minutes due to be rusty but my skills came back to me. Great game.


Sharqi > Karky!

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Taste Of Chaos

solved! biggrin.gif i just downloaded the patch but this time i saved it instead of running it which may have had an effect, jesus christ iron gater RULES!!!


thanks to everyone for your support, its greatly appreiciated! biggrin.gifcatloaf_by_anuj.gifcookie.gif


im also downloading xfire as im writing this, what server do you guys usually play on? i'll have to join you in a game some day. tounge.gif


thanks again you've all been great helps! icon14.gificon14.gif





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Can you play Iron Gator without any lag?!?!?. Damn that's a lag fest that one.


if you hop onto xfire add a few of our names onto the list and if anyone's online playing then just connect through there by clicking the server they are on.

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Just came across this little guide about Armoured Vehicles, it's a good little guide if your interested



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anyone got any hints for the basic knife badge? its makin a fool outta me, ive been tryin for the best part of this week angry.gif

Got that the other day, found a sniper only server, close range on sniper is a balls-up. Easy to grab knife and get them. Often if you go to the best sniper spots and wait one will turn up, sneak up and get them

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