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Hallo chaps, that vid has made me want to play bf2 again. The only problem is i get banned by punkbuster straight away when i join a game




Its getting on my tits because i have never cheated or anything like that. Ive updated both my bf2 and punkbuster but its still doing it. Can anyone help me? cheers

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I think its because I bought a key off ebay a yr ago, and its been whored to hell. Damn. Apparently i can send my disk to EA and they will issue a new key, so im gonna do that. I will be playing with you chaps soon enough.


Ok, back in biggrin.gif. Did that chap in the video have the landscape textures turned down or something? His fps were amazing. Is there a way to do that?

Edited by RoAcHcliP
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So, I just recently purchased this game, and tried it out and everything. Very nice.


I'm ready to go play Multiplayer now, however, when I look up for only Ranked servers, I don't get very many... 3, 4. Whichever way, there doesn't seem to be many servers at all.


Is this normal? What could I do if something is wrong?

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3 or 4 isn't normal, what other boxes have you got checked at the bottom of the Server list, you should get at least 2500+ approx


Check the following boxes and then refresh the server list


Same Version Only


Small Maps

Medium Maps

Large Maps


That's what I've got selected and I get a large amount of servers, you also try checking that your firewall program accepts all communications with servers from Battlefield 2 programs, that could be blocking your list.

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My bad I missed Same Mod off my list, check that box and see what you get.


Also Xfire can be used like an IM, but it's main use is so you can add a list of other people on it so you can see if they are online playing the same game as you and if they are what server they are on so you can join them. Just google Xfire and look uo the main site for all the details.


By the way turn your firewall on, it's like a condom in sex, don't go on the internet without it.

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That is strange as far as I know the Same Version Only box should be if you've got whatever patch is most current. At the moment it's Patch 1.41 so the servers should be set with that patch version, especially Ranked Servers.


Have you patched upto 1.41? if so then like I say that is strange, if not then it's still strange as I didn't think it was backwards compatible.

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Yeah, I got the problem figured out.


Wasn't patched out. I was like at 1.22 or something like that, I just finished downloading the 1.41 patch.

I hope I only have to through one patch only, these things take hellava long time to download.


Edit: I installed the patch, and finally the servers appear. However, 80% of them don't work. =/

Edited by Torcidas
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I was thinking the same thing the other day, Rayo. But I've just started throwing grenades back at them, usually end up with a fair few kills too but it's not quite as fun. I hate people with Support kits that just constantly stand their and throw grenades all over the place, makes the game stupid to play. It's like navigating through a minefield, not to mention all the Claymores that people lay down.

Haha I do that sometimes.

When im pissed I just throw nades everywhere and it feels good when they insult me. ph34r.gif



Im a good boy otherwise.

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Edit: I installed the patch, and finally the servers appear. However, 80% of them don't work. =/

By not work, how do they not work do you get any error messages or anything.


PS Found this vid the other day I hope it's not been posted before, I thought it was quite funny.



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Error messages, such as "You have been disconnected from the server"


Or "Your modifications do not meet server, please remove any modifications" or something like that.


Or it just loads very, very long, then randomly shuts down.

Even though it looks like you've been busted, I'm sure we'll find out why in the wash, You get those quite alot these days, I still can't find a specific reason why.



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Naw, I'm back.


Yeah, it's seems to be getting slightly better, load times are a bitch, but I can live with it.


How can I unlock a new kit for the sniper rifle?

You mean a new sniper for the kit? Progress through the ranks and you can choose unlocks.

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Rayo Puño

If you're getting a new sniper rifle, the M95 is sweet. It's very underrated I believe. The crosshairs might be a few pixels larger than the m24 or l9whatever, but you aren't sniping flies man. Plus it totally makes up for the slower reload times in power and that sexy sound you hear every time you fire.


Also I just realized that the M4 is the single best gun in the game. No competition. f*ck the rpk, f*ck the G36s, f*ck the AKs. M4, hands down.

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I'm actually begining to feel the love for the AK-101 now and I actually prefer the M24 over the L96A1, although the M95 is still sweet especially on Kubra Dam, I've sniped alot of Heli pilot with that one. I've been playing the FFolkes Unlocks for BF2 so I can get a better feel for the weapons, and I still can't get used to the L96A1, everyone seems to find it better, but everytime I use it, its like it cannae hit a coo in the ar*e wi a shovel


@Torcidas: You should try downloading FFolkes unlocks it will give you chance to try out the weapons first in Single-Player so you can decide what to unlock when you get there.

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I'd be willing to come and spank you guys but it seems as if the stats system doesn't update for me again. mad.gif

For which account xXMMMSXx or SlyElmo, I can never figure out which one your using these days


Also which stats page/site do you use or is it in BF2HQ

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Have you tried these two





I use either of those or http://www.bf2stats.nl/ which you used.


I usually find that the .nl one updates almost right away for me, but sometimes it doesn't but the other ones do.

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...and here's me stuck with a 128mb ATI Radeon Mobility 9600/9700, which can only muster a 600x800 res with bugger all textures and shaders... cryani.gif
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Hey guys, I know this is a retarded question, I just bought the game.


But what's an "Infantry Only" server?

Means the map has no vehicles, so its just the soldiers. No artillery either. In other words, heaven.



Last Battle On  2007-04-12 11:05:00


And that was fr 10 mins, haven't played properly since before Christmas.

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I've not been playing on line either for quite a while, I've been playing a lot of Single-Player using FFolkes Unlocks, it kinda gives you that god complex, owning all those bots. Then you play on line and forget your not playing against bots for the first few rounds and get humped.


cue MMMS ranting about the game shouldn't be played offline sigh.gif

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