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GTA3 crashes everytime i play it


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i installed gta3 on my computer and every time i play it, it crashes. not straight away, and you can never tell when, it just freezes and i have to shut the computer down.

the computer is brand new and its above the requirements for the game, so im confused...

any ideas of what could be going on?

any ideas would be helpful coz im stumped.

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Posting requirements. wink.gif


As what is basically a guess, I suggest you free up some RAM by ending non-essential process such as anti-virus. Until we're given a good overview of your system, all you're going to receive is guesses.

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sorry, the first time i tried posting it an error occured or sumthing so i didnt think it went thru.

system requirements:

AMD sempron 3000+

256mb RAM

windows xp

VIA/S3G UniChrome pro IGP 64mb

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Looks like your problem is the RAM, because I have the same problem at times, and I also have 256mb of ram. If I end all non-essential processes that are running in the task bar (the area near the clock), as Fuzzy has stated, It runs fine. It could also be that you do not have direct x9 installed on your computer which is required for GTA games (at least it is for Vice City and San Andreas, I'm not sure about GTA 3 though). Hope this helps.


Also, I found out (at least on my game anyway) that sometimes, the MP3 Radio station will interfere with the game. Also, welcome to the forums.

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I've the same cpu and graphics card but 512Mb and a similar problem. gta3 crashes at EVERY cut scene.


it's a graphics card issue methinks what success you had doddy?

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I think it's your graphic's card as well cause you only have 64mb where as a 128mb would play it alot faster.


cause here's my spec:(this is only to refer to)


*Intel Celeron (M) 1.6Ghz

0.99Gb Ram

Media Center

128Mb Graphics*


Mine plays slow some times but my ram is perfect to play and your processor in good cause a Sempron is just a slower gaming chip than an AMD 64-bit so it could only be your graphics card.


You can find 512Mb cards for around £100-£150.

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cheers OG but I didn't make myself clear, GTA crashes at the cut scenes!!


If I skip them I have NO problems


and the recommended graphics card is 32Mb so 64 shoudl be fine.


I think it is more a compatability issue.


but it doesn't work on my old desktop


1Gb Athlon

64 Mb GeForce graphics card

512 RAM


maybe it's the disk?


but cheers for the reply

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your welcome.


Freezing at the cut scenes? that's weird.


maybe it's just having problems reading from the cd.


their could be some scratches on the disc.


try cleaning it and if that doesn't fix it ya might have to get a cd crack and make it run from the hard drive.

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  • 1 year later...

I have exactly the same problem as doddy and the same graphics card, only that I have 768 RAM and Intel Celeron 3.06 Ghz. With this system San Andreas never crashes and works fine, and I don't think GTA 3 which is 4 years older than San Andreas should give us such problems. What is there to do?

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  • 4 months later...

I think this a graphic card issue. I have exactly the same problem, GTA III crashes at the cutscenes. I have the same graphic card, 1GB RAM and my processor is a AMD Sempron 2600.


Also, in GTA San Andreas my game always crashes when i zoom in\out with the binocles or camera. Anyone else has this problem?


PS: Sorry for my english


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  • 2 months later...
cheers OG but I didn't make myself clear, GTA crashes at the cut scenes!!


If I skip them I have NO problems


and the recommended graphics card is 32Mb so 64 shoudl be fine.


I think it is more a compatability issue.


but it doesn't work on my old desktop


1Gb Athlon

64 Mb GeForce graphics card

512 RAM


maybe it's the disk?


but cheers for the reply

I have the same "Problem".


My Laptop Specs:

1 Gig Processor


256 MB Graphics Card


My PC Specs


3 Gig Processor Intel

512 MB Graphics Card NVidia

1 Gig Ram


It crashes when I reach the 2nd cutscene, 1st mission in GTA 3.

I tried Disk and even ISO burning.

I tried installing also my manually copying all to desktop/any folder and installing.


It crashes during that cutsences but I can play fine by skipping cutscenes.


***Really need help wit this.***

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've got the same problem with it freezing in some cutscenes, like the opening movie on the bridge and now one of the missions for the yardies. I can skip mission briefings just fine, but I don't know how to skip cutscenes within a mission, which means i cant progress past this one.


It also randomly will do the same freeze during regular gameplay. I assumed it was an issue with the graphics card, and I was just wondering if there were suggestions for dealing with it.


Intel Celeron 1.5G

VIA/S3G Unichrome Pro IGP


Windows XP

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@ezrari, your problem mostly lies with your video card-VIA chips are not/were not designed for gaming.- I know, I had the same problems on my old desktop with that video card. It would be best to update your video card, luckily they are relatively cheap now a days.-around $30-$90, depending on what kind you buy. I would recomend an Nvidia or ATI Radeon card. Also, the Celeron processors-from what I read, are not good for gaming.


@Toni_spaghetti, Your problem lies mostly with your RAM. 256mb is the minimum required to play GTA's. So, after you update your RAM, you should be good to go. You can get a 1GB stick of RAM at Wal-Mart for around $25.-So Ram is a cheap and worthwhile upgrade.Hope this helps.

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  • 9 years later...

try running it as an admistirator if it doesn't work then i guess ram is your problem

Edited by the playa
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