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Sorry its taking so long, this is a busy week for me, got my wife's birthday and our anniversary within 4 days of each other, so I've been kinda preoccupied. I'll try to get em done and up before much longer though.


Thanks for your patience


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mission provider- Lance, Diaz

My Name - David

mission-The Exchange and where it hurts most



notes-just beat the mission and plz dont use cheats, if you need any armor use my money. i have infinite ammo. cheatdevice is welcomed to use as long as it doesn't do anything to mess or glitch my game




Here you go!


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Mission: I need Kill Phil 2 to be beaten and my Lance vance One I cant think of the name it is the one with the hovercraft to pick up the coke droped. Also I would like the paramedic missions to be beaten if possible.


Link: Here


Notes: You can use cheats but not a cheat devise.


Region: US


Name: Nick


Thanks I cant beat these and I really need help.

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Mission: I need Kill Phil 2 to be beaten and my Lance vance One I cant think of the name it is the one with the hovercraft to pick up the coke droped. Also I would like the paramedic missions to be beaten if possible.


Link: Here


Notes: You can use cheats but not a cheat devise.


Region: US


Name: Nick


Thanks I cant beat these and I really need help.

I have been waiting is anyone gonna attempt this?

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Mission: I need Kill Phil 2 to be beaten and my Lance vance One I cant think of the name it is the one with the hovercraft to pick up the coke droped. Also I would like the paramedic missions to be beaten if possible.


Link: Here


Notes: You can use cheats but not a cheat devise.


Region: US


Name: Nick


Thanks I cant beat these and I really need help.

I have been waiting is anyone gonna attempt this?

don't expect it to be done instantly they do have a life you know. and i will update list later today biggrin.gif.

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Mission: I need Kill Phil 2 to be beaten and my Lance vance One I cant think of the name it is the one with the hovercraft to pick up the coke droped. Also I would like the paramedic missions to be beaten if possible.


Link: Here


Notes: You can use cheats but not a cheat devise.


Region: US


Name: Nick


Thanks I cant beat these and I really need help.

I have been waiting is anyone gonna attempt this?

don't expect it to be done instantly they do have a life you know. and i will update list later today biggrin.gif.

Lol I know but I have had off of school the past two days and I still couldnt beat it so I just got a little impatient. I just am stuck beyond belief lol. Thanks.

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Mission: I need Kill Phil 2 to be beaten and my Lance vance One I cant think of the name it is the one with the hovercraft to pick up the coke droped. Also I would like the paramedic missions to be beaten if possible.


Link: Here


Notes: You can use cheats but not a cheat devise.


Region: US


Name: Nick


Thanks I cant beat these and I really need help.

I have been waiting is anyone gonna attempt this?

don't expect it to be done instantly they do have a life you know. and i will update list later today biggrin.gif.

Quick question though how long does it usually take I hate to be a rush but I have been waiting for a while and didnt recive a response exept yours. I dont mean to be a pest but I just am stuck horribly.

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user posted image


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Please Do Not Use My Template Without My Permission!


Got a mission you just can't get past? Upload your savegame and one of the helpers will beat it for you! It might take a little time. But hey, practice makes perfect, right?


NO I DON'T USE EMAIL OR MSN/AIM, so don't ask. DO NOT PM YOUR REQUEST TO ME OR THE HELPERS, use the topic this is what it is here for. You will have to upload it. Finding a host is easy enough. List of host is down.


At their earliest convenience (They Do Have A Life You Know!), they will grab it, beat the mission(s) you request and upload it for you to grab. When you grab it back (you guessed it), just upload it back onto your PSP and load that slot, and off you go!


Need help in GTA:III? Post It Here

Need help in Vice City? Post It Here

Need help in San Andreas? Post It Here

Need help in Liberty City Stories? Your In The Right Place.

Need help in Vice City Stories? Your In The Right Place.


I Cannot Complete Any Of Your Requests As I Don't Own The Games Or A PSP.


When Requesting Please Request Like This:


Game: LCS or VCS

Name: your name

Link: the URL to your saved game here

Region: eu, us, asia and any other region


When Completing A Request Please Reply Like This:


Game: LCS or VCS

For: requesters name

Link: the URL to the saved game here

Region:eu, us, asia and any other region




File Uploading Services:




AZ Upload (Requires Signing Up)

UploadIt (Requires Signing Up)


And Plenty More Here


Official Helpers:
  • Mageezer (EU) (VCS) (LCS)
  • Fuzzie360 (EU) (VCS)
  • banxter667 (US) (VCS)
  • TenaciousD. (EU) (VCS)
  • Sunjo (US) (VCS)
  • Javin (US) (VCS) (LCS)
  • xFinch713x (US) (VCS)(LCS)

    (thanks to Blackadder18 for making the banner for me)

Username Mission(s) LCS/VCS Region Completed
Gta_Talk Turn On, Tune In, Bug Out and Unfriendly Competition


EU here
The-End Light My Phyre
EU here
Plunkett Turn On, Tune In, Bug Out and Unfriendly Competition


US Here
TXF Jive Drive
US .........
Cookie053177 Boomshine Blowout

Truck Stop

EU here



ECas123 Boomshine Blowout-To Victor, The Spoils

Umberto And Forbes Missions




DSCards Armando & Diego Mendez - High Wire & Lance Vance - White Lies


Shivvy1991 Say Cheese


Swikity Paramedic, Vigilante, and Air Rescue
EU.........joshuaed19 Boomshine Blowout
USherePartyMasterDave The Exchange and where it hurts most
UShereExcalibur69 Jive Drive
EU.........Shaun832 Papi Don't Screech and Havana Good Time
EU.........guitarguy92390 Kill Phil 2 and one with the hovercraft to pick up the coke droped
EU.........Slashaz The Portland Chainsaw MasqueradeLCS

Boomshine Blowout VCS





Sinful Papi Don't Screech

i am in us not eu

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Game: Vice City Stories

Name: MC320

Link: No link. I just need 100% file with stats that is: (Busted: 0) (Wasted: 0) Plus no cheat codes used please.

Region: US

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Game: Vice City Stories

Name: MC320

Link: No link. I just need 100% file with stats that is: (Busted: 0) (Wasted: 0) Plus no cheat codes used please.

Region: US

maybe u sould search on google or go to www.gta-downloads.com or www.thegtaplace.com there should be one there.

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For: Guitarguy92320

Missions complete: Kill Phil part 2, White Lies and Ambulance missions

Saved at: Empire business about a block from Lance's house

No cheats used


Have fun, and again, I'm terribly sorry it took me so long, but here it is!






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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Game: VCS on PS2

Name: Henza

Region: PAL

I'd love a save game before the Domestoboto mission please! i'm not bothered about any stats or anything!





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This service somehow seems, well, wrong. I'd be OK with it for mentally or physically disabled folks, but for the rest of us? You can't pass a mission, even after getting tips from others, or even using cheat codes? Then you want someone to pass a mission for you, but "only if it doesn't show any cheat codes, wasted or hospitalized in my stats". Who are you trying to fool? Yourself?

Well, have fun. Sorry for ranting. Just had to...

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No need to insult the folks, usually it's the one insulting that is defining himself.


I never showed any stats to any friends (jeez that's ridiculous), and of course i don't intend to cheat myself. But i once had one GTA game(Vice city) ruined due to cheating (i did the cheating myself) that's the only reason for me.


Undrestand it or your mind is...what was the word? too "disabled"?

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Game: Vice City Stories

Name : Robert_Malpas


Link : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G9Q2XWA6

Region: 4


Mission(s): The quadbike race (I just can't stand/drive those things )

The boomshine one in the burning warehouse




in advance


Oh and no cheats thanks,

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Hello guys, signing in from merry old Belgium,

Just to say after many attempts at 'Light my Pyre', I give up, everything I tried has failed: using the motor bike behind the tree next to Lance's apartment, getting on the one close to the cafe nearby, or even just bazooka-ing everything in sight with a red arrow above it. ANYWAY, I have seen this fantastic idea for a service, and thought I would try my luck.

I don't really care how much cash you spend, as long as most of it is still there, I have all the empire sites, all the weapons advised for this mission by a lot of walkthroughs, and if you can avoid using cheats then that would be fab. I think a friend of mine may have cheated on my save, so actually I don't suppose it matters whether cheats are used or not. I would like not to have to install the Cheat Device though.

The other missions that bug me are the air rescue, fire copter and vigilante ones, which if whoever can complete them, that would be amazing. Of coruse, the quad bike missions and races would need doing too, if that's ok. But I would like to complete the final story-mission myself, just with everything else done. I would also like to complete the Red Balloon finding myself!! Anyway, thanks guys!

The save file, well I hope it is, is at:



My location is EU, region 2?

Hope everything is well, night!



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Name: ViceCityLover400

Mission:Farewell to Arms

Date:April 27, 2007



And NO CHEATS, also i can be a US person.

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Game: Vice City Stories

Name: High Wire




No button cheats, I don't mind CWcheat, Cheatdevice.. etc. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Missinon: High Wire

Region: EU



Save: here


I got about two weeks to finish the game, and I'm stuck here for about 4 days... I really need some help please. I would really appreciate it.




P.S. This:


DSCards Armando & Diego Mendez - High Wire & Lance Vance - White Lies VCS EU here


is expired

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Mission: Farewell To Arms




File: Please Provide


PS:If posible make it a all package or extras found save.

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