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wow, i havent been here for awhile, things have gotten complicated with the cheat device over 7 months. Its too bad there is no save exploit, things would be much easier, this entire thing about dev hook, isos, dumping, is confusing me! HELP but I should not be asking this yet until i get VCS. Speaking of devhook whats dev hook?


I have a 2.0 firmware and I want to downgrade my psp to 1.50, but when i downgraded i tried devhook and i could not get it to work, so upgraded to 2.0 again so i can use my lcs cheatdevice. So how do i use devhook? what is devhook? SOMEBODY HELP ME!



EDIT: DEV HOOK is a homebrew app that allows you to play any game from firmware 1.5.


My only questions is


-how to get an iso from my own umd?

-whats prx?


Edited by cloudstrife992
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a PRX is a file with the Cheatdevice in it. Im not exactly sure what its for outside psp modules and stuff... but PRX's are like a mini program, used to run through Devhook and or flashing it to your psp.

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a PRX is a file with the Cheatdevice in it. Im not exactly sure what its for outside psp modules and stuff... but PRX's are like a mini program, used to run through Devhook and or flashing it to your psp.

you missed the target on that one,,


a prx is not a mini program, or and its not a cover

its a full-fledge program, but instead of compiling it to be a php, you compile it into a prx,


sony uses prx's to load just about everything on the psp



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a PRX is a file with the Cheatdevice in it. Im not exactly sure what its for outside psp modules and stuff... but PRX's are like a mini program, used to run through Devhook and or flashing it to your psp.

you missed the target on that one,,


a prx is not a mini program, or and its not a cover

its a full-fledge program, but instead of compiling it to be a php, you compile it into a prx,


sony uses prx's to load just about everything on the psp

Thanks. I will add that bit of info on the tutorial I made (see my post above) for cheatdevice. It a very detailed you can find it here. (http://rottenpsp.com/?page=cheatdevice)

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So, i can emulate 2.71 from 2.71 SE'' with IRShell. Should that work now?


And ive heard about some guys bricking there psps with that.. rah.gif

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i wish the cheat device was a lot simple now. I remeber back when i was young it was just a save file exploit.


Well thanks guys for answering my questions.


wow i dont think a lot of people are going to be able to use this cheat device, oh well. I will try to make some tutorial, with pics because some people are just too spoiled and they want "visuals".



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I'm running cheatdevice on firmware 2.71 SE B'' (i've flashed it to my psp) but does anyone know if/how you can flash multiple modules to the psp? I've tried flashing the cheatdevice and the overclocking module, but i can't seem to get both to work - either one or the other. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks smile.gif

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so if i have firmware 2.71 SE B i can run gta vcs and cheat device?

Yeah you can.




Just make sure you have the cheatdevice.prx file and the blablagame.txt file (the file where the list is with all the prx's that are loaded in 2.71 SE-B'')


Then, get the program PSP FILER 1.8...


Now the fun begins.


Copy the cheatdevice.prx and the txt file to the ROOT of you PSP.

Then boot PSP FILER 1.8 and enter hacker mode (


Then copy the two files to the RAMDISK.

Press START until you are in the FLASH0:\ folder.

Then go to the KN folder and then resources, press X and then Triangle, this copy's all the files from

RAMDISK to flash.


If you done right and you start GTA, the Cheat Device will show up.




If you don't get it, I can make a movie if you want, or do it step by step, just PM me.

Edited by Karoi
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So you can still use CD for VCS if you are on 2.71 SE B'' running the actual UMD?  You just run the risk of bricking since you have to flash the CD prx to the the 2.71 SE B'' firmware as opposed to the safety of flashing an emulated firmware through devhook right?

yeah, but se-b" saves mem card space, since you dont have devhook, and if you do brick, pm me and il help anyone who bricks smile.gif

So I gather if it bricks the Recovery Menu feature of 2.71 SE B'' can save it from the dead or what?

correct, i have "bricked" like 3 times, and recovered from all of them ( i acidentally put vcscheatdevice.prx in the xmb blush.gif )

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So you can still use CD for VCS if you are on 2.71 SE B'' running the actual UMD?  You just run the risk of bricking since you have to flash the CD prx to the the 2.71 SE B'' firmware as opposed to the safety of flashing an emulated firmware through devhook right?

yeah, but se-b" saves mem card space, since you dont have devhook, and if you do brick, pm me and il help anyone who bricks smile.gif

So I gather if it bricks the Recovery Menu feature of 2.71 SE B'' can save it from the dead or what?

correct, i have "bricked" like 3 times, and recovered from all of them ( i acidentally put vcscheatdevice.prx in the xmb blush.gif )

Yeah thanks, I've got the Cheat Device working fine now.

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so if i have firmware 2.71 SE B i can run gta vcs and cheat device?

Yeah you can.




Just make sure you have the cheatdevice.prx file and the blablagame.txt file (the file where the list is with all the prx's that are loaded in 2.71 SE-B'')


Then, get the program PSP FILER 1.8...


Now the fun begins.


Copy the cheatdevice.prx and the txt file to the ROOT of you PSP.

Then boot PSP FILER 1.8 and enter hacker mode (


Then copy the two files to the RAMDISK.

Press START until you are in the FLASH0:\ folder.

Then go to the KN folder and then resources, press X and then Triangle, this copy's all the files from

RAMDISK to flash.


If you done right and you start GTA, the Cheat Device will show up.




If you don't get it, I can make a movie if you want, or do it step by step, just PM me.

thats good and all but I have the tutorial in more detail at the link above.

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Question For Edison Carter:


If you've found the addresses for the other button cheats in the game (like perfect traction, invisible traffic etc)

is it possible you could find the ones for vehicle spawn, instead of emulating the button presses of the Trashmaster and Rhino spawn codes?

Theoretically, if you found those, wouldn't it work in multiplayer also?


Great work on the cheat device btw! Eagerly awaiting updates biggrin.gif

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so if i have firmware 2.71 SE B i can run gta vcs and cheat device?

Yeah you can.




Just make sure you have the cheatdevice.prx file and the blablagame.txt file (the file where the list is with all the prx's that are loaded in 2.71 SE-B'')


Then, get the program PSP FILER 1.8...


Now the fun begins.


Copy the cheatdevice.prx and the txt file to the ROOT of you PSP.

Then boot PSP FILER 1.8 and enter hacker mode (


Then copy the two files to the RAMDISK.

Press START until you are in the FLASH0:\ folder.

Then go to the KN folder and then resources, press X and then Triangle, this copy's all the files from

RAMDISK to flash.


If you done right and you start GTA, the Cheat Device will show up.




If you don't get it, I can make a movie if you want, or do it step by step, just PM me.

thats good and all but I have the tutorial in more detail at the link above.

can u make a movie please

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Ok I have a problem. I donwloaded the HEN-C and got it to run Devhook on 2.71. But UMD's wont start . Ive only got 1.5 fw to run sad.gif

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Ok I have a problem. I donwloaded the HEN-C and got it to run Devhook on 2.71. But UMD's wont start . Ive only got 1.5 fw to run sad.gif

You can't run the VCS UMD through Devhook only ISO form.

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Ok I have a problem. I donwloaded the HEN-C and got it to run Devhook on 2.71. But UMD's wont start . Ive only got 1.5 fw to run sad.gif

You can't run the VCS UMD through Devhook only ISO form.

Ummm....... is there something I missed because im pretty sure vcs umd can be run through devhook he would just need to get 2.71 working in devhook.

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Ok I have a problem. I donwloaded the HEN-C and got it to run Devhook on 2.71. But UMD's wont start . Ive only got 1.5 fw to run sad.gif

You can't run the VCS UMD through Devhook only ISO form.

Ummm....... is there something I missed because im pretty sure vcs umd can be run through devhook he would just need to get 2.71 working in devhook.

Well I was on 1.5 with Devhook and I couldn't load the UMD, I had to install 2.71 SE B'' to be able to run the game. I believe this is due to VCS requiring 2.81 Firmware.

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I was told upgrade to 2.71. Run HEN-C then devhook. I did i devhooked 1.50 then ran 2.71, when i rent the game im gonna use Socom FTB as a bait then run VCS. IF it doesnt work then im screwed cause I cant downgrade from 2.71 because I have a TA-082.


Edit: what happens if I use devhook and use 1.5 and use the upgrade from my Liberty City stories disc to get 2.0. Will it brick? Or will say something went wrong?

Edited by MckMan31
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I think because you are on TA-082 thats why you cant run VCS with CD.

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When will be a version with the chetas like Wheather Changer, Wanted level, car color changer... and all the cheats they were in LCS's Cheat Device?

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MckMan i dont know what your doing wrong but i got a 2.71 psp with a TA-082 board and booting this game with cheat device works fine for me


EDIT: do you have the game already?


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MckMan i dont know what your doing wrong but i got a 2.71 psp with a TA-082 board and booting this game with cheat device works fine for me


EDIT: do you have the game already?

I'm gonna rent the game today. I really hope tey have Socom ftb cause I had to return my old PSP that had the demo disc. But know I have a 1 gb mem stick. Can you send me your files from the dh folder on your mem stick to [email protected]

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When will be a version with the chetas like Wheather Changer, Wanted level, car color changer... and all the cheats they were in LCS's Cheat Device?

we dont need wanted level thing, ddm made a cheat, weather by vette, and the color changer is the only thing not made as of now

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i sent it a little while ago so you should have it now and if mean bait by switching umds i dont think so devhook should be able to run it


EDIT i dont use the umd game i ripped the iso and i use that so im not totally sure on the bait thing

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