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Think you could add a noconvert function or something?

so it dosn't convert the address you specify..


I have found a pointer which I want to use and since I have the EU version the convertor kindof messes up the codes..

Ofcourse I could just "reverse convert" the address so that it modifies the correct one on the EU version.. but then it would be wrong for the US version and I would have to release 2 versions.

That's a good point. That's definitely one of the things I wanted to be able to do with the new language. I think I have an idea how to solve that. I'll work on it tomorrow.

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Thank you Waterbottle! And edisoncarter for your cheatdevice!


It is perhaps too much to require, but is there also a freeze everything cheat?

It is perhaps more difficult to find…

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It is perhaps too much to require, but is there also a freeze everything cheat?

It is perhaps more difficult to find…

Wouldn't be to hard really, I guess it's just a matter of setting all peds speed to 0.


I started on it, but got bored and wanted to play missions. tounge.gif


some tips if someone wants to make it though..

the player is also a ped, so the player is part of the ped part of memory.

I believe theres 0xD10 difference in memory for the peds, 0x140 is speed.


Really the only think needed to find is where in memory the first ped is and where the last ped is really, and then if my suspision is correct just do a loop like:


address = firstpedaddress;

for(i=0;i<amtofpedsinmemory;i++) {

setfloat(address+i*0xD10+0x140, 0, 0, 0);



I'll probably work on it later if nobody else does...

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I fixed the problem Waterbottle found with pointers. 2.0 was region adjusting the address of any set or get function. 2.1 will instead region adjust any hex constant in the PSP's address range of 0x08000000 to 0x09FFFFFF.


I changed the color scheme to more VCS appropriate colors.


There's a pretty good list of teleport locations now. It really makes getting to the missions easier if you've decided making your own trip-skips isn't cheating.



Version 2.1:



- Fun with gravity!

- Heavy car or bike

- Make your car indestructible

- More teleport locations


Thanks again to ADePSP for the installer!

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There's a pretty good list of teleport locations now. It really makes getting to the missions easier if you've decided making your own trip-skips isn't cheating.

After having to save after every mission incase I die etc (I don't like buying my weapons back) I have decided there is nothing wrong with skipping drives smile.gif

I just think of it as the taxi you get to your last failed mission. wink.gif

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Is there plans on changing the frequcy speed thing like in LCS the 333hz ( I cant remember exactly what its called so, its on the tip of my tounge tounge.gif ) I know devhook has that feature already im talking about the SE- B" version, and battery info. Would be nice smile.gif

edit: it seems if your using this new CD, it has enough cheats to slow the game down, and now it crashes way to often, definatly if your using custom cheats.

Edited by rela82me
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for some reason the gravity cheat will not work for me does any one have any idea why or maybe i am not setting it the right way. some one please help dontgetit.gif

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I have noticed that with gravity if you lower it to like -2.0 and jump, then as you are going higher you make the gravity go up...when you hit the ground you die, even with full health cheat on. Also with heavy cars, if you roll one over, and and get out the car doesn't stop moving, it just keeps sliding on the ground...bikes do the same.

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damn i still havent got the cheatdeivce running and i got a good idea 4 a good cheat but yeah if only cheatdevice worked 4 2.71 se3

it does work for seb3,,

all you have to do is flash the cheatdevice.prx into flash0, and edit pspbtcnf_game.txt in flash folder kn, and it works


and @ edison, would it be possible to add usb for dumping the captures so then it wont take up space on your ms

i did do that but now when the white backround comes up for the game to start it stays at the white screen and turns off so then i tryed to downgrade and i cant do that either becuse after the white backround goes away my psp say the game could not be started and it says (DADADA) so now im stuck the only way out that i know is upgrading to 2.8

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what firmware does cheat device run on and can some1 help me i havent played the game yet cuz im not really sure what i should do cuz i cant play the game it asks for 2.81 update and i have 2.6 but i no the update isnt good for cheat device



please help and i would appreciate links to things i need to download



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i did do that but now when the white backround comes up for the game to start it stays at the white screen and turns off so then i tryed to downgrade and i cant do that either becuse after the white backround goes away my psp say the game could not be started and it says (DADADA) so now im stuck the only way out that i know is upgrading to 2.8

dude download this http://pspupdates.qj.net/2-71-SE-B-Install...pg/49/aid/70730 choose FULL

then boot into recovery mode...that is turn the psp off, then hold the right trigger button and turn it on. You should get a blue screen. Load the usb, and start the program you just downloaded, then choose install just RECOVERY. Once thats done then you can choose the option to boot from psp/game/recovery, this will downgrade you to 1.5

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naw that wasent it something else was messed up but i fixed it wit my smart self hahah and yeah hahah soon as i figure out how 2 have the cheatdevice on

2.71 se3 then i can put up a real good cheat 1 of my favorites so any1 know how

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where do i get 2.71-SE-B'' and how

fist look scroll up the page and look at the link i provided somone else. That will give you 2.71-SE-B. Remember you have to be at 1.5 in order to upgrade to 2.71SE. Now once you are up to Se-B then download this http://dax.st/seb3.rar and run. It will update you to Se-B''

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Hey there everybody. I don't have VCS yet, but i am trying to install devhook before i get it. I am pretty stuck here as i have never tried anything like this before.


I have downloaded the Devhook from cheatsync and placed all the files in my PSP, yet when i try to use it from the 'GAME' section it says it's corrupted. I am on FW 2.6 by the way. Help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

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Hey there everybody. I don't have VCS yet, but i am trying to install devhook before i get it. I am pretty stuck here as i have never tried anything like this before.


I have downloaded the Devhook from cheatsync and placed all the files in my PSP, yet when i try to use it from the 'GAME' section it says it's corrupted. I am on FW 2.6 by the way. Help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

i think you have 2 be at 1.5 to use devhook im not 100% sure but i know that if u was at 1.5 you would b able 2 use it i m useing 2.71 se 3 cutom firmware though it seems easy 2 use 4 me but confusing 2 install


and um i need help with something i dont know where 2 put the cheats at the cheats that you put on the cheatdevice i dont know where to put them can somebody tell me becuse i need to put some cheats on there asap thank u

Edited by makaveli 7
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i think you have 2 be at 1.5 to use devhook im not 100% sure but i know that if u was at 1.5 you would b able 2 use it i m useing 2.71 se 3 cutom firmware though it seems easy 2 use 4 me but confusing 2 install


and um i need help with something i dont know where 2 put the cheats at the cheats that you put on the cheatdevice i dont know where to put them can somebody tell me becuse i need to put some cheats on there asap thank u

Ok then thanks, does anybody have a trustable downgrader i could use?

Edited by ModMaker135
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just go 2 psp-hacks.com then go 2 downloads then firmware then downgraders and pick the easy 2.6 to 1.5 downgrader

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Is it possible to insert a No Wanted / Wanted Level option to the CD?

Or what teleport to target?


Thanks in advance.

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Darn, the downgrader is for PC and i have a mac. Does anybody know any other way i can get devhook to run on a 2.6 psp? i have put all the devhook folders with the 2.71 data on the psp but it says its corrupted. Help would be hugely appreciated!

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Nice work edison smile.gif


Chalk me up as another player with the sound problems though... No sound after the PSP game-start screen, and the following buttons don't work at all in-game: home, volume +/-, screen adjust, sound toggle. I'm on firmware 1.5 emulating 2.71 with DevHook 0.46, using an ISO dump of my (European) copy of the VCS UMD.

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Just two quick dumb questions because I am new to this Devhook stuff... Im on 2.6 If I downgrade, will Devhook fit on my mem stick (I have 32mb)? Also will I be able to use Devhook and CD with the UMD version of VCS?


Thanks in advance!

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Well, I don't feel the need to make a new post for this, so Edison, hope ya don't mind me asking. smile.gif



Is there anyway to take screenshots on psp with 2.8+ firmware?

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Is there anyway to take screenshots on psp with 2.8+ firmware?

Yeah, just make them with your Phone/Webcam/Camera/Etc...


But I think you mean, screenshots in good quality? No, that's not possible YET, maybe if Edison Carter converts te CD to a savegame and make it runable via the save just like LCS. But that's a very little chance.

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Questions to Edison Carter


Can you create 3 Codes for the 3 Weapon Button Codes, that i dont have to enter them always manually? Or is it possible to make a "Equip all Weapons-Code" (All (every single) Weapons at the same Time)???


Can you create the Wanted modify-Code like in LCSCD.. (Manual adjust Wanted Level)??

Can you create a Weather modify-Cheat (Manual adjusting)??

Can you create a Time Loop Code (When it turns Dark, the Time skips a few Hours, that it turns Dawn)???

Can you create a Brightness adjust (Manually) Code to turn the game brighter than Full Brightness (For Outdoor use)???

Can you create a code for more Blood coming out of Enemys when shooting them?

What about a Crazy Limbs Code like in GTA III??



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