Demarest Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 Since one of the moderators has disabled the PM system, something that should never be done, I have to shed the light here. My apologies to those who could care less. It's really my only option. Jesus and mary, calm the f*ck down. You have enough outbursts in this topic, to warrant an actual warn• I know you like to dip your stick into the coding scene, but leave for those who know better. If you knew what you were talking about or *gasp* how to follow along, you'd see what was going on. Since you don't, I guess I can rest assured that space and Pynton have not been BANNED for factioning the community or Semen for having a go at me, when there was no reason, when the reason he perceived was valid for space and Pynton, but he never took it upon himself to do it then. i realize this *will* disrupt your karma. Too bad.Yeah, way to go contacting an admin to fix it. Real professional. Follow the anti-flaming rules like every other member.Follow basic cognitive skills like every other human being. I don't flame people. Flaming takes place in gen chat. What we're talking about here is the very face of the coding scene. Something I've been at long enough to know what will and will not make a difference. You would too, if you followed the coding scene at all. What you're doing here is person a is stealing the Mona Lisa from The Louvre, person b (a security guard there) says "stop right there" and you're accusing person b of attacking person a. To avoid future embarrassments like this, you'd do well to stick to the areas you can actually follow along in so you can make REAL decisions. I realize GT-1 is out, so somebody has to pick back up the anti-Dem bullsh*t, but I ain't the one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anuj Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 You were being a dick. Nothing more needs to be said. You can be right all you want, it doesn't make a f*ck's sight difference to us if you're using your security stick to beat the living f*ck out of Person A. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DexX Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 Arguably, i don't have to respond to you, ever, since there is no "Ashdexx" member here. Calling me out is more effective if you use the name i actually go by. Since one of the moderators has disabled the PM system The PM system works flawlessly for me; i have blocked you specifically, and intenionally. • I know you like to dip your stick into the coding scene, but leave for those who know better. If you knew what you were talking about or *gasp* how to follow along, you'd see what was going on. Since you don't, I guess I can rest assured that space and Pynton have not been BANNED for factioning the community or Semen for having a go at me, when there was no reason, when the reason he perceived was valid for space and Pynton, but he never took it upon himself to do it then. I understood your last few outbursts, what caused them, and the solutions just fine. In terms of scm coding, your skills beat me, no question. However your presentation and attitude was about as botched as possible. Something I've been at long enough to know what will and will not make a difference If cursing, calling people hypocrites, and threatening physical violence is what it takes to get the mission coders together, then i'm happy im not more involved than i am. Semen for having a go at me The conversation started out sane, but it just kept escalating. Although Seeman did indeed participate, you took it entirely to the next level with the intelligent, well thought out and respectable answers i would expect from such a gifted coder. responses like this: I swear to god if you were standing right here, I would choke you. Brilliant! f*ck YOU! x2. There are various others, that im not going to bother quoting out of context, but these are some of the more imflammtory comments, that the rules of this site expressly forbid. Follow basic cognitive skills like every other human being. Ok. You broke a rule, and i warned you. Now follow your own advice. Flaming takes place in gen chat. Flaming takes place everywhere that has posting permissions enabled. And the fact that i have to point this out to you, especially you of all people, who probably has more posts than i will accrue in the next 5 years, scares the sh*t out of me. Yeah, way to go contacting an admin to fix it. Real professional. Actually, it was. Note that i warned you (thus setting your karma to where it currently is) 8 days ago. as of the time of this post, its still right where i left it. and i know for a fact atleast 2 admins are fully aware of it, and have no intentions of changing it back. Besides "fixing it" implies something is broken, when in your case it not. You got warned for breaking the rules, which you did, so i set your karma to 5; where its currently at and is going to stay. Its not broken, and its not going back up in the forseeable future. Heres the bottom line; you are not exempt from the forum rules. You acted in a severely unprofessional manner, and i reacted accordingly. And given your past experience with his board, namely the fact that you were yourself a moderator at one time, and there is no excuse. You might point out your considerable coding contributions, to which i can only respond by pointing out every other member who has contributed something and still follows the rules, which would make you arrogant,and narcistic; although not against the rules, it is highly contemptible. As for factioning the mission coding people, all i can say is your current approach to resolving the matter is going to get you in more trouble if you don't change it. SWEETSAPRIK and The Deadite 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demarest Posted October 23, 2006 Author Share Posted October 23, 2006 (edited) It's not a call out. It's called communications. I love this place. Years of effort blinked out by a single occurance of... text. Doesn't even compare to what "the others" are doing. But I'M the bad guy BTW, I've visited the thread since I've read the PM. There IS an example of flaming there. I'm sure it went unnoticed. It's not as fun to knock the unDem @anuj: Like you've never been a dick before. You're a leader in a field and as such, you have responsibilities. By pleasantries if able, by force if necessary. It wasn't my way, but you know what? GFX wasn't my thing either. Which is why for the most part I sat it out and let the REAL leaders of that section handle it. Yes I used threats of violence for the first time ever. Hence me treating myself to a one week temp. Which was more than adequate. What about the people who would destroy that community? What about those who make room for those who would destroy the community, but would attack me FIRST for trying to make reparations? Must be backwards land. ASCII finger says hi. [EDIT] Just figured out that apparently I'm banned from genchat too. To whatever child instigated that, you forgot PGC So much for a) adults in control and b) the punishment fitting the crime. So I guess space and Pynton will be banned from the coding sectione, ja? Edited October 23, 2006 by Demarest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MyMothersMySister Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 Just figured out that apparently I'm banned from genchat too. To whatever child instigated that, you forgot PGC Actually I let you keep that for your Q-Media related activities. Don't mention it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demarest Posted October 23, 2006 Author Share Posted October 23, 2006 You didn't have to chime in. That level of juvenility only comes in one flavor. But without chiming in, you can't get your pwnts and the like. It's that your proud of it that makes it so funny. Of course, I'd have to catch my breath if I were to find out you even know what a GTA is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MyMothersMySister Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 To whatever child instigated that, I was chimed. Personally I couldn't give a rats arse about your existence. As long as you're far enough away from me so I can't feel your creepy predatory stigma stinking up my forum air, I'm good. In regards to GTA. I own 1, 2, London, 3 on PC with PS2 versions of GTA3, Vice and San andreas. Topped off with a lovely seasoning of LCS on psp. The fact I don't spend countless hours strutting my coding skills around impressionable youngsters doesn't mean I don't know what Gta is. I just take it for what it is. A game. Not a way of life or something to obsess and threaten youngsters over. Ok Dan? SWEETSAPRIK 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otter Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 Dem; "I swear to god if you were standing right here, I would choke you" ??? You can't be serious. That's probably the worst thing I've seen such a respected member like you ever do. You deserved a bitch-beating for saying sh*t like that. Liam, from an objective point of view, you're being an ass. You're a bigger man than petty sh*t like this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anuj Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 @anuj: Like you've never been a dick before. You're a leader in a field and as such, you have responsibilities. By pleasantries if able, by force if necessary. It wasn't my way, but you know what? GFX wasn't my thing either. Which is why for the most part I sat it out and let the REAL leaders of that section handle it. I grew up. I can still be a dick, but don't do so to intimidate those I feel are wrong. Physical violence threats? Jesus, man. I use those in jest. You, on the other hand, carry two guns and a pitchfork. Remind me not to piss you off in the future. Also: The genchat thing was because you raise drama wherever you go. We figured that containing the drama was the best way to go about it. Complain all you want about my boy Liam. The fact that he still has "Super Administrator" under his name and you can't even post in certain areas speaks volumes. You learned the same lesson that Clinton did. You could put in 8 solid years, and all you're going to be remembered for is spooging on some intern's dress. I'm tired, pissed, bleeding, and half my motorcycle is laying on the driveway. I'll take offense to the rest of your post later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DexX Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 It's not a call out. It's called communications. i would agree to that, had you not named the title "yo ashdexx", which is infact "calling" the attention of a particular member, not to mention the numerous references in your post to me specifically, and not staff in general. I love this place. Years of effort blinked out by a single occurance of... text. Doesn't even compare to what "the others" are doing. But I'M the bad guy the number of occurances, and this is not the first, is a non-issue. The fact is, you know better and have for some time. Yes I used threats of violence for the first time ever. Hence me treating myself to a one week temp. Which was more than adequate. The staff decides adequate punishments, not the members. Banning yourself for one week does not negate any actions that would be taken by staff. What about the people who would destroy that community? What about those who make room for those who would destroy the community, but would attack me FIRST for trying to make reparations? Must be backwards land. ASCII finger says hi. without question the mission coders need to agree on some standards, however you must have been out of your mind to think that cursing, and suggesting acts of physical violence (that you can't even go through with) would be the solution. NONE of the staff are in any position to set standards for who is destroying the (mission coding) community or not, and thus we can't, nor should we, "punish" those who are taking different approaches to mission coding. Liam, from an objective point of view, you're being an ass. You're a bigger man than petty sh*t like this. Dem was given back access to the rest of the forums, provided he didn't stir up sh*t. His posts over the last few weeks (mission editing) have pretty much wiped out that deal. Honestly for a once-banned member, i'd say he's really pushing his luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ben Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 I'll just throw in my two cents because I observed that particular discussion. In Dem's defence, whilst he is involved in a lot of drama, a lot of the time it isn't instigated by him. Don't take that the wrong way though - I'm not saying he's not at fault here. However, it seemed to me that the particular issue was resolved in that thread, with the led-by closing it (and even giving a reason why). How it's escalated to this, I'm not entirely sure . Thanks to anuj for actually clarifying the Gen Chat thing for us all as well - originally, I failed to see the connection. Although why anyone would actually WANT to venture into Gen Chat in the first place remains a mystery to me (and for those of you who stalk me and noticed that I posted there yesterday - well, that was my annual trip done out of the way, aside from the odd birthday/milestone topic ). But what's happened to the others involved in the discussion? When I tried to step in (as a staff member - yes, that's not my area, but nevertheless) and calm things down, I was basically told to go away (although not in the same colourful language that Dem used, but still). I didn't bother doing anything about it because in my opinion it was resolved in the thread, and also because I don't really give a sh*t what someone on the other side of the world thinks about me. Which I guess goes to show his maturity in presumably getting his knickers in a knot at an idle threat of violence from Dem (which, as was admitted, isn't going to happen). No, I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, and I don't want to swap member groups - I'm just presenting my thoughts in a non-forceful manner (call me a smartarse, but I thought I'd better make that clear now). I'm only curious because a lot of the time it seems like Dem is made a scapegoat in these situations when he's not the only one at fault. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demarest Posted October 23, 2006 Author Share Posted October 23, 2006 Personally I couldn't give a rats arse about your existence. As long as you're far enough away from me so I can't feel your creepy predatory stigma stinking up my forum air, I'm good.Had I EVER said something about your daughter, this might hold up. Instead, it just goes to show that you did what you did because you could. I mean, I stand up for the future of the coding scene and I'm banned from genchat? In regards to GTA. I own 1, 2, London, 3 on PC with PS2 versions of GTA3, Vice and San andreas.Congratulations. Some of us DO mod. Those of us who are in a position to lead the community have a responsibility to see to it that newcomers don't show up and blaspheme the work of those before us; indeed, those whose work makes our work possible. Now, since the "Super Administrators" don't seem to be in touch or knowledgeable enough on the scene to do anything about it, those of us that are are left to. And after people like YOU have made it a point to encourage everybody to talk sh*t about me, when I see a toolmaker regarding those that threaten to crash everybody's game trickle style as allowable, but refer to the one who is actually taking time to repair the damage as if he's the devil... Yeah, I bite back. The fact that all of that just flew over your head is proof that you need more than a few games lying about to be an authority on the matter. Oh, but those who ARE handled it amongst themselves You can't be serious. That's probably the worst thing I've seen such a respected member like you ever do. You deserved a bitch-beating for saying sh*t like that.Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. When I go to forge my own opinion on a matter, I try to gather all the details. It's called context and you're welcome to use it when forming your own opinions. The actions ashdexx is speaking of are me standing in the way of people who stand to and indeed already have made efforts to faction the community, crash the games of X people, etc. Far worse than anything I've contrived in its opposition. Which btw, your very comment is all the proof you need that the quote you chose to isolate is indeed not the status quo. Judge me by that alone if you so choose. Liam, from an objective point of view, you're being an ass. You're a bigger man than petty sh*t like this.Au contraire. He's been acheing for this moment. I'll give you an example. I saw him once threaten somebody with physical violence. He didn't know the person, his reasoning was based on sensationalism, and nothing about this person impacted his life one way or the other. Just showing off what a great human being he wants you to think he is. When I pointed these things out to him, rather than discussing what was on the table, he chose to mud sling instead. Brought up the fact that I own guns. When I pointed out that there's a difference between tools of protecting myself from the violent to actually threatening violence, he threatened to ban me. Why? Because he can. Nothing big about that. Physical violence threats? Jesus, man. I use those in jest. You, on the other hand, carry two guns and a pitchfork. Remind me not to piss you off in the future.Unless you intend bodily harm upon me or wish to join me at the range, my owning guns has nothing to do with anything. I continue to gaze on in awe that a gun owner can be as anti-gun as you are repeatedly. Also: The genchat thing was because you raise drama wherever you go.Last I checked, the only "drama" (the fact that you guys have a word to generalize instead of addressing whatever it is you're actually talking about...) caused was a bunch of people saying they weren't at all sure what the big deal is. Unless you're talking about the coding scene. In which case, I suppose I could further waste my time by pointing out that you missed the point I made before altogether. Not only do you know nothing about what's actually happening, but it's been handled by the leaders in that field. I gave myself a week off and Y_Less locked a topic that in and of itself was divisive to the point of leading up to one of the area's leaders blowing his top. It's pretty clear you've fingered the wrong guy, but the piles of evidence that this is a Dem-hunt facts be damned is overwhelming. Or as you internet types prefer when trying to wow the crowd: "speaks volumes". i would agree to that, had you not named the title "yo ashdexx", which is infact "calling" the attention of a particular member, not to mention the numerous references in your post to me specifically, and not staff in general.Calling out is a phrase that originated in the Wild West. Despite what it's components mean, the phrase's connotation is one of a duel to the death. This wasn't confrontational at all. You piqued my attention, and I went to toss my 2 cents in only to find that not only did you have a go because you could, you chose to hide afterwards. the number of occurances, and this is not the first, is a non-issue. The fact is, you know better and have for some time.Hey hey! I'll be god damned! Credit for something I've actually earned. Thank you! You're right, I did know better. Those perpetrating what is (and I'm sorry, but there's no way to put this into words to give perspective to an outsider without making it sound overly dramatic) the greatest crime one could accost the coding community with know better too. Or SHOULD. I guess respecting those who laid the groundwork for us isn't REQUIRED. It's always been given though and as a result, those adding to it have always helped it to grow in a way we all could use. Not anymore. Yes I got loud, trying to get them to stop. When I realized that had no effect, I set out to repair the damage myself despite the undue amount of effort it would take. No sooner than I propose to fix what OTHERS made wrong (with impunity apparently; after all, what the hell is this GTA thing?), I have the very person who is no doubt going to be our ONLY savior come time for the next GTA saying that the ones that broke it are cool, but the guy who's served the community for years, able to see what's really going on, and setting out to fix it is somehow the bad guy? I'm sorry if my reaction was over the top, but I am SO fed up with being fingered the bad guy when I've done nothing. This time is icing on the cake because it couldn't be further from the truth. Unlike before where I was at least near ground zero, this time I was actually the one setting out to make the repairs. Unreal. Where were you then? The staff decides adequate punishments, not the members. Banning yourself for one week does not negate any actions that would be taken by staff.The action in need of "punishment" (god you think highly of yourself) has remained unaddressed. Maybe if you felt so passionately about this place as you do hunting me, you'd have recognized there was a problem BEFORE it went as far as it did. Oh, but when staff decides on a "punishment" that has zilch to do with the offense, it's clear what the true motivator is. Which is why I'm still the only guy to ever have reaped such a permanent consequence having sowed nada. without question the mission coders need to agree on some standards, however you must have been out of your mind to think that cursing, and suggesting acts of physical violence (that you can't even go through with) would be the solution.When all else fails, fresh tactics. Thank you for pointing out that they were clearly "just words" though, further contrasting the measures taken. NONE of the staff are in any position to set standards for who is destroying the (mission coding) community or not, and thus we can't, nor should we, "punish" those who are taking different approaches to mission coding.Right, I know. You ousted the one you had. Because you didn't like him. Way to go. Actually, you do. I know being a moderator, it doesn't bode well with your ego to recognize led-by's as staff, but they are. More to the point, they fulfill the role that general staff cannot because that area might require special interests/skills. You can clearly see how he cast his vote. If I may paraphrase, it's that the thread probably shouldn't have been allowed to continue in the first place. That's from THE most qualified person that is still active on this board. So don't take my word for it. Dem was given back access to the rest of the forums, provided he didn't stir up sh*t. His posts over the last few weeks (mission editing) have pretty much wiped out that deal. Honestly for a once-banned member, i'd say he's really pushing his luck.You need to go back to history class. I never so much as earned a demodding, let alone a ban. The fence was something to appease the blowhards like MMMS. The fact that it happened doesn't make it just. Here though, there's no system for appeal, which wouldn't matter if there were as MOST of staff have the good old boy mentality. Actually, you know what I'm realizing as time continues on? That's not true. Just as with most of the injustices in the world, it's not actually the majority ruling. It's the more vocal few that triumph. At any rate, there was no deal. The people revolted at first because the more vocal few never made it clear that such a thing was wrong. But even that subsided in time. All that's left is the vocal few and the group that anuj mentioned: The too shallow to even try to grasp what you're seeing. Other than that, all is well. You're choosing to use the transgressions of others against me because if you don't, who knows when your next chance to bring the hammer down disguised as if it was even called for? We police ourselves. And the job gets done. It's not a discussion. You can throw your weight around to remind yourself who still sits in the chair, but we're not impressed. we're here for GTA. In fact, you might as well lock this. You simply don't get it. The fact that I put myself in time-out and came back not at all caring about any of this sh*t, only to be met by a TEAM of staff show's exactly how much smoke you have to blow to make it all look clean. It's amusing, really. And I apologize for the length here. Something I've been cutting back on. But a big pile requires a lot of shoveling... and clothespins You guys have fun. [EDIT] This just in. I've actually received a reply back from Seemann. You can even see in the thread that this "violence" was categorically ignored by him. As I was away for a week and the thread was locked, I replied to his last post by way of PM. His reply began (many apologies for sharing a private message, Seemann, but it is invaluable to proving that staff action isn't even in the ballpark of what actually is going on) hey, glad to see you again. The community has lost too much people, so we (the rest of community) should be all together.Now the reason I quote that is that THE motivator to all the "drama" in the coding section is because I believe exactly that. Which is why I chose to stand in the way of those who have a differing viewpoint. Since none of you follow the code scene, I stand alone. Y_Less has been around for a long time, but I've been around longer. That's not a pat on the back. That's proof that coders for the most part come and go. Those of us that stick around have a duty to the newcomers. I have personally fathered many coders, including quite a few star-earners. When I see a couple newcomers skewering the community--not because they have a thing to gain/improve, simply because they'd like to be able to put their name on something--I have to interject. You lot have seen fit to take the officialness away, but that doesn't at all change how some of the new guys view people like me. So you know what? You might as well ban me outright. Because if this were real life and each one of you were holding onto a limb, trying to weigh me down, I would still be marching forward to unify and lead the community of coders. He's right. Our numbers are thin. With SA, the features and the tools have become so deluxe, it's even more intimidating to new guys than before. We cannot afford people who would divide us. However, we SHOULD applaud those who stick with it to the bitter end for helping others out. That and as you can clearly see, we police ourselves. It WAS handled. The victim of my outburst didn't even notice it (didn't take it personally). The person in charge drew the line. And somebody who (as ashdexx credited) knows better punished themselves. You guys are just THAT eager to f*ck with me. So what are you waiting for in taking it home? Because for as long as others are WILLFULLY dismantling the coding community, I WILL obstruct. You have my word on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GT-1 Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 Oh f*ck me Demarest thinks he is above getting a warn again, you like any other member cant go around saying "f*ck you" numerous times to whomever you may like. It doesn't matter what the subject of the post is, continually posting "f*ck you" towards a member is considered flaming and is highly unnecessary. Its come to the point where despite what you may have done for the community, your karma is worthless and should be removed. Again like every other member when they break the rules. You have brought the whole "anti-Dem bullsh*t" on yourself with topics like this, and replies to perfectly fine warnings (i.e my warning). Did illspirit ever discuss the with you?... because he thought you were in the wrong, that goes with every other staffer too. But because I give out perfectly fine warnings I'm anti-Demarest. The following reason was given for this formal warning: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your avatar was over the filesize limits (80kB) and has been removed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was observed by a mod before and left. Glad to know you're THAT eager to tarnish my record. Now you're going to get an admin to fix the karma you f*cked up, right? Don't you have a project to try and drive into the ground with your "be afraid" bullsh*t? That looks anti-GT-1 to me. I'll post the rest in Gen chat with a poll to see if I was wrong to give you a warning, I highly doubt they will be in your favor.... and if they are ill just edit the poll anyway, because we GTAF staff are all corrupt and anti-Dem or so you think anyway. Then again i'm no-longer staff. Ah and here comes Ben to try and calm the situation, looking so far beyond what has been posted its unbelievable. Demarest doesn't have a defense when he decides to go around posting "f*ck you" numerous times in a post, he deserved a warning there isn't two ways to go about it. Oh and I know you are mighty proud about your staff spot, however it was decided you should be a led-by for the LC forum for your help around that forum only and by the led-by's of that area. I'm not sure you would ever get a look in for a staff position anywhere else on the boards. Just one question for you Ben, why the f*ck is Demarest been made a scapegoat if it was him, and only him breaking the rules in that topic? Once again, for the 30th+ time your opinion has become somewhat invalid and unnecessary. Perhaps Demarest would do better without you "attempting" to stick up for his every action, because you sure aren't doing anything helpful for him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ben Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 Ah and here comes Ben to try and calm the situation, looking so far beyond what has been posted its unbelievable. orly? I happen to know for a fact that many of you resent the length of Dem's posts, so excuse me for not addressing each point in detail. Besides, I fail to see how anything I said overlooks what has already been posted. Demarest doesn't have a defense when he decides to go around posting "f*ck you" numerous times in a post, he deserved a warning there isn't two ways to go about it. I look beyond what has been posted? I thought I made it quite clear that I didn't believe Dem was innocent, but apparently I need to spell it out for you once again - I'm NOT saying he's not at fault here. Oh and I know you are mighty proud about your staff spot, however it was decided you should be a led-by for the LC forum for your help around that forum only and by the led-by's of that area. I'm not sure you would ever get a look in for a staff position anywhere else on the boards. Oh, well, when you offered to swap groups with me, I declined. You've got some whacked up logic there if you can somehow come to the conclusion that I want to be a mod. But, for the 30th+ time - I have no desire to be a mod because I don't have the time or motivation. Just one question for you Ben, why the f*ck is Demarest been made a scapegoat if it was him, and only him breaking the rules in that topic? Once again, for the 30th+ time your opinion has become somewhat invalid and unnecessary. orly? I still fail to see in what instance I revoked my rights as a member here to post my opinion in a manner that complies with the rules. This all seems anti-Ben to me . And, apparently it wasn't clear enough in my first post, so I'll quote myself here: ...a lot of the time it seems like Dem is made a scapegoat in these situations when he's not the only one at fault. Perhaps Demarest would do better without you "attempting" to stick up for his every action, because you sure aren't doing anything helpful for him. Perhaps you would do better in not "attempting" to tell me what to do, because unlike you, he has more respect for me than that. Besides, he's never told me that he doesn't want my input (presumably because he acknowledges my right to express my input on issues, provided they comply with the rules). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GT-1 Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 PM from Demarest entitled: re:PM - Dated: March 29 2006, 20:23. I suppose it's not wisest to allow one person (ben in this case) speaking up because they can to bother you. Though I won't judge you. He seems to have good intentions, but I don't think he does my casue any good by speaking up while not fully grasping what he's amongst. So I guess we'll agree there. Btw, you aren't sharing a valid opinion with two sides to the argument. The opinion(s) was based solely on the fact that you and Demarest are good friends, which leads to you posting about only one side of the coin. Your posts always point out that the staff are in the wrong somehow, coming from an actual staff member thats greatly appreciated. If you want to add to this, I'm sure it would be more suitable to PM. Excuse me for de-railing the topic slightly. This topic is about ashdexx, or Demarest... whatever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BenMillard Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 (edited) Something must be f*cked up with the staff if Demarest is still here. Have people forgotten the time when he was on the staff? He preyed on the members, went on banning rampages and perpetually sucked up to all the staff so he could continue this sick game. Has everyone forgotten what a duplicitous little sh*t he is? Forgotten how he destroyed the GTA Forums community and made people dread coming here? Well, refresh your memory here. It's not an isolated incident. Multiply it by all the dozens of other members he bullied while a moderator...and you still aren't done. I still get about one person a month IM'ing me about him. They contact me after they've stumbled on that page whilst browsing my site, because he's behaving in the same vindictive, predatory way towards them. If you think of the odds of someone stumbling upon that page, this can only be the tip of the iceberg. It sickens me to think this is still going on. To continue the history lesson, his actions whilst on the staff eventually prompted a staff investigation. Despite Demarest's best efforts, he couldn't silence all of the people he was stepping on. Eventually the staff confirmed the complaints, and to their credit were able to untangle themselves from Demarest's web of lies and banned him permanently. I bet he started sweet-talking them the very next day, because less than a fortnight later he was unbanned. No official reason was ever given, AFAIK. He must have kissed Admin arse untill his lips bled. But to no avail: one day later he was re-banned. Somewhere along the line he's been re-un-banned. I don't even want to know what "favours" he must have done to make that happen... And now here we are, with the same old bullsh*t which doesn't take much to highlight. It's clear Demarest hasn't changed. He is still a cancer of this community. I say we should cut it out -- and this time make it for good. (EDIT) It doesn’t take much to see the subplot here: he’s trying to get back on the staff to resume the sick games he used to play. By portraying the staff as powercrazed and vindictive (how ironic!) he thinks the members will support him. Then the staff will have to let him back into the fold. Edited October 23, 2006 by Cerbera PhillBellic 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demarest Posted October 23, 2006 Author Share Posted October 23, 2006 Forgotten how he destroyed the GTA Forums community I was the only vocal one on staff that acted like he wanted to preserve this place. The bannings you're referring to are of people who think they can come here with their pwnts and bully other members. The shiftless layabouts. The mallrats if you will. Those here with a GTA agenda were never troubled. With one exception: The guy who tried to take over GTA:LC while the rest of us were trying to work together. I bet he started sweet-talking them the very next day, because less than a fortnight later he was unbanned.A fortnight is two weeks. I was banned for just shy of 6 months. You even posted links that were nearly 6 months apart. It's like GT-1 posting some sh*t from half a year ago just to try and stir sh*t. That'll get you guys banned from genchat No official reason was ever given...for the banning. Which is why to reverse that process, no reason needs to be given. It was FINALLY claimed to be a wrong move about a month ago. And now here we are, with the same old bullsh*t which doesn't take much explaining. It's clear Demarest hasn't changed.Um... it's 23 Oct 2006. Those links are 14 months old. If you wish to make the point that you are trying to, you'd do better to quote the posts that actually started this whole thing. You won't do that because it suits your cause better that only the choke comment is here and nothing more. Wouldn't want the truth to get out; that things went the way they did because I was trying to stop people from "destroying the GTA Forums community". Something which you claim to be concerned about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BenMillard Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 There's no point trying to portray yourself as the hero of GTAF, Dem. People see though you now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barguast Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 ... Bloody 'ell... Is this slagging match really gonna end up going anywhere constructive do ya think? Hint: No. And that's all. Sorry it's not quite the epic tome that seems to have become the standard in this topic, but I think I made my point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MyMothersMySister Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 Cerbie for MOD! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vALKYR Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 (edited) Unbelievable this ... I read through everything and it surprises me really. Demarest first pissed off everyone, eventually gets banned. Then, suddenly, out of the blue, he gets unbanned again and calms down. Good then? No, every f*cking once in a while, Mister I'm-Above-The-Law (becuz dey let me back on tha forumz!) has some argument going on in which GT-1 and Co. are nearly always perfectly valid in their statements... in other words, just doing their jobs and he is always quoting every sentence of their posts saying with some kind of an anti-thesis proving that they're nothing but wrong. But nooo, he-whom-is-above-the-law always bitches about that he just cannot receive a warning. Like, that it's "completely impossible!" I just don't get it. He has 5 stars, he's wearing a medal and he is not being banned for saying things ALL other persons on these forums are getting busted for. Why? Because he's coding lots of good stuff? Pfft, I've seen more useful stuff from other guys who actually don't think they're god's gift to the world. Because he can write high-educational english? Pfft, I'd rather have someone using ghetto-slang saying something useful than using english los perfectos to insult every god damned moderator on these forums BECAUSE they're a moderator. Why? If you're so sure of yourself, why don't you open up a forum on your own? They don't HAVE to let you do this and that. It's their forum, not yours. Edited October 23, 2006 by vALKYR Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DexX Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 you chose to hide afterwards. Actually, i blocked you from pming me months ago. And if i was really "hiding" from you, i wouldnt be replying to you publicly, now would i? You simply don't get it. *sigh* I dunno, i already drove my point home, and it still hasn't sunk in. You broke a rule, and got a warning. If the staff was really f*cking with you as much as you claim (or was anywhere near as corrupt as suspected), we simply would have banned you outright. But no, and should you ever be re-banned, it will be because you earn it (as if this topic alone isn't grounds for one...), mr martyr. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demarest Posted October 23, 2006 Author Share Posted October 23, 2006 But nooo, he-whom-is-above-the-law always bitches about that he just cannot receive a warning. Like, that it's "completely impossible!"I have the best interest of this community in mind. When I say this community, I mean the GTA community. Which is why when I had a position of power, those who helped the place were exalted while those who set out to dismantle it were punished. That's because I came here because it was the #1 modding spot for GTA. I would like to see it stay that way for any number of reasons. I have NEVER done anything to threaten the well being of the GTA community. I have done tons to further it, including unlocking a 3 year old barricade us coders were forced to live with. Since you know nothing of these things, you should propose to speak as if you're somebody who does. You can toss around your av size rules all you want. There's a bigger picture whether you see it or not. I will continue to do my part to further the well being of the areas of this forum that give it life and longevity, even long after staff makes it clear that they could give a f*ck less about it. Hint: We're well past that point. I just don't get it. He has 5 stars, he's wearing a medal and he is not being banned for saying things ALL other persons on these forums are getting busted for. Rather than pretending a word has offended you, take a moment to research what brought it about. Drastic times call for drastic measures. If I'm so wrong, then you might have a hard time explaining why the person I wronged agrees with me that we need to stick together, why the appointed leader of the area also recognizes the efforts I'm trying to curb as disruptive, etc. In other words, the very people impacted by the things that I do and do not do are in accordance. Like it or not, staff approved or not, WE are the leaders of that area. WE are the ones putting time and effort into all related aspects. Such types should be encouraged to continue, not f*cked with simply because they can. Why? If you're so sure of yourself, why don't you open up a forum on your own?The fact that you even ask shows you have no idea how this whole thing started. I entered the GTA forum scene on another site. A much more suitable one as the community was small, had a family-like feel, the staff were all GTA lovers themselves, and oddly enough, prefered GTA3 despite the world tripping over VC. I've always loved GTA3, VR in general, programming, etc. Knowing that I'm dangerous when motivated, I knew I would one day sit amongst the greats of the GTA community. And unfortunately, my first home didn't have enough of the right people to help me learn the things I needed to. Barton was HERE for example. So I came here. The size was daunting, but all the greats were HERE. This is not my community. GTA is not my game. The coding scene is not mine. So never would I presume to claim it for myself. The irony here is that my outburst was in direct obstruction to a pair of individuals who DO feel it is their's to claim. You broke a rule, and got a warning.Yep. And I had something to say about it. End of story. Or would've been had you been available by PM. I could care less about karma, genchat access, respect, things I've earned and so forth. When I was banned and again when I was allowed back to make up for the fact that the banning was wrong, but not given back what was mine, I realized that this site could give a f*ck less about it's own health. I stick around because I like GTA. No matter how much time passes, I keep coming back to GTA. It's just what's fun for me. I know what I'm doing as a coder, so I try to help others. But you better believe that with all the effort I've put into it and watching those before me drop like flies leaving me next in line, when I see a couple new guys come in and try to destroy all that hard work of those before us, I'm going to stand in their way. If it takes getting loud to get attention, that's what's going to happen. Now you know what's going on. Done anything about it? Of course not. What do you care if the coding section eats itself? Certainly not as interesting as taking shots at me. If the staff was really f*cking with you as much as you claim (or was anywhere near as corrupt as suspected), we simply would have banned you outright.Um... you did. I can't interact in genchat despite my last topic there being filled to the brim with NON anti-Dem sentiments. Why did this happen? Not because of anything that had anything to do with genchat. You keep going on and on about receiving punishment like everybody else, but I can't ever remember a time when anybody else was banned for individual forums outright. And of course I could step it up by pointing out that there's also never been a time when somebody who helps the forum was banned outright for no reason at all. But then I'd be accused of being Mr. Above The Law (their music's cool by the way) and such. But no, and should you ever be re-banned, it will be because you earn it (as if this topic alone isn't grounds for one...)So do it already! Can't you see Cerbera and Mr. Frontrunner begging for it? What are you waiting for? What will it take for you to realize that I'm not interested in bullsh*t GTAF politics? GTA is what I know. Coding is what I do. Those before me are no longer here. That leaves me. There are others who can lead that area and they agree with me. For me to stand up and say "no, this should not be allowed to pass" in regards to 2 people with total disrespect for the coding scene is me using what little position I have to make a difference for the better. If you feel that in a place called GTAForums where a member like Demarest has put so much time and effort into helping in any way he can that such a sentiment/goal/what have you is banworthy, then f*cking pull the trigger already. Does the GTA community NEED me? Not in a cannot function without me way, no. Does the GTA community benefit from my being here? Absolutely. But bury my ass anyways if it makes you feel better. Because for as long as you talk that sh*t, I'm going to talk back. I have things to say whether YOU care to hear them or not. You feel that's reason enough to forcibly silence me then get on with it. If not, stop with the threats already. I don't care about you. Or about bullsh*t politics. There's an area I'm good at where I also happen to be in a position of leadership, so I'm choosing to pool those talents for the greater good of that area. You want to turn the other way while others seek out to destroy it so that you can destroy the person who would obstruct such things because he's put a lot of effort into that section, be my guest. There's a bigger picture here than your hard-on for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demarest Posted October 23, 2006 Author Share Posted October 23, 2006 Wait a minute before y'all cut me off. Permit me one off-topic post for the sake of supporting evidence... Jacob. Know who I'm talking about? Of course you don't! Jacob's a good guy. In addition to being a good guys, he's a memory guy, a tooler... We NEED these types. So where is this mythical creature? Certainly not here. Why you ask? Did he leave? No, he was forcibly bounced. Why? Well I could tell you the reason, the point is that it has NOTHING to do with this place. An asset to the community banned. There was a time when I caught somebody attacking another member, but in a different place and carrying his exploits here to taunt his victim with it. I enacted action at that time. Despite the fact that the attack was furthered here, I was told I was in the wrong because it did not start here. Yet this talented man can never again contribute to the very community that is blessed by his willingness to contribute for something that took place on another site entirely. Does ANY of that strike you like the actions of a staff interested at all in GTA? I'll add to that by reminding the naySayers that illspirit once quit over this place's divorce from GTA-centric conduct. Now you can talk sh*t about me. Or maybe you don't like Jacob. But who can talk sh*t about illspirit? Doesn't matter if you're a GTA-er, a modder, or just enjoy the words of the wise, funny, etc. A real crowd pleaser. It's time to pretend like GTA is the topic here. Or change your domain to SA2, the lesser half if posting macros and slugging each other is all you're interested in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anuj Posted October 23, 2006 Share Posted October 23, 2006 edited to save internet tubes PS: Just so you have more fuel for your fire, I'm removing your avatar. The limit is 80kb, sweetie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 Wondered when a topic between Dem and DexX was gonna turn up lol Like all forums, there are people here to do with every aspect of GTA, including parts not actually related to GTA. People that choose to just hang about in Gen Chat 24/7. With so many posts Demarest, are you saying you're not one of them too? As well as a coder. I agree with the fact this place is not as GTA orientated as before. It's proven in the downturn of modding activity and a large number of regulars already either no longer modding or leaving altogether. That's all that happens. Places always have their ups and downs. I wouldn't blame the forum staff for that. Anyway, Myriad and LC, probably the 2 large in-house projects in the modding community, are still chugging along, and I dunno about LC, but I know for a fact that MI is actually on the up turn at the moment. Wouldn't say that staff are exactly anti-modding really. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mike Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 Jacob. Know who I'm talking about? Of course you don't! Jacob's a good guy. In addition to being a good guys, he's a memory guy, a tooler... We NEED these types. So where is this mythical creature? Certainly not here. Why you ask? Did he leave? No, he was forcibly bounced. Why? Well I could tell you the reason, the point is that it has NOTHING to do with this place. An asset to the community banned. He spends his time trying to ruin other mods, yeah, we need him around here Damn those staff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
illspirit Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 Since you don't, I guess I can rest assured that space and Pynton have not been BANNED for factioning the community What about the people who would destroy that community? The actions ashdexx is speaking of are me standing in the way of people who stand to and indeed already have made efforts to faction the community, crash the games of X people, etc. When I see a couple newcomers skewering the community If you're done using my tinfoil hat now, may I have it back please? When you posted the first scathing rant against Space, I understood you were righteously pissed that his .ini swap f*cked up much of your work, let it slide, and lol'd. But now, you're just making a mountain out of mole eggs before they hatch. Seriously. One set of negligently inverted variables does not a conspiracy to "destroy the community" make. He made a mistake. Everyone does. Especially people doing things for free in their spare time. After venting your initial frustration over broken code, was any of the rest of the confrontation necessary? Did arguing about it for days, and threatening physical harm accomplish anything that a simple "ok guys, does anyone mind if we change it back?" wouldn't have? Space isn't sitting in a lodge with red curtains somewhere, surrounded by men in black robes stroking their beards, secretly plotting the subjugation of the GTA mod scene. He just f*cked up. What's the big deal? Likewise, the other parts of his (and Pynton's) alleged insidious plot are anything but. For instance, the change in the headshot check opcode label is little more than an excercise in semantics. Furthermore, the new way is now syntactically correct as it no longer invokes a recursive double-negative. The change from "speed" to "velocity" in another opcode is also correct, given that every Newtonian physics textbook in the world will tell you velocity is a vector defined by speed and direction. As for standing up against "newcomers" destroying the community, could you get any more arrogant and elitist? I came here from G! and yet still think this is silly. Does Space have a newer join date than you? Sure. But I remember seeing him hanging around the GTA modding section of some other site some time before seeing him here. Just because someone was late registering here does not automatically make them a newb. Of course you should know this already, having come from somewhere else too. And for that matter, there are veteran modders who do not and will not post here because of the number of people who act like they invented modding while riding around on their moral high horses bitching and infighting about trivial matters, like, say, one goddamn swapped variable. You speak of people "factioning the community," but what about real f*cking veterans like, say, Azz or Valdez, who avoid this place like the plague because they can't be bothered dealing with people like the one you've become, who might threaten to choke them to death over a disagreement because they're "newcomers?" And speaking of "factioning the community" Jacob. Know who I'm talking about? Of course you don't! Jacob's a good guy. In addition to being a good guys, he's a memory guy, a tooler... We NEED these types. So where is this mythical creature? Certainly not here. Why you ask? Did he leave? No, he was forcibly bounced. Why? Well I could tell you the reason, the point is that it has NOTHING to do with this place. An asset to the community banned. Erm, people like him destroy online mods for the teams who make them, the thousands of people who play them, and for the countless people like me who don't even bother playing because there's too many cheaters. If that doesn't have SOMETHING to do with this place and the community at large, I'm not sure what does. And apparently you haven't notice all the reciprocal network links, the familiar staff names, and such, which tend to indicate VC/SA:MP have a bit more than "NOTHING" to do with this place... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demarest Posted October 24, 2006 Author Share Posted October 24, 2006 PS: Just so you have more fuel for your fire, I'm removing your avatar. The limit is 80kb, sweetie. Why are we doing this, again? It's not like we haven't warned you before for this...I'm anuj. I see Demarest doing something wrong. Now how can this be? I know Demarest. I don't like the guy, but he knows right from wrong. Why would he do such a thing? Maybe... just maybe... it's... NOT... wrong? The rule was changed the last time a moderator decided to waste the time of somebody with better things to worry about than... a filesize Oh and "we" didn't warn me. YOU said something that was 33% larger was cool, and for a good reason. This is smaller, and after the rule was plucked. Or didn't you notice that Gwen was back after being plucked. Of course, the Dem hunt wasn't in full swing then, flip-flopper [/bWM] Mkay, pumpkin? Anyway, Myriad and LC, probably the 2 large in-house projects in the modding communityGuess why LC has always remained in house Guess who fought against his own team members who DID try to push something that WOULD have been better for the mod? You want to know why I did that? Because I have a lot of respect for this place and wanted it that way. Wouldn't say that staff are exactly anti-modding really.Nor would I. In fact, I didn't. To not behave in a GTA-centric manner and to be anti-modding aren't even relative. He spends his time trying to ruin other modsOf all the rumors ever started about me, I don't think I've ever seen one as opposite from the truth as possible. You can say it. Doesn't make it true. When you posted the first scathing rant against Space, I understood you were righteously pissed that his .ini swap f*cked up much of your work, let it slide, and lol'd.MY work? NONE of this is about me. I'm a damn good SCM'er. I get involved in some pretty advanced strategies. So the day of which you speak when my game crashed, it was easy to swallow. Delicate subject matter makes for easy to screw things up. After TWO HOURS of troubleshooting and seeing a false positive for every test, I was stumped. I was forced to resort to line by line comparison when I finally found the culprit. Damn good SCM'er sunk for hours... what then about the people who know nothing of coding? For YEARS, we've said immitate existing code. We've even encouraged people to study mods in existence. There's not telling how far "one swap" as you put it could go. But I do know this: SCM'ing was daunting to the uninitiated to begin with. Particularly if a person was new and had no knowledge of what a subroutine was as an example. With SA, features became more deluxe which meant the tool had to as well. A new guy has plenty to worry about that to have to add to it being f*cked by somebody who SHOULD know better. YOUR perceived magnitude aside, let's question motive. WHY would a person do such a thing? There is no explanation. Furthermore, for ONE person to make the effort to stay in line--a process which SHOULD be autonomic out of respect who took the hex studied it, broke it down, and released it in a form that actually put it in EVERYBODY's hands--saves the need for dozens if not hundreds of people to have to. This is not a matter of opinion. We stay in line. All of us as modders have a responsibility to not knowingly release that will which crash the games of others. If only to ensure that your name doesn't become associated with broken code for example. One set of negligently inverted variables does not a conspiracy to "destroy the community" make. He made a mistake. Everyone does. Especially people doing things for free in their spare time.Nobody said it was a conspiracy. When people make "mistakes" they say things like "whoops" and "sorry". Not "well nobody has to use it" "oh well" and so forth. And while I'm certain that destroying the community wasn't his goal, you can't play the ignorance card. He knew full well the effects of his work were, never said a word (I'm told he did eventually, but that doesn't help the people who trusted him up front). Once it came to light, he wasn't the least bit moved. How do YOU feel about people that sh*t in your pool? For instance, the change in the headshot check opcode label is little more than an excercise in semantics.The difference between in yes and no are not semantics. They are full 180 in meaning. Now, I'm quite certain that even a beginner coder could try 0, see it didn't have the effect they wanted, and make it 1. The fact remains that ONE person making an effort--which again, should be autonomic out of respect--spares innumerable amount of people the extra effort. ANYBODY proposing to take up a leader position (such as appointing themselves the new keeper of the INI) owes everybody they lead at least that. Furthermore, the new way is now syntactically correct as it no longer invokes a recursive double-negative.0 is no/false/off and 1 is yes/true/on. That's not for us to conversate about. In fact, I'm quite certain it was that way before our daddy's eyeballed our mommy's. The change from "speed" to "velocity" in another opcode is also correct, given that every Newtonian physics textbook in the world will tell you velocity is a vector defined by speed and direction.No sh*t. And you'll notice that 25 has no direction to it. If it sits down in seat 1 of a 3 seat arrangement, the direction of X axis is implied, but that doesn't mean that 25 itself at all denotes a direction. Again, not a matter of opinion. As for standing up against "newcomers" destroying the community, could you get any more arrogant and elitist? I came here from G! and yet still think this is silly. Does Space have a newer join date than you? Sure. But I remember seeing him hanging around the GTA modding section of some other site some time before seeing him here. Just because someone was late registering here does not automatically make them a newb. Of course you should know this already, having come from somewhere else too.I don't disagree. I know space was involved with LC. More than that, he HAS done a TON of work in ID'ing unknown opcodes, even if his namings were a bit contradictory. I give credit where credit is due. I know what space has done. Unfortunately, that includes things he never should've supposed himself authorized to do, which was followed up by complete lack of reparations. We all make mistakes as you said. It's how we deal with them by which a man should be judged. And for that matter, there are veteran modders who do not and will not post here because of the number of people who act like they invented modding while riding around on their moral high horses bitching and infighting about trivial matters, like, say, one goddamn swapped variable.I think you're confusing your poisons. I've never proposed I invented anything. You sounded like you were talking about Barton up until the swapped parameter thing. And you know what? Barton was cleared for everything he did except the time he nuked part of the forums. People like him deserve leeway because without people like him, people like me would have a pair of empty hands and a keyboard. Same goes for the pioneers. The difference between me, space, and the claim you just tried to make is that I would NEVER dream on stepping on the toes of those before me. I NEVER FORGET that it's because of their work that a coding section even exists. Then when I publish the one thing I AM the "inventor" of, I couldn't have been more humble. I made it clear I did not wish for any kudos, that it was my gift to the community becuase the have to start a new game bullsh*t was bullsh*t, AND I gave complete credit to the very people whose work, theory, and help made my publishing possible. You've got the wrong guy. Sure I'm arrogant. But it never comes out until what's rightfully mine is challenged. That's what happened with Seamann. Oh, but did I mention that WE worked it out ourselves? Amidst the violence so many people are in a tizzy over knowing damn well it was a one time infraction that couldn't have been more than words by somebody who NEVER talks that way? The sky is falling! You speak of people "factioning the community," but what about real f*cking veterans like, say, Azz or Valdez, who avoid this place like the plague because they can't be bothered dealing with people like the one you've become, who might threaten to choke them to death over a disagreement because they're "newcomers?" You need to improve your batting average. First of all, I don't care if you have a join date earlier than the forum's inception. If one did not pioneer the SCM'ing scene and that one thinks they can do anything to desecrate it, they are a newcomer. Because respect for those who have enable you to do what you can do should be second nature. That's not a disagreement. For there to be a disagreement, there'd have to be viewpoints. There is only one viewpoint here. The one shared by space and Pynton. The one that states to hell with the pioneers (which I am not and never have credited myself as), I'm going to do whatever the hell I want. What I represent is not a viewpoint. It's the way it's always been. I didn't invent it. I just have the good taste to not sh*t on it. And apparently the only one with the stones to stand up for its vitality. Erm, people like him destroy online mods for the teams who make them, the thousands of people who play them, and for the countless people like me who don't even bother playing because there's too many cheaters. If that doesn't have SOMETHING to do with this place and the community at large, I'm not sure what does. And apparently you haven't notice all the reciprocal network links, the familiar staff names, and such, which tend to indicate VC/SA:MP have a bit more than "NOTHING" to do with this place...By that mentality, we should all be banned because we all take R*'s game and "cheat". I know how to byte count. Does this make me a poisoner? Wouldn't it be HOW the technology is applied? You want to talk about arrogance, how about the people that take ROCKSTAR'S game, modify it, and then tell others that our work is off limits? HYPOCRITES! And now somebody that can help others learn and accomplish is banned because such hypocrites are so self-important that somehow THEIR work in modding somebody's game which is in fact copyrighted, sold, etc is okay, but dare not touch their work? It's sad really. Oh, by the way. Thanks to Cyq, SCM'ers now have a way to mem-hack in VC. So I'm assuming anything he did could also be abused by using Cyq's research. You going to ban Cyq too? Of course not. Because he's Cyq. And we need him. We need everybody like him. They're gone. Like it or not, that leaves me. So stand aside while I CONTINUE to do the right thing. You need a head on your wall, go after the people that made this mess that I shouldn't have to take any time out to clean up after. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anuj Posted October 24, 2006 Share Posted October 24, 2006 PS: Just so you have more fuel for your fire, I'm removing your avatar. The limit is 80kb, sweetie. Why are we doing this, again? It's not like we haven't warned you before for this...I'm anuj. I see Demarest doing something wrong. Now how can this be? I know Demarest. I don't like the guy, but he knows right from wrong. Why would he do such a thing? Maybe... just maybe... it's... NOT... wrong? The rule was changed the last time a moderator decided to waste the time of somebody with better things to worry about than... a filesize Oh and "we" didn't warn me. YOU said something that was 33% larger was cool, and for a good reason. This is smaller, and after the rule was plucked. Or didn't you notice that Gwen was back after being plucked. Of course, the Dem hunt wasn't in full swing then, flip-flopper [/bWM] Mkay, pumpkin? It's called discretion, boopsie. It's the reason that I decided not to harrass you in your 30 thousand post topic and the reason that you're still here in the first place. I decided to... what's the phrase? "Play nice", and all it got me was a kick in the ass because it made you feel like you're above the rules once again. Go me. From now on, I'm going to enforce the rules to the letter. I'll admit, illspirit corrected me on the avatar bit. But from now on, consider the witch-hunt in full f*cking swing. You so much as break the slightest rule, and I'm going to use it as an excuse to make you an example. If you're going to put yourself up as a martyr, you might as f*cking well be justified, sweetheart. SWEETSAPRIK 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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