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Gta New New York, revived

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Play as:



bender or Fry


A futurised Liberty city,

Futurama style missions

hover cars


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but i will be needing modelers/texturers/coders to get it done faster


Download Beta 1 Here



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Actualy, i have a mutch better idea


i shood make it like a platform game, with level, save points at the start of each level

obsticals to climb enemys to shoot/fight,

as you go through levels you plas as difrent charictors in some levels


Making Futurama: The Game 2


but im no mission coder,


right now i'm making a test level i'll post some pics in a sec




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i have an idea to do a thing like myraid does, somone asks me if they can create a level,

then they make the level then i add it to the map hmmn great plan happy.gif


so if anyone wants to make a level let me know


use moomapper, you can use objects that are already in libert city or make ur own or a mix

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hmmn but ive already worked hella hard on my first level

i would have to scrap it if i moved it to vice and also someother reasons

so i'm sticking with LC


and i am already doing another level



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i added a part where you gotta jump from floting object to object etc... they bob up and down! and move around fun!

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UPDATE: ok sewer level is done



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overveiw of 3 levels


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You should delete all liberty buildings. Leaving only the ground. You could then start putting your city on there. Your second level would be on Harwood, your third one in a now abandoned Portland subway. Saint Marks would be that place in Futurama that Fry's old working place was, including the historical apartments. Chinatown would be renovated and the Portland Docks could be the place where the Planet Express is located. The place with skyscapers would be expanded till Aspatria. Fort Staunton could be destroyed.

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When all the levels are done i will remove liberty city

and place them in order to 1st to last


but i'm not sure how meny levels there shood be


but heres some level making tips


1.Make it hard but not to hard we want players to have a challange and not get super angry

2.make them big

3.give them a theam

4.make places where you would want enemys to hide and pop out at you

5.make levels that would suit the player, as in levels that suit fry, levels that suit, leela bender etc...

6.water hazzards are always good

7.make racing levels

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I was just thinking... If you remove the map and replace it with levels, would it have a lot of replay value? I mean the idea is great, but i think you might want players to replay the game just like any other gta game... Giving it a few 'from point a to point b' levels wont really give the modellling effort justice...

In simpler terms, just make sure the levels give the player the same freedom as the regular gta game does!


Just a thought, biggrin.gif

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well, its hard for me to explane things so i cant help


and i'm making this mod like no one has made a mod like this making gta into a platform adventure game so i'm keeping it like that


also, i connected the 3 levels up to make one massive level this is about the size a level shood be


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and i'm making this mod like no one has made a mod like this making gta into a platform adventure game so i'm keeping it like that



The thing that mkaes GTA fun is the freedom. If you remove this the game wont be GTA, it will be a platform game. And if we want a platform game then we buy the original game. I suggest making the game free. Make it GTA. It doesnt matter there are no missions, look at Myriad Islands. Its got no missions but its still fun with the Freedom (and some weapons sly.gif ) . Make it fun, please, otherwise theres no point in making this.




also, i connected the 3 levels up to make one massive level this is about the size a level shood be


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Looking nice. But fill the blank slots and leave old GTA3 buildings like they were, only rusting the texture. That would be superb.

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dude , that looks fantastic cool.gif but dont delite LC map.. or make 2 mods.. LC map 1 .. and the lvls 1. imo. the game should have lotsof cool/fun missions. not just a map like lord fido told. its boring to have a big map but nothing to do.


geep goin man! nice mod wink.gif

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yeah lord fido has some wierd ideas and stuff no one tells me theres no point in making somthing i wanted to do for years, but anyway here are thecurrent weapons


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modeled off the ones on futurama the game


my favorites the shotgun


and here is the slurm truck i am making verry nice mmhmm

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Sorry vinny, the futurama ambulance looks nothing like that confused.gif


i'll use the yankee anyway


ive been working on Madison Cube garden, its looking mutch better

Big thanks for Blackadder18 for making the col


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needs prelighting, witch i have no idea how to do -_-

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its not on gta 3...

its for gta lc, wich requires vice


anyway Blackadder18 made me soem col for the tubes, so you can run on them, or in them


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So what games do i need?

And are you still going on with the other futarama mods you started? (The one where you get to be bender, fry, leela and zoidberg)?

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