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After you beat all the go-kart races in the fair, city races will unlock. Beat all three and you will be prompted that it was dropped off at the garage in the school.


I have to agree, Bully doesn't seem as re playable as GTAs felt, at least to me. Which is awkward, since I think there's actually more to do, I just can't put my finger on it.

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Oh yeah, I forgot. f*ck the moped. The go-kart should be the goal of everyone who plays the game.

How do you unlock it. I've done all of the go kart races at the fair. Then what?

As Conaxa said, you have to do the 3 city races that unlock. They are really easy, easier than the later levels of the fair races. After that it will be in the garage near the bikes on campus. It's the best vehicle in the game by far, you'll never use anything else.

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I bought about 75% of the clothes before I got tired of it...I wish you could click BUY on an article of clothing without waiting for it to load up on the character preview. It takes like 5 seconds to load up.

Yeah, it took me forever to buy every item of clothing in the game.



Everyone listen to this man. The f*cking Go Kart is the nuts! It’s great for running people down. It does not even slow down once you hit someone. If you are being chased by a police bike, Slow down and the guy get of his bike. When he starts to run towards you. Hit reverse!!


Am loving this game. I have completed every mission on my first attempt so far. I would prefer to fail a few times and try various strategies, I am getting close to the end now and although I think it’s a great game. I don’t think I will be playing it much after the main story finishes. I am usually crap at collecting secret hidden packages. But on bully I have the gnome outfit, all but 1 C&G cards and rubber bands collected / all pumpkins, gravestones smashed.


I run around in my gnome hat wearing tightie wighties! I hardly ever get busted now. I spend a lot of time standing on top of cars launching various objects at the passers by. Then taking a joy ride on my go kart.


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I just completed Bully last night. I have really enjoyed playing. However the game was way too short, the missions were to easy. There was loads of things I felt that should have been included that was not. A couple of wish lists:


• To be able to walk into classroom’s when lessons are taking place and disrupt everything.

• In true GTA fashion: steal cars (I know people say he’s only 15. But most 15 year olds in my area are nicking cars all the time)

• Usually I struggle to find all hidden packages in these types of games. However, I found it too easy in Bully. Maybe a slightly more complex map.

• At first I thought respect was gained by going to war against a certain faction (IE, beat up the nerds and the jocks will respect you and vice versa) unfortunately, respect was only acquired in the story line mode.

• A wider choice of bullying would be nice (Steel their lunch money & hang them of lamp posts)

• More vehicles


I loved the fair ground part of Bully. Would be nice to have some more interaction their as well. (I.e. while on a ride, be able to throw things of it at passers by, more side show games)


All in all, I enjoyed Bully. But it does not have any reply value for me.


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Anyone else like making Algernon's life a misery in this game?  biggrin.gif

Whenever I get the chance, I push him into a trashbin.


Those nerds always laugh at me because I wear Red Ninja pants and that Checkered Party hat. So I kick their asses. cool.gif

All the nerds get a beating from me.


But Algie gets it worse cause he is a mommy's boy biggrin.gif

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Mainland Marauder

Okay, I don't know if my game just glitched out on me, or what. I turned it off, frustrated.


I was doing the "Weed Killer" mission. I go into the preps' little frathouse and kill the venus flytrap. Then the preps come after me, so I kick their asses, and bust my way out of the glass greenhouse. I go downstairs and I cannot get out of the house. I'm stuck in the room with the stairwell that's enclosed and blocked by a door. To the left of that staircase are closed doors with a preppie(s) behind them - I know this because I fired the weed killer gun at the door and my trouble meter went up reading "violence." I could also hear them. Reading a walkthrough on GameFAQs it appears those preps are supposed to open that door and come out for you to fight them. Apparently they never did, and I stayed in there until I passed out and woke up in the infirmary.


Either I'm missing something, or my game has gone crazy, or I've gone crazy. Anyone with some insight on this?

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Mainland Marauder

Alright, I've passed it with no problems the second time.


I beat up the preps in the plant house the first time, but perhaps it was my decision to spend time going around breaking stuff (couldn't help it, being in some stuck-up rich kids' country club biggrin.gif ) that triggered the glitch? The second time I just went about the business of the mission and had no problem.


Maybe it was just a freak occurrence that happened to be on my first time doing that mission...?

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I loved the fair ground part of Bully. Would be nice to have some more interaction their as well. (I.e. while on a ride, be able to throw things of it at passers by, more side show games)


All in all, I enjoyed Bully. But it does not have any replay value for me.

Maybe im misunderstanding you, but cant you alredy throw eggs and stuff while you are riding a bike?


Also I fully agree with you. I finished the game more than a moth ago, and I havent picked it back up since.

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Just noticed something that made me chuckle, one of the nerds possibly Melvin or Smelvin makes a reference to a certain famous RTS called Starcraft. I've often heard him saying "ailing frequencies open" which was a phrase one of the units made when you clicked him. Its the little things that Rockstar add that make their games so humorous.

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Just noticed something that made me chuckle, one of the nerds possibly Melvin or Smelvin makes a reference to a certain famous RTS called Starcraft. I've often heard him saying "ailing frequencies open" which was a phrase one of the units made when you clicked him. Its the little things that Rockstar add that make their games so humorous.

Yeah, you're right. Its actually on Wikipedia along with alot of other references Bully makes.


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Mainland Marauder

Well, don't know if I'm the first, but I've fallen into Blue Hell (GTA-style) in Bully.


I was doing "The Rumble" and after I beat up Johnny and the greasers, I started the bike chase with the cops. As I am going through an alley, I hit a greaser walking alongside the road and it forces me into a wall - and through the ground. First it tells me "You Failed" as Jimmy did a slow-motion float of sorts over the bike in blue hell, then after the disc reads for awhile it shows me at the infirmary with the usual message about what happens when you get knocked out, etc. Then things got really weird: it went back to Jimmy floating (or falling, I guess) above his bike in blue hell with the "Outrun the cops" message you got when the chase began, then after a few seconds, "You failed." This went in a continuous loop that I could only escape by resetting the game. Which sucked, as I hadn't saved over the last few missions before that.


I took (poor, but discernible) digital pictures of the screen as that cycle went on; I could upload them and post them later if anyone's interested.

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Well I joined the list of many that have completed the game, finished it last night not 100% I’m roughly on 60% but all storyline missions and the majority of the other side missions are done. Loved the game and it was a great way for Rockstar to experiment with new features with the most popular and useful surely to be used in future GTA games or other projects they have in mind.


I will probably play it until I hit 100% mark just so I know I have done all that is possible but like many I noticed a few glitches yesterday, some understandable the others quite infuriating. On Busting In, Part I driving along after Russell on the scooter if I ever looked behind (to check for cops) on returning to forward view Id find a lot of the land textures hadn’t loaded and it was just a coloured blur that resembled what should have been there.


On Busting In, Part II: Showdown At The Plant I got to the part where you fight Edgar the second time with the metal poles, the fight started and I got in 2 or 3 hits and yet I got the message on screen "Failed, you were knocked out" yet Edgar hadn’t even got one hit in on me. So to my frustration I had to start the fight again, no problems the second time but hopefully bugs/glitches like this will be addressed in future.

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just passed the story missions.didnt encounter any bugs.I love the game and the snowing part.I think it missed what Raindancer pointed.INTERUPTING CLASSES.I hope They make Bully 2 with this feature.



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  • 6 years later...
Bought it on the PSN Store, the game is very fun so far!

Did you really need to bump a 6 year old topic? confused.gif

But anyway, I bought it as well, loving it once again

Just thought i would put this here for future ref.

When someone bumps a topic you dont need to encourage them to bump more. Simply dont say anything at all.


But with this, i was unable to find another topic for Bully, so this should be fine for it, even though its talking about the other version.

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  • 1 year later...

I remember playing Bully back in the day on the PS2 and I enjoyed it a lot but I never went for the 100% completion of it so when I seen it for three dollars and change on a Black Friday deal on the Xbox LIVE marketplace I figured I'd pick it up. I'm thinking of running through the game to nab the 100% but I want to save all the collectibles until the end of the main story. Is it possible to save the rubber bands and G&G cards until the end of the game or are there certain areas where collectibles are that I can't access after certain story events are done?




TL;DR - Can I obtain all the collectibles (rubber bands and G&G cards) after the story is complete?

Edited by GrandTheftAddict91
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I believe you can, unless my memory's faulted.

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None that I know of, it's been a while since I played Bully and even then, I don't strive for 100%

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  • 1 month later...

I know this is sorta a bump, but hell, it might engage in discussion:

Recently, I've been getting a crazy odd urge to play Bully. And not even to play it properly through the missions, just to f*ck around the town once I unlock it. That said, I can't do it anymore since I sold my original Bully and Scholarship Edition a while ago. However, I can get the game on steam for about $15 or probably cheaper for consoles if I look around some stores. I'm not sure if I should actually go out and buy it if I'm just planning on f*cking around the town and soaking in the sights or if I should stick to watching playthroughs of it online.

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Bully is super cheap, and it's just fun to mess around. I mean really, everything about that game screams "classic!" Whether it being the amazing bass line that Shawn Lee cooked up, or just the general atmosphere of Bullworth. Hell, I still get a kick to this day beating up the prefects, or being sent to the Headmaster's office and seeing what he says.

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Bully is super cheap, and it's just fun to mess around. I mean really, everything about that game screams "classic!" Whether it being the amazing bass line that Shawn Lee cooked up, or just the general atmosphere of Bullworth. Hell, I still get a kick to this day beating up the prefects, or being sent to the Headmaster's office and seeing what he says.

True that. I got it off steam for $15 and holy sh*t, I was surprised how little time it took to get to Russel's fight and unlock the next part of the town, compared to when I had played it many years ago. My feelings haven't changed about the music, though. Some of it sounds like it got pulled straight out of Harry Potter, others sound like they could go toe to toe with the music in GTA London. The preppy fighting music, though, now THAT'S CATCHY.

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