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Hey guys, I think this needs a bump since i'm a bit worried i'll miss out on the Bully chat when I finally get it.


Another question.


With a girlfriend does this mean you can kiss them anytime? And you'll get health up?



I've decided to return Bully yesterday, and now I'm just waiting for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter to get here so I can finally pass it.

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Really Zeta?! Was it just for the cash or isn't it replayable?

replay ability.


Don't get me wrong, it's a great game, but of course it's limited. It wasn't for the cash since I rent from Gamefly. Last time I rented GRAW I was very bored and wasn't interested. Now after watching Black Hawk Down again, I realize I wanted to play GRAW. Maybe in a few years I'll rent Bully again, but Bully isn't a factor anymore as of yesterday. I do recommend it however.

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Has anyone tried to get to area's where they are not supposed to be? for example over fences at the edge of the map.


I tried taking bunny hop over. But i think i keep hitting invisable walls. Also is there like a blue hell where you can get to the sets of the cut scenes? (Like in GTA?)

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Hey guys, I think this needs a bump since i'm a bit worried i'll miss out on the Bully chat when I finally get it.


Another question.


With a girlfriend does this mean you can kiss them anytime? And you'll get health up?

Its different with the gay guys though, you have to give them flowers or candy every time.

But when your in the city, its easier to find dudes than chicks.


But if youre homophobic, disregard this statement.

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There are a few in the classrooms. And one if i remember correctly in the fun house.

They did use the same system from San An, in whci all the interiors are in a seprate univers from the world. So if it is possible to get there, getting back to the fun house would probably be possible.

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There are a few in the classrooms. And one if i remember correctly in the fun house.

They did use the same system from San An, in which all the interiors are in a separate universe from the world. So if it is possible to get there, getting back to the fun house would probably be possible.

Yes, it does us a similar engine to San Andreas, well not really similar, more advanced to be exact. Whether or not interiors are stored the same way or not is unknown as of yet.


I tried taking bunny hop over. But i think i keep hitting invisable walls. Also is there like a blue hell where you can get to the sets of the cut scenes? (Like in GTA?)


Exactly like GTA wink.gif. Maybe I can find a way to open the games script, I remember JernejL telling me it uses the same scripting engine, just it's a free open source version, LUA I think it's called. Might not be to hard to crack it and find where the interiors are smile.gif .


...I'm sure there is another universe...


Same, I've had a few glitches where it's morphed or teleported me to another world by accident. Similar to how it worked with certain walls and objects in San Andreas.

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I beat the game in three days. It was really entertaining, but it was WAY too easy and repetitive. I know it was meant for a bit younger crowd, but that doesn't mean it can't be challenging. Very rarely did I fail a mission on the first try, and that's the sign of a game being too easy. They could've done more with the social aspects too. I liked interacting with people. Getting all the yearbook pics was the most fun part to me. I liked that.


Oh, and the go-kart is badass. Never need a bike again.

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Can I request some advice on missions from my fellow GTAF brethren?


There are 2 missions I have yet to complete and both are available for me to attempt. They are both similar in location but require different tactics and both are causing me much anger! The first is Galloway Away and the second Finding Johnny Vincent. Both need me to go to the mental institution but I'm unsure what to do exactly when I'm there, I know there is a tree to climb to get in but after that I'm stumped.

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Got the game 2 days ago.Its in my best 5 ps2 games together with GTA SA,RE 4,MGS 3 and FF 12.I'm at the moment cutting the grass as the part of my detention in chapter 1.I've been wondering later when you unlock some vehicles does it says their name in right corner like in GTA games or not.




AndySerb prays 4 Bully2


oh yeah somebody said Jimmy looks like JEC from Manhunt.Maybe he is It.He changed the name after his mother got divorced again and they moved to detroit...um cough Carcer City sorry biggrin.gif


Just a theory


oh yeah anybody know where can i get the official player list for Werder,Steaua,Basel,Stuttgart,herta,Schalke i want to make them in PES 6.Sorry this is not an appropriate forum but anyone?

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@ saintdave - When you climb the tree and hop inside the fence, you gotta sneak around the front of the building and get in the front door without being seen. You have to rescue Johnny from the asylum.


@ AndySerb - You're dude is 15, he can't drive. The only vehicles you get are your skateboard, sweeter bikes and a go-kart (if you complete the go-kart races). Sorry man, that's it.

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I've been wondering later when you unlock some vehicles does it says their name in right corner like in GTA games or not.


You can’t steal and drive vehicles like you can in GTA, after all Jimmy is only 15. People have tried to get into cars but the game just won’t let you.



oh yeah anybody know where can i get the official player list for Werder,Steaua,Basel,Stuttgart,herta,Schalke i want to make them in PES 6.Sorry this is not an appropriate forum but anyone?


Not only is it not the appropriate forum but it’s not the appropriate topic either. Try asking in the PES6 topic or searching the web. Google is your friend wink.gif

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@ saintdave - When you climb the tree and hop inside the fence, you gotta sneak around the front of the building and get in the front door without being seen. You have to rescue Johnny from the asylum.


@ AndySerb - You're dude is 15, he can't drive. The only vehicles you get are your skateboard, sweeter bikes and a go-kart (if you complete the go-kart races). Sorry man, that's it.

that aint it, you can also drive a moped

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When I was expelled, I beat up everyone I could find at the school. Algie was one of my primer targets. Does that count?


So yeah, I finished the storyline. Sweet game, with probably the best story I've ever played. I'm gonna finish the side jobs and get my hands on the go-kart.

Edited by Canoxa
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