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Dreaming too much but did anything ever exist for Manhunt 3?

Nope. R* left the game behind years ago after Manhunt 2. If R* ever thought of releasing a MH3 the entire idiots and ESRB would automatically ban the game. Manhunt was R* most violent title and R* isn't thinking on MH right now and probably never will. Can you imagine playing MH now with modern game graphics? Ohh hell no. ESRB wouldn't let that sh*t slide :p
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Dreaming too much but did anything ever exist for Manhunt 3?

Nope. R* left the game behind years ago after Manhunt 2. If R* ever thought of releasing a MH3 the entire idiots and ESRB would automatically ban the game. Manhunt was R* most violent title and R* isn't thinking on MH right now and probably never will. Can you imagine playing MH now with modern game graphics? Ohh hell no. ESRB wouldn't let that sh*t slide :p


At least we haven't had JT on the line at least, since 2008.

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I've been used to R* using completely new characters in every game. Bringing back Jimmy just sounds kinda lame IMO.

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I've been used to R* using completely new characters in every game. Bringing back Jimmy just sounds kinda lame IMO.

I mean if Jimmy was 15yo in Bully, doesn't that mean he would technically be older right? It wouldn't make sence if he's older since Bully was centered around kind of like a high school. Unless they make Bully 2 centered around a college campus :p
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Dreaming too much but did anything ever exist for Manhunt 3?

Nope. R* left the game behind years ago after Manhunt 2. If R* ever thought of releasing a MH3 the entire idiots and ESRB would automatically ban the game. Manhunt was R* most violent title and R* isn't thinking on MH right now and probably never will. Can you imagine playing MH now with modern game graphics? Ohh hell no. ESRB wouldn't let that sh*t slide :p


This isn't 2005. Videogames aren't the 'evil' thing destroying the youth anymore. Doubt it would be considered any more violent than the other manhunt games for their time.

It's not the graphics alone stupid media people care about, it's the game's content.

Edited by Braindawg
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Dreaming too much but did anything ever exist for Manhunt 3?

Nope. R* left the game behind years ago after Manhunt 2. If R* ever thought of releasing a MH3 the entire idiots and ESRB would automatically ban the game. Manhunt was R* most violent title and R* isn't thinking on MH right now and probably never will. Can you imagine playing MH now with modern game graphics? Ohh hell no. ESRB wouldn't let that sh*t slide :p


This isn't 2005. Videogames aren't the 'evil' thing destroying the youth anymore. Doubt it would be considered any more violent than the other manhunt games for their time.

It's not the graphics alone stupid media people care about, it's the game's content.

You make a good point. But i'm saying because how it was when games like MH released at that time. The same thing happened with various gta titles. I've been wanting another manhunt but i really don't think R* might think of making another MH title for the same reasons.


What i mean with the graphic part is that for the time MH 1 and 2 were released the game was voilent itself with the sound effects it had. The graphics were total crap obviously. Nowadays it's different. If R* ever thought of making another Manhunt for sure they would have to increase the amount of detail on the executions the player would perform on enemies. There's no telling the amount of controversy it would've caused.

Edited by GTA_The_Series
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You know, Manhunt 3 still could be a thing
Yes, the only downside would be that there would be no console port, only PC
Take a look at HATRED, only available on Steam, Manhunt 3 would be too then. Too bad it would be Take2's decision on the entire franchise

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Yes, from what is known/rumoured about it, Bully 2 was a thing in 2009, then canned, it was a thing again in 2011, then canned.

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Yes, from what is known/rumoured about it, Bully 2 was a thing in 2009, then canned, it was a thing again in 2011, then canned.

And not forgetting Shawn Lee said he finished composing most of the score for the 2009 version of Bully 2 before it was sent to the vaults, and then the name change to Bully II at some point before 2011. The project must have been pretty far along for the music to be worked on and for specific scenes to be scored, so I always wonder if this game ever comes out, will that content made nearly 10 years ago be in it?
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I'd imagine that it's a difficult game to get right. It's not like GTA where you can just whip up a city, throw some cars, NPC's, guns and police in and you have the foundation of the game. For a game like Bully everything needs to make sense or the game simply becomes it's title, which isn't really what the original game was about.


I don't see a sequel ever happening personally. No super duper inside sources or anything, I just think it's a game that would have a lot of issues during development from a design stand point and that it's not worth it when they can put that time and effort elsewhere.

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I don't see a sequel ever happening personally. No super duper inside sources or anything, I just think it's a game that would have a lot of issues during development from a design stand point and that it's not worth it when they can put that time and effort elsewhere.

Bully II is worth every struggle ... hell I'd prefer Bully II over RDR2 any day!

Too 'bad' R* already announced RDR2 as their next game, otherwise we'd all be anticipating a reveal of Bully II at this point.

They have to bring it back, the schoolyard is just a phenomenal theme to play with and has been done maybe not even a handful times in gaming in all those years.

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I don't see a sequel ever happening personally. No super duper inside sources or anything, I just think it's a game that would have a lot of issues during development from a design stand point and that it's not worth it when they can put that time and effort elsewhere.

Bully II is worth every struggle ... hell I'd prefer Bully II over RDR2 any day!

Too 'bad' R* already announced RDR2 as their next game, otherwise we'd all be anticipating a reveal of Bully II at this point.

They have to bring it back, the schoolyard is just a phenomenal theme to play with and has been done maybe not even a handful times in gaming in all those years.



Clearly they don't think so if they've canned it twice. :lol:

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Um, yes, that's a contest that ran when Bully first released. A lot of people have some of these goodies, pretty interesting stuff.

Edited by Spider-Vice
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It's just because they replaced all the Bully pages with the Scholarship Edition ones. Those are from the original Canis Canem Edit for the PS2.

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I thought someone confirmed Rockstar phaggot was fake? Is he or is he not?


Not to my knowledge. His information was always pretty much spotless. He might have not been a Rockstar employee and could have been fed info but that's no reason to dismiss his info about Bully/RDR2. We'll have to see on that but his track record is 100% so far.

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